One Piece Talent Reset System

Chapter 293 Let go, I'm a righteous man

Bonney is still waiting for Ryuzaki to invade her like a hungry tiger!

But Ryuzaki is having a bad temper!

Bonney was embarrassed and annoyed, and secretly scolded Ryuzaki for being too annoying. Are you a child? The eager stall is still angry?

Sauce's perverts are simply rare in the world.

Please don't be tantalizing, okay?

Come on, the old lady spreads her big white legs. Come in, come and spoil me!

But Ryuzaki doesn't, he doesn't!

Ryuzaki arrogantly threw Bonney aside, raised his steps, and left!

Yes, leave!

Bonney is really dumbfounded, no tears, no tears, what do you think? Didn't I just fail to ask you for help sooner? Are you getting angry? This... what kind of person is this...

What to do now?

Could it be that the old lady will send it upside down, begging him to spoil herself?

Thinking about that scene, Bonney felt like he was guilty of a sword!

But... but if you don't do this, how can you save Bartholemew Kuma?

Besides, Ryuzaki won't let Bonney go!

Bonney is anxious! 10

It's all here!

She didn't care about her face anymore, she jumped out of bed, rushed up in three steps and two steps, and hugged Ryuzaki's thigh.

"Ryuzaki, good Ryuzaki, we can discuss everything, we can discuss..."

"No, there is no need to discuss, hmph, don't think that you are beautiful, I am interested in you, tell you, all the women of this king are beautiful."


Bonney was about to get angry, but for the sake of the bigger picture, he had to swallow it up.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault, I should have come to you earlier, come, let's go to bed! Let me serve you."

Bonney grabbed Ryuzaki's hand and pleaded with the sword.

Ryuzaki shook it away fiercely: "Let go, this king is a righteous-kunzi."

Is... Masaru-kunzi?

Bonney was almost nauseous, even vomited!

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless things. Who doesn't know your virtue? You're still a real person -kun, I bah——

Bonney pooh Ryuzaki in her heart, but...she can only pooh a few times in her heart. On the surface, she still wants to compliment Ryuzaki.

"Yes, yes, you are a righteous man-kun, it's all my sword, I take the initiative to seduce you..."

As Bonney said, he took the initiative to wrap Ryuzaki's arm in his arms, thinking, let this man feel the softness of my chest, he should not be able to hold it!

However, Ryuzaki threw his hands angrily, looking like he was righteous.

If you didn't know this person's temperament in advance, I'm afraid he would have been deceived by his pretentious posture!

Seeing this, Bonney couldn't help it!

"It's enough!"

Bonney stood up and put his hands on his hips: "That's enough, you swordsman, there's a limit to your pretence, how long are you going to tease me?"

Ryuzaki put a hand on Bonney's shoulder, and said indifferently: "Trying you for a long time, the sea will rot!"

Bonney burst into tears, isn't this a confession line? You use it on this, is it suitable? Is it really suitable?

Bonney burst into tears, isn't this a confession line? You use it on this, is it suitable? Is it really suitable?

Bonney understands!

She really understood, it turned out that this is the sword man.

Somehow, deep down in Bonney's heart, he was convinced!

If one day, who dares to call himself a swordsman, Bonney will definitely slap his hand without hesitation, swordsman? just you? you too? Tell you ignorant fools that Ryuzaki is the real sword man!

Then pinch... Bonney is like an abandoned woman, sitting on the floor resentfully, watching the tall figure, gradually leaving, unable to tell the heart, unspeakable sadness.

The reason for this is because Ryuzaki used the accumulated peach blossoms for Bonney.

Bonney, who was originally full of resentment against Ryuzaki, but for some reason, watching Ryuzaki leave her alone, his heart is actually empty.

Even Bonney didn't believe it, really couldn't believe it, she... She actually started to like Ryuzaki.

God, this... what the hell is going on here? Is the old lady shaking M?

Bonney was confused, he just muttered to himself: "His back is so handsome, whether he throws me away or violates me, he is so charming and manly!"

Abandoning Bonney, Ryuzaki gave the order to fight, telling his troops to resume their advance, and he was going to sweep the Grand Line.

This is a godsend opportunity!

Truly a godsend.

Originally, Ryuzaki's plan was to push the Grand Line by force against the World government after two years of repairs.

In the end, the turning point was unexpectedly gratifying. In the chaos of New World, Marine lost all his soldiers, especially the elite soldiers at the grassroots level, and was completely consumed by Akainu.

Akainu is a radical.

For Ryuzaki, the radicals are ok, wow!

Soldiers who dare not advance are immediately executed, and then die!

Everyone eagerly competed to be cannon fodder, impassioned immortal.

Of course, if you die, you die, and if Marine recruits, he will definitely be able to replenish his troops quickly.

But the problem is that untrained soldiers and elite naval soldiers are completely different things.

The former went to the battlefield and had almost no fighting power.

The latter, it takes time to train.

During the two years that Ryuzaki was silent, Marine was naturally training.

However, when New World was in chaos, Akainu's participation in the war almost exhausted the elite soldiers he had trained in recent years.

If nothing else, to control the territory, soldiers are always needed.

No matter how strong Admiral is, can it be spread to hundreds of islands? Can it be spread evenly across thousands of small towns?

Marine, who has experienced the chaos of New World, is currently in a situation where the middle and low-level losses are serious.

First the Summit War, and then the New World chaos engulfed in the quagmire of Operation Ace.

Naval Headquarters continues to recruit elites from all over the world, batch after batch of wear and tear.

It's not just the Naval Headquarters that has been lost, but also the branches all over the world. After all, the branches have all sent you the best of Naval Headquarters, and the ones left behind are really unpopular soldiers!

But it happened... In this battle, the target Fire Fist Ace was not killed.

After losing so much, Fire Fist Ace didn't die?

This shit, the World government is really annoying, Akainu, you bastard, can you do it?

It is because you are Akainu that we will let you bite.

The result was good, Ace was still alive and kicking.

As the marshal of Akainu, he was scolded by the Five Elders. He felt that he had lost all face! .

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