One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Kuzan's eyes

No one can stop you when you want to sleep...

What an ordinary sentence, but it really answered all that Simon was hesitating.

The moist sea breeze was still washing the entire island, Simon silently looked up at the night sky, and his thoughts were disturbed by silence.

Time passed slowly, the night was late, and it was cold...

Losing the delicious roasted animal leg in his hand, Kuzan seems to have lost his only interest in killing time. Generally speaking, this time should be the best time to sleep, but somehow, under the caress of the sea breeze , actually did not sleep at all.

Still a little concerned...

This was the reason Kuzan found for himself to be unable to sleep. He cared about the young man not far from him.

I care about Simon's current and future thoughts, what choices Simon will make in the face of this situation, and what role Simon will play in the future.

From the first meeting to the present, Kuzan has always believed that Simon's future will be extraordinary, and it turns out that this belief has been fully proved.

Even though he now exists in this world in a state wanted by the government, Kuzan still believes that Simon will go far, far, far beyond his expectations.

It is precisely because of this that Kuzan is very concerned about Simon's thoughts. Just like the question Simon asked before, he actually wants to ask this question and wants to know the answer to this question.

In addition to the sound of the waves and the wind on the island at night, there was only a faint crackling sound from the almost burned dead wood.

"In the past two years, I have occasionally gone out to relax. I usually stay on the island, but I'm just waiting."

Kuzan rested his head on his hands, and the dim light of the fire flickered on his face, making people wonder what he was thinking.

Simon recovered from the silence, and his eyes were cast on the extraordinary face that was set off by the firelight.

As a matter of fact, Kuzan’s ignorance of world affairs on a small island was just made up. He was not motivated by selfishness or desire for power when he fought for the position of marshal. He just thought that Akainu was not suitable for that simple. If you didn't win it, as the price of failure, you needed to leave as a loser, and then gave up the position of general.

This kind of abandonment does not mean that it has since separated from the navy.

The familiarity that a person has accumulated for most of his life, how can it be so simple and easy to wipe away.

So most of the time, although it is as simple as nesting on the island, Kuzan occasionally rides a bicycle to go out to relax, but in fact, he still pays more or less attention to the news about the Navy.

Throwing almost all of his combat power into the new world and confronting the Four Emperors is not unexpected. Kuzan's decision to abandon the tranquility of the first half of the great channel and go all out has always been Akainu's tough style, a kind of A tough style completely different from Sengoku!

After the navy officially entered the new world, the future trend of the situation has become a necessity.

Anyone with a little vision clearly realized that when Sakaski chose to step into the other party's territory, the deformed peace between the pirates and the navy would be completely destroyed sooner or later. When Ji cast such a big hand, the great collision between the two forces was already an inevitable result, and the next thing was just a matter of time. It can be said that only a fuse of sufficient weight is needed. It's no surprise that the results will come early.

And just when Kuzan learned that the Navy had developed a powerful weapon technology from the relics left behind by the lunar men, he vaguely felt that an unprecedented collision was about to usher.

At that time, in the collision of various major forces, personal strength is nothing at all, because that is a collision that will affect most of the world.

After so many years in the Warring States period, he tried his best to keep the situation unchanged, even launching the decision of Qiwuhai, but he didn't want such a situation where Mars hit the earth, because he couldn't predict who would win and who would lose in the collision at that time. Or the world will fall into a trend of gradual collapse because of this, or even, the world will once again face the result of shuffling!

At that time, the navy may no longer be the navy and the party representing justice, and the pirates may no longer be pirates and the party representing evil.

Therefore, the Warring States did not choose this method, because the possibility of such an outcome could not be tolerated, but Sakaski chose this method decisively after the fall of Whitebeard. There may still be a few chances to kill the pirates. The practice of uprooting power, or the practice of collapsing and reorganizing the world.

Kuzan doesn't agree with this approach, or he doesn't agree with Sakaski's personal style, but in the end, he can only wait until that day comes, and then use his own strength to fight for even the slightest bit. change.

But what can a person change? He will only be submerged in the ruthless and icy waves, even a little struggle seems powerless, and he can only be swallowed up safely.

But Simon's appearance made Kuzan feel a throbbing, especially after knowing the secret behind the red eye, this throbbing was closer to the heart.

At that time, in the war on the top, why did Whitebeard leave Simon's life, Kuzan has always been curious, at least he didn't think it was just an ordinary gift, in the eyes of the man known as the strongest in the world, a man in the It is impossible for Whitebeard to not understand how much threat the potential nova of the opposite will pose to pirates in the future.

But that's what Whitebeard did...

"Do you know what I'm waiting for?" Kuzan asked with a smile, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he made a decision in his heart.

Simon shook his head, a little strange at the change in Kuzan's mood at the moment.

"I'm waiting for the wave that will change the format of the world."

Kuzan, who has always been lazy and even a little rude, looked so awe-inspiring under the almost extinguished firelight.

Simon's pupils shrank, and his heart shook slightly.

A wave that changes the format of the world?

Just the six words of changing the world format made Simon feel a little ridiculous.

" I don't look forward to that day, but that day will come, maybe in the not-too-distant days." In the dark passage: The Five Old Stars threw away your chess piece in such a hurry, maybe they are also preparing for the upcoming collision involving the entire world.

"I don't understand." Facing Kuzan's unprecedented serious expression and tone, Simon frowned slightly, but there was a trace of ominousness and agitation in his heart.

Kuzan sighed softly. He is not a person who is good at judging the current situation, nor is he a person who is good at planning like Lieutenant General Crane and Warring States, so he can only wait quietly, waiting for that day to come, and Not knowing in advance when that day will come.

For those big men, what he has is a vision that is different from ordinary people, and there are not a few people who have the same vision as him.

"Simon, do you know why the Navy has not been able to erase the existence of pirates from this world for decades?" Kuzan said calmly: "Is it because the strength and power of the Navy can't do this? "

"No, the reason why the Navy can't get rid of the pirate power is because the price to pay is too great, and it will even face the possibility of being subverted, so the era of pirates will never end."

Simon's brows frowned deeper, and he said lightly, "I still don't understand."

If he didn't understand two in a row, Kuzan naturally wouldn't be like a teacher who educates students.

"The prelude to the war, the big event in the Holy Land Mary Joa, the navy that has settled in the new world and mastered large-scale thermal weapon technology, and the help of emerging characters...will eventually change the direction of this world."

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