, and Bucky resumed his identity as an arrested pirate in the face of the arrest of the navy "

Pirate Bucky, hurry up and arrest you, you are just an ordinary pirate now

" Bucky looked at the black and oppressive navy outside, and was very panicked, because he couldn't do it, he couldn't beat (ノ'⊿ ́)ノ "Ah!

"But it's okay, there's

Bucky" "Yo Xi

, Bucky, give them a look" "Roar" Bucky looked at his little brothers, feeling that he could do it again, and became arrogant

"Okay, little ones, give them some color

" "Enlightenment, navy" Bucky's

men were cheering for Bucky

, and

the camera turned to Bucky, who was in action, and only heard a sound of stealing fun" Then I... (˵ ̄͒ ̄͒〰˵) slipped away first"

... Amount... It's Bucky... >

timeline 1

: The Roger Pirates

... Silent

Shanks laughed "Bucky, you're so funny

" Jabba laughed out loud "Haha, the future of our ship's interns is very interesting"

Everyone was teasing Bucky

< the camera flickered and turned to a new environment


... Beaten... (ー_ー)!!

He was beaten to the ground, his head was full of bags, miserable, and he had a black knife on his neck, which big guy was it?!!—— it was Klockdahl and Hawkeye Mihawk>

*haha, the real big guy is here**Bucky's platoon** The two former Seven Martial Seas, one of them is ("ಡωಡ") the

first swordsmanƪ( ̆⌣ ̆)ʃ*

Timeline one

Bucky crouched in the corner, the background turned gray, his future self had no treasure, and he was beaten...

Shanks is still having fun "Haha

, Bucky, you look so funny, haha" "Ah, bastard Shanks, are you talking about my red nose, Yaga !!"

Timeline 2

Bucky Petrochemical ((유∀유|||)) , How did I provoke such a big guy

< the clever subordinates of the Cross Guild, such as the third brother who used to follow Klockdahl, (●_●) still don't believe that their president can recruit two pirates like Klockdahl and Mihawk,

but most of the pirates who escaped from prison with Bucky back then worship "worthy of Bucky's god" >


However, inside the tent, Klockdahl and Mihawk were sitting on the president's sofa, staring at Bucky Klockdahl grabbing Bucky's head, Mihawk pointed his sword at the blue-nosed and swollen Bucky Bucky

and apologized humbly, "I'm sorry, it's all the Navy's fault, you can call me at will, I can be a cow and a horse to repay you, don't kill me (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)"

Klockdahl: "The Cross Guild should be an organization founded by me and Hawkeye." ...!!Why do you become the president now!?Bucky...!"

A poster of the Cross Guild appeared on the screen, and Bucky's face appeared in the middle, and he felt like a boss


Mihawk said calmly, "You may be the first and the last, and you can become the one of the Four Emperors at the cost of a simple apology." If that's what you really mean, then go die..."

Klockdahl, as a pirate, doesn't want to be resigned to being subordinate, and feeling embarrassed is not enough to describe his current mood>

Timeline 2

"It's miserable, but it's funny (∩△∩)"

"Haha, I've become the Four Emperors"

and "Squayi (*^▽^*)".

< just when Lao Sha wanted to do it again and tell the truth, Mihawk stopped him, thinking that pushing Bucky to the front of the stage would save a lot of trouble, even if something happened, Bucky would be the first to hang (╥_╥)><

Galtino and other smart people recognized the current situation and hurriedly showed their loyalty to Lao Sha and Mihawk>

< that's it... Bucky became the Four Emperors, and the great god Bucky was born, embarking on the road to becoming emperors

and even the Cross Guild did the opposite, offering a bounty for the navy and shaking the sea, and Bucky became a world-famous sea thief >

... Hahaha... Bucky God

"It's so powerful, there is no one before or after

" "Indeed, it's incredible to be lucky

" "Roar roar, Bucky God~".

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