One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 106:

The gathering of the Straw Hats seems to be mostly joyful, but they don't know that Duflamingo has come to the outside of the base.

The base of Punk Sahad is not unimportant to Duflamingo, but it is not as important as Caesar. It is okay if the base is destroyed, and it is okay if SAD is destroyed. As long as Caesar is there, these things can be rebuilt.

However, Duflamingo thought that Luo's purpose was to destroy SAD and kill Caesar. In fact, his guess was wrong...

In any case, his trip to retake Caesar is the first, and the second is...killing Simon.

"Tsk tsk."

As if marveling at the power of the poisonous fog, Duflamingo glanced at the pale stone statue that appeared after the poisonous fog was blown away, and clicked his tongue slightly.

He did not enter the base, but waited outside. Through the previous call, Duflamingo asked Caesar to leave the base directly, and he was waiting outside.

Caesar, who was in the control room, was in a dilemma at the moment. He ignored the situation in the SAD storage room, and instead looked at the monitoring screen with a tangled expression.

There were obstacles in the three ways to leave the base on the R3 floor, which made Caesar's forehead full of sadness.

Among the three roads, there are Luffy with a puzzled and confused face, Smog with a cold face, and Simon with an expressionless face.

As if they had made an appointment, the three chose different paths, but they blocked Caesar's life and approached the control room.

"Damn, which way to choose?"

Sweat seeped from his back, and Caesar held his head in his hands in agony.

Simon, who is immune to poison gas, is his nemesis. Obviously, this path is not an option, and Smog, who has natural ability and a domineering armament, is also a difficult character. , and finally fell on Luffy who was puzzled and confused.

"You are the weakest here! Just choose this path."

Relying on the elimination method and the judgment ability of turtle feet, Caesar chose the path that Luffy was on.

After making up his mind, he turned around and instructed his subordinates: "You are divided into two teams, go to R3-6 and R3-10 respectively. Whenever you see any intruders, kill them."

"Yes! Lord M."

As if they had full confidence in Caesar, they went to the place instructed by Caesar without saying a word, and did not see Caesar who watched them leave, with a sinister smile and indifference.

If you see it, will you still stick to what you think?

Under the false mask, after all, it is a fact that is unwilling to admit, and in the end, it will only continue to deceive itself.

Watching his subordinates leave for a long time, Caesar looked back at Vergo, who was at a disadvantage in the screen, smiled cruelly, and lifted a square glass cover on the console. There was a red button inside, and in front of the button was a pattern of a skull and crossbones. .

This button is the switch to start the self-destruction program of the base. Of course, Caesar was not stupid enough to choose to die with the base. Instead, he added a 30-point countdown to the self-destruction program before pressing the button ruthlessly.

After glancing at the red numbers displayed on the screen, Caesar sneered, and Shi Shiran walked towards the gate.

"You guys, just be blown to pieces with the base!"

The three roads are in different directions, perhaps because of God's blessing, the road that Caesar chose for Luffy is the closest road to Duflamingo.

Caesar, who left, did not pay attention to the Straw Hats on the R2 floor.

Kinemon who came to Punksahad to find his son Momonosuke, Mocha, who woke up, told Kinemon that Momonosuke had become a dragon.

Immediately, the dragon that Jinwei had killed before was associated with the dragon Mocha said, thinking that he killed Momanosuke with his own hands, and cried out in grief.

Brooke, who was involved in killing the dragon, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Looking at Kinemon's sad tears, the rest of the people were helpless and didn't know what to do.

Mocha inadvertently heard what Chopper said about the slain dragon. He frowned and shook his head: "The dragon that Momonosuke turned into is very long and very small."

Crying stopped...

"Is it true?"

Kin'emon's eyes widened, for fear that what Mocha said was a little false.

Mo Cha nodded, "Pomonosuke doesn't know where to hide in order to avoid the bad guys at the base. The base people can't find him, so he should hide in a safe place."

"safe place?"

For them who are not familiar with the base at all, it is impossible to guess where this safe place is.

Teabeard in the corner also pondered...

In the R3 passage, Simon dragged Monet forward and walked through passages. He was also considering whether it would be better to kill Monet directly.

Monet felt Simon's murderous intent towards him, and his face was still calm.

In such a situation, she had no hope of life at all, or in other words, life and death had already been put aside. If he can survive now, Monet's only idea is to tell the Joker about Simon's ability.

Not killing him for two years is undoubtedly the biggest mistake the young master has made in his life.

This man... is really dangerous.

Monet thought silently, and couldn't help worrying about the young master.

Not for safety, but worried that Simon, this man, will have an irreversible impact on the young master's plan.

After a while of deliberation, Simon decided to kill Monet directly. He originally planned to kill Monet in front of Duflamingo, but on second thought, it was unnecessary.

Murderous, suddenly without reservation...

At this moment, Monet also sensed Simon's murderous intention, and smiled bitterly, after all, he was unable to exert his last strength.

"It's not worth keeping you at all, it's better to With a light sentence, the domineering palm of the armed color climbed up Monet's white neck, and under the gaze of those eyes full of hatred, a ruthless one With a click, Monet's neck was simply twisted.

The vitality dissipated from Monet's eyes and gradually dimmed, and he died in such a shameful way of dying.

Letting go of Monet's gradually icy body, Simon didn't take another look, and turned to look forward.

The decision to kill Monet was also due to the presence of a group of people in front of him. Although this reason was relatively minor, it also played a decisive role.

"The rabble, is it confusing, or is the direction of this road right?"

Looking at the weak crowd in front, Simon thought to himself, in his eyes, the murderous crowd in front were like ants.

And Caesar sent this group of people, it should not be confused, but to stop his own footsteps, that is to say, the chosen road has been approaching Caesar, so Caesar quickly sent people to break the trail.

And, from this, Caesar began to run for his life...and this group of people was only used to delay time.

"It's naive."

After figuring out the joints, Simon smiled coldly.


On the other hand, Smog also encountered someone who blocked him, and immediately had the same idea as Simon.

Since it is to delay time, then use the thunder method to kill, then the effect of delaying time is equal to nothing!

And Luffy naturally encountered Caesar. After seeing Caesar, Luffy can be said to be full of anger. He hated to punch Caesar, and he did not take Luo's explanation to heart at all.

Seeing Luffy's fierce appearance, Caesar froze in his heart, feeling in vain that he seemed to have made a wrong choice.

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