< face the soldiers to check again, Luo could only hide from the corpse, and then escaped

>< was at a loss, very disgusted with the world, because of the ridiculous reasons, he was forced to lose everything, he hated !! he must take revenge on the world>


Reilly "If he has been blinded by hatred, his future must be very hard" ( ́ . .̫ . ')

Newgate" Kulalala, I will definitely meet the person I expect to meet (◦ ̇▽ ̇◦), the future is all these children's

"Karp has already seen it" haha, in the future I want this little ghost to become a navy with my grandson ( ̩̩̩̆ ε ̩̆ƪ)"

Bogart looked at his commander and smiled, he didn't want to hit Mr. Karp anymore

< just like that, Luo is determined to die, he tries to join the Don Quixote family, intending to use his last 3 years of life to bring disaster to the world>

"It turned out to be Doflamingo's pirate !!

" "It's really surprising, what happened later"

At this time, Sengoku had just gotten the information, and a navy codenamed Corazon had died, and Sengoku hid his face in his office and cried bitterly-

Corazon has been following him since he was very young, no different from his adopted son, for them, the greatest grief is that the white-haired man sent the black-haired man

suddenly heard the Doflamingo Pirates on the screen, and the whole person stayed there, looking at Luo tightly, "Is this the child you protected... Corazon..."

< Luo wrapped his body, everyone looked at him with fear or disgust, they were afraid of him>

after many searches<, Luo came to Ming's territory, he walked towards Ming's with a look of disgust and resentment, "Let me join your pirates, I only have 3 years, I want to destroy this world" >< "I don't

trust anyone anymore" >

< Luo has been tested again and again, injured and fought and injured, and in the pirate family that many people accept or reluctantly accept, there is only one person who always opposes -

Corazon >< Corazon's face is painted with exaggerated clown makeup, although he can't speak, but he always viciously stops Ro with his actions, Corazon throws Roh out many times in the most brutal way, and physically threatens and intimidates him>

< > of hitting and threatening again and again

< Law was angry with Corazon, thinking that Corazon was disgusted with him, and that Rowe tried to defeat him, but couldn't>

Timeline 2

Some people who had already developed sympathy for Rowe began to disss Corazon "Why is he so cold-blooded

", "A child, why is he so

vicious", "This is a child!!

" "What a bastard (╬•᷅д•᷄╬)".

The condemnation from all over the country continued to

be heard by the Warring States when they saw Rosie Landi's behavior and understood, "Really protect this child<",

and finally, after a day of duel, Luo couldn't stand Corazon's threat, picked up a knife and stabbed Corazon, looking at the blood that flowed out, without fear, like a young beast guarding his dignity, glaring at >him angrily

< Luo didn't react to what he had done until a long time later, and he panicked when he thought of the rules prohibiting people who hurt each other's family, after all, although Corazon was average in strength, he had a very high status, and he was Ming's own brother><

just when Doflamingo found out that Corazon was wrong, and Luo had already imagined the end of his killing,—— Corazon denied it, lying that he had accidentally made >

< Luo's eyes widened slightly, he couldn't believe it, in Luo's heart, Corazon was the existence that this pirate group hated the most, such a good opportunity why... >


with a white beard" Kulalala, sure enough, he's a kind person

" Marco was a little surprised with his pineapple hair on his head, "Hey!~

"Reilly" Although this Corazon has been throwing Luo fiercely, in fact there are not too many injuries

"Waidibe" Indeed, it is estimated that the latter is about the matter between the two of them"

Karp munched on a doughnut The old man looks at him as a good boy, hahaha

"Timeline 2


Hey, hey!!, hey, Unexpectedly-"

There are also people who maliciously speculate

" must have their own minds" was immediately refuted again "How is it possible, in their family, it is to die for hurting cadres, if they are really disgusted, they must have told the truth a long time ago

" "So Corazon just wants Luo to leave, and does not want him to be punished" (. ì _ í。 )(。 ì _ í。 )

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