One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 78: sell goods

There will be later.


According to the middle-aged man at the port, this brightly lit town is the underground world. However, after Simon carried the treasure into the town, he realized that the town was very ordinary.

To talk about how ordinary and ordinary, if you compare any small town in the world, you can't find any difference.

At this time of night, there is no sunlight between heaven and earth, the night sky is full of stars, and the first bright moon shines brightly, but it is not as bright as the lights that illuminate the sky in the small town.

On the streets of the town, many people come and go, all wearing civilian clothes. The bars on both sides of the street will make lively noises from time to time. There is always the sound of bargaining in the shops. In the restaurant near the square, there is a melodious and pleasant sound. The sound of the music, no matter from which point of view, this is a very ordinary town. The only thing that makes people feel strange is that there are too many lights in the town.

Frowning and walking for a while, Simon subconsciously thought that this town would not be a trading place in the underground world, but he felt a little wrong in his heart.

Stopping and stopping, Simon glanced at the pedestrians on the street. When he saw the indifferent expressions of those pedestrians, he suddenly came over and understood where the trace of inappropriateness in his heart came from.

Compared with ordinary people on the street, the epee behind Simon and the package with obvious objects raised are very eye-catching, but after such a long journey, Simon never felt any gaze on him pause for even a second.

"If you don't understand, then ask."

Simon patted his forehead, and while he was laughing to himself, he asked an ordinary-looking woman who approached him: "Big sister, where is the underground world?"

The question is very direct, as if the four characters of the underground world are normal, whether it is a tavern or a restaurant.

The woman glanced at Simon with a flat expression. She didn't show any strange behavior because of the four characters in the underground world. She just moved her raised arm and stretched out her index finger to point in one direction.

"Sure enough, it's not normal here."

Looking at the performance of the woman in front of him, Simon thought to himself, looking in the direction pointed by the woman, that direction was in the center of the town, and there was a building that seemed tall in the town, and the building the woman was referring to was .

After the woman pointed the direction, she silently passed over Simon and left.

Simon looked at the woman who was leaving with some doubts. He could see that the woman was an ordinary person, but it seemed a little unusual. A person who didn't know what to fear was not ordinary.

In other words, the underground world is not enough to scare her.

Shaking his head, Simon didn't think much, just walked in the direction pointed by the woman, passing by a clothing store, Simon thought about it, went into the store and bought a black hooded cloak to put on.

At the beginning, Simon was also prepared that the clothing store did not have this kind of cloak, but after entering the store, he found that he was wrong, and there were a lot of such cloak styles in the store.

I bought one and put it on. It took Simon a while to come to the building that the woman pointed to. Standing in front of the building, when Simon saw the four big characters on the plaque, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The four big characters written on the plaque are impressively the underground world.

For a moment, Simon had a feeling of being played. The building in front of him looked like a bar from the outside, but he didn't hear the noise and clinking glasses that a bar should have.

It was very quiet, so quiet that Simon felt strange, and his expression slowly became serious and serious.

Without hesitation, Simon pressed the brim of his hat, pushed open the door of the bar, and stepped in.

As soon as he entered the bar, Simon thought he had entered a different world.

The lights are bright outside, but the light inside the bar is dim. It occupies a large area, but there is only a bar cabinet directly opposite the door, and there is not even a set of tables and chairs.

If it wasn't for a man in a bartender's costume standing behind the bar cabinet, and a row of dazzling drinks on the cabinet, Simon wouldn't believe that this was a bar.


The door behind him automatically closed, and the light became much darker. Two white candles hung on the walls on the left and right sides of the bar cabinet. The light source for the entire bar was the two white candles that were about to burn out.

Seeing this bar, Simon felt a little interesting.

After Simon came in, the bartender in the bar didn't react at all, and kept wiping the glass in his hand with his head down.

There were still no chairs in front of the bar cabinet, Simon walked quickly to the bar cabinet and quietly watched the busy bartender.

He wore a black eye patch on his right eye that only a pirate would wear. A few hideous scars extended from the eye patch, like a few centipedes. There was a thick moustache on the corner of his lips, and several shallow grooves were eroded by time on his forehead. , is a middle-aged man.


Just when Simon was just looking at the facial features of the middle-aged man, the latter suddenly spoke up, his voice was abrupt and indifferent. In this dark and silent space, it would really startle ordinary people.

"How to buy it?" Simon asked calmly.

The middle-aged bartender slowly raised his head, his left eye filled with indifference stared at Simon, whose face was hidden, and glanced at the package Simon was carrying behind him, and said, "Buy it with money."

Simon frowned slightly, tapped his index finger on the bar cabinet, and said, "I have money, but how can I buy it?"

"You don't have any money." The middle-aged bartender said lightly, and put the brightly polished glass in his hand, "People who come here only need The currency of the transaction can only be money, do you think To buy goods, you have to exchange that bag of **** treasure for money."

Simon raised his eyebrows in surprise, the treasure smelled of blood, but he didn't smell it.

"Must only be money?"

"I'm not repeating it a second time."

The bartender looked indifferent, then took the glass from the cabinet and wiped it slowly and very seriously.

"I'm curious, why do you say this bag of treasure has a **** smell?"

Simon was not in a hurry to have money or not, and asked interesting questions.

The bartender didn't look at Simon, lowered his head and wiped the glass, and said, "This is the reason why you can come here. The underground world only welcomes dirty and **** money. If you don't have any money, go and exchange your treasure for money first. Come again."

Dirty and **** money...

Listening to the bartender's words, Simon's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he quickly restrained himself. He threw the package heavily on the bar counter with a backhand and made a bang. The bartender raised his head and frowned slightly.

Simon patted the package lightly and said lightly, "I'm here to sell the goods."

The bartender raised his brows and looked at Simon with surprise.

Where is the underworld?

The largest and most complex black market in the New World.

There are weapons, intelligence, devil fruits, and sea tower stones, but there is only no treasure.

Carrying a bag of treasures to sell in the underground world is undoubtedly a funny thing that no one would do, but Simon did it. Under the surprised eyes of the bartender, Simon's expression was dull.

Taking a deep look at Simon, the bartender paused and suggested, "Any shop outside can exchange money."

"I'm here to sell." Simon said lightly.

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