One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 101: candy

A piece of white paper will not be white forever. It only takes a little bit of dirty air to print a pair of dark and cold pupils on everything that is white.

Caesar's actions were like those pair of pupils, which made the anger in the hearts of the Straw Hats unbearable, like a volcano that had been lurking for a long time, waiting to erupt at all times, and it would spew out hot anger at any time.

With such anger, after seeing the woman standing at the door with a bag of so-called candy in her hand, she burst out in vain...

That kind smile is not an angel, but a demon...

Standing at the door, Monet chuckled as he looked at the children who were gradually losing their minds, and shook the candy in his hand, like a witch who tempted Snow White to swallow a poisoned apple, full of temptation to face the man who was tightly bound by the straw hat group. The children said: "Want candy? Then come here... Just follow me and there will be candy to eat..."

The children, who were in great pain, were like sharks smelling blood, their pupils slowly lost focus, and they suddenly struggled.

"Boom boom..."

"how come!"

Usopp looked at the vines that were broken by the children in amazement, and some couldn't believe that the children had this kind of power.

Franky, who controlled the children with both hands, felt the force in his arms, and his expression changed.

This vain change is all because of the candy in the hand of the woman at the gate, which is the substance Chopper said.

Immediately, Nami's expression became serious...

When they first arrived in this room, the children were just miserable and had not reached the point of being uncontrollable, but when the woman showed up with the candy, everything changed drastically.

This is the terrifying effect of that substance, which can make people lose their minds and exert powers beyond their own flesh.

Brook slowly pulled out the knife in the crutch, stared coldly at the woman standing in front of the gate, and said solemnly, "This act is unforgivable!"

The samurai from Wano country looking for his son silently pulled out the saber that could cut through the flames. What he was thinking at the moment was exactly what Brook said.

Nami pursed her lips and said decisively, "I can't let the children touch that bag of candy again."

Brooke and the samurai nodded at each other.

Monet still chuckled, but her eyes were full of disdain, and she just said lightly: "Are you praying that a person who has been fasting for 30 days will not touch the food in front of him? How can you understand this bag in my hand? Candy appeals to kids."

"Sister Monet..."

The only big-headed girl who had not been eroded by candy looked at Monet with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe that this was the true face of the friendly big sister in her memory. She wanted to see even a trace of apology, but her pretty face was full of expressions. Indifferent look.

So she was disappointed... and she cried out to her friends who were gradually losing their minds: "Didn't we say we're going to leave here? If you eat more candy, you won't be able to leave... It's not that we want to go back to see Mom and Dad. Do you? Wake up quickly!"

No matter how she shouted, the children who lost their focus only saw the candy in Monet's hand. In a tumult, they already waved their hands to hit Usopp and the others who were restraining them.

The children's riots made Chopper even more absolutely resistant to that kind of candy.

"In any case, I must develop an antidote for this candy!"

Chopper thought in his heart, but if he wants to develop an antidote, he needs his own samples. He raised his head and asked his friends: "Please, you must grab that bag of candy, only in this way can I study it. Get the antidote."

"An antidote?"

Monet sneered when she heard the words, not paying any attention to the hostility of Brook and others. She smiled lightly: "The starting point of Caesar's development of 'candy' was that there was no possibility of any cure. Do you understand their role? What kind of antidote is needed for the existence of change?"

"It's not difficult to recreate a group of giant soldiers! Do you understand?"

When Chopper heard the words, their eyes widened, and their anger broke out at this moment.

"Song of Soul Trembling."

Brook held the knife forward, and without a word, attacked like thunder, turned into a black shadow and passed through Monet, and Monet made a deep mark on the snow with his ability. Nai shot out, and Brooke suddenly appeared behind Monet.


After a few soft sounds, Monet's body was torn apart, but there was still a smile on his pretty face, and his severed arm was also suspended in mid-air.

"A fruit of the natural system..."

There seemed to be flames beating in the empty eyes, it was anger, Brook turned around and calmly looked at Monet, whose body was reunited, without the slightest accident.

Because in the few knives that were cut off, there was no blood flowing.

Monet, who was safe from Brook's blow, shook the candy in his hand and sneered: "Even if you grab the candy, it won't change anything, the toxicity has penetrated deep into their bones, if there is really resistance in this world There's only one way to do this poison, scrape their bones into a piece of tissue paper!"

The indifferent words are like the cold wind in the winter night, stabbing the Straw Hats into despair...

Looking at the tightly bound children, Nami's heart ached.

"Hey, let me go, I want candy!"

The children struggled harder and even showed signs of lethal attacks.

"Hey, this is not a good sign, Chopper quickly think of a way."

Quite embarrassed to avoid the child's fist, Usopp's face is ugly.

Chopper nervously injected sedatives for the children, and dropped an empty drug tube at his feet. However, after the last dose was used up, the children's struggles did not weaken in the slightest.

With a click, the syringe in his hand fell to the ground, and Chopper muttered to himself, "Not even a tranquilizer!"

Tea Beard on the side sighed and said, "Give it up, everything that lunatic does is extreme."

"Ha ha."

Monet spread his wings and flew into the air. Even if Brooke swung a knife at her, she did not act aggressively, but kept seducing the children.

"Come on, let me see the results!"

At this moment, she just wanted to see the embarrassment of the Straw Hats being attacked by the children and unable to fight back.

As if Monet's words had an effect, the children bound by Usopp and the others suddenly increased in strength, and they broke free and attacked Usopp and the others.

In their eyes, the Straw Hats who stopped the candy eaters were the enemy, and they immediately attacked without mercy.

In the face of the children's attacks, Usopp and the others could only dodge without fighting back, but Teabeard didn't have that much burden in their hearts. Seeing a child throwing a fist at him, a fierce light flashed on their faces~ The huge fist met the child's fist.

With this punch, I am afraid that the child will be fractured on the spot.

"Jet Fist!"

Franky shouted loudly, and his steel fist shot out, knocking Teabeard's fist away.

The irrational child couldn't care less, and immediately slammed into Teabeard's huge body with a punch.


Like the muffled sound of the air, there was still surprise on Chabeard's face, and the huge body flew out backwards.

Franky, who blocked Teabeard's attack, was also surprised by the child's strength.

Monet, who spread his wings and fluttered in the air, flashed a strange color in his eyes. The research was more successful than expected. If so, he would be able to independently create a group of crazy warriors.

The children's rioting caused a lot of trouble for the Straw Hats.

"Then, this bag of candy is for you."

Seeing that the Straw Hats couldn't stop the children at all, Monet sneered and tossed the candy in his hand.

Immediately, the children's eyes were all focused on the bag of candy, and the straw hats were taken aback. They had to block the children no matter what, so that the children could no longer eat candy.

However, in the face of children whose strength has greatly increased but cannot attack, can they really stop them?


At this moment, a wall in the room exploded in vain, and the blasted air wave set off a small snowstorm in the room.

In the blizzard, a figure came out slowly.

"I think you know where Caesar is."

A voice as cold as a blade shot into Monet's ears, and through the layers of white snow, Monet seemed to see the figure's eyes.

As cold as a dead place!

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