One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 258 Dalton's Landing on the Island

Under the Drum King's Palace, in that towering mountain, there is a prison. It is the only prison in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and now, Dalton, the former captain of the Magnetic Drum Guard and the animal-type cow fruit ability, is being imprisoned here.

Since the day Dr. Silke drank the wine with the bomb in front of Walpo and died unexpectedly, he stopped Chopper and let Chopper go, he was imprisoned by Walpo in this prison.

Along the cold and damp passage, Jess and Cromarimon walked all the way, and soon stopped in front of a cell.

"Dalton, Master Walpo wants to see you!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Dalton, who was covered in scars all over his body in the cell, raised his head, looked at the two Walpo's subordinates who were helping the evil, and spat in disdain.

"Bah! See me? Why does that bastard Walpo want to see me?"

"Bastard! How dare you call Master Walpo by his name! It seems that these years of prison life have not taught you to be loyal to the emperor and patriotism, Dalton, you traitor of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!"

Cromarimon yelled angrily, tore off a ball of static electricity from his head, and threw it at Dalton.


The electric current kept flickering in the darkness, causing Dalton to lie on the dirty floor uncontrollably.

But even though he was suffering, Dalton's eyes still showed no trace of timidity: "Traitor? It was Walpo who really betrayed this country! Look at the Drum Country now, she is not half as it used to be!"

For Walpo's dictatorship, Dalton has always been the one who suffered. He is the most loyal guard of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, but what is ridiculous is that because of his loyalty, he arrested so many doctors with his own hands, and became the driving force behind the destruction of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom in disguise.

In the past few years in prison, he also figured it out. Although the real prisoner in this country is Walpo, he is also a murderer. If given the chance, he would not mind giving up his life to make up for his sins.

"It's no use being stubborn, Dalton!"


"What a stubborn fellow!" After admonishing Dalton, Cromarimon shook his hand, ordering his followers to open the cell door and carry out Dalton who had collapsed on the ground.

When he came to the palace on the ground, Dalton was thrown heavily on the ground.

It was dark at night, but the palace was brightly lit, and there was no dark corner. Having not seen the light for a long time, Dalton could hardly open his eyes now, but even though his vision was blurred, he still recognized the fat figure.


Suddenly, Dalton suddenly got up from the ground, turned into a black bison, and rushed towards Walpo.

"Master Walpo!" The attack came so suddenly, Cromarimon and Jess did not expect Dalton to launch an attack at all, and suddenly exclaimed.

But Walpo didn't panic. Seeing the strong buffalo rushing towards him, he opened his mouth wide and aimed at Dalton, his tongue turned into a cannon!

The fuse of the cannon had been ignited, and it was about to fire.

next moment......


Accompanied by the sound of the cannon, the bison that was charging forward suddenly screamed and flew straight upside down.

"Hmph, dare to attack the king, Dalton, do you really want to die?"

His chest was scorched black, and Dalton, who had untransformed, coughed up a pool of blood, and stared at Walpo angrily: "I will never admit that you are my king!"

"Whether you admit it or not, Master Walpo is the king of this country, this is a fact."

Cromarimon came to Dalton and lifted him up: "Now, your king has something to tell you to do!"


With Loya's orders, Jones was going to stay up all night to spy on his targets tonight.

Well, spying on a talking tanuki was an interesting experience.

In the vicinity of this East Island, the temperature is cold, and the island tortoise, which has been swimming for a day, fell into a state of hibernation as soon as the sun went down.

There is a fireplace in the house, so that Jones will not feel the cold while keeping watch. But this feeling similar to blowing on the air conditioner and covering the quilt made him even more drowsy.

Around the middle of the night, a bright light suddenly dazzled his eyes, causing him to open them suddenly.

Those were a pair of feline eyes, allowing Jones to see clearly the situation on the dark sea in the dark.

"Huh? It's so late, is anyone still awake?"

The arrival of the island tortoise has greatly shocked the citizens of Drum Country.

However, because it is a legendary cannibal island with a bad reputation, those ordinary people did not have the courage to go to the island to check the situation. They usually returned home early, turned off the lights, and waited for the development of the situation with wide eyes.

But now it is possible to go to sea, only the army sent by the leader of this country.

Jones has seen this situation too many times. During his voyage, many countries that were approached by island turtles did this.

However, Jones is happy to hear this. Compared with the ragtag pirates, he thinks these well-trained kingdom soldiers are better to use, and they are good hands when they do their jobs!

The various defensive measures and artillery installed around the island tortoise are now built by pirates, but they cannot be built to the current level.

"However, since you dare to approach, I'm sorry." Jones narrowed his eyes slightly and activated the fruit ability.

Hum... woo... blah.

A series of low growls came from Jones' throat. The sound was not very loud, but the frequency was low and the penetration was strong. In just a few breaths, it spread to every corner of Turtle Island.

hold head high!

This is the response from the island turtle under his ass, expressing his understanding and dissatisfaction incidentally.

As a cold-blooded animal, the weather in the Drum Country is perfect for the island turtle to sleep, but now Jones wakes it up, and it's normal to get up a little angry.

"It's done, it depends on your performance."


Doctor 20 is worthy of being the famous doctor left by Walpo alone, and each of them is quite skilled in medicine. It only took a short time for Dalton's serious injury, and after treatment, it no longer affected his actions.

At this moment, Dalton was carrying the great sword on the door panel, and with the help of the monitors arranged by Walpo, he took a small boat and slowly approached the legendary cannibal island.

It was his original intention to come here to investigate. It's not that he was greedy for life and afraid of death, and succumbed to Walpo's despotic power. But the current target of this cannibal island is obviously the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. If the other party bumps into the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, he can't get used to Walpo, and he can't just sit back and watch the civilians die or get injured.

So here he is.

Halfway through the boat, the king's guard, who was monitoring the part-time boating by the way, let go of the oars and put on the life jacket neatly.

"Dalton, you can go the rest of the way by yourself! I'm going back!"

The king looks like that, how can he expect his soldiers to be better? In Walpo's view, it doesn't matter whether Dalton can bring back the news. Anyway, he has a lot of subordinates, so apart from the two of them, there is no third person to monitor.

After speaking, the guard jumped into the sea and swam towards the shore.

Dalton ignored the fleeing guy. He picked up the oars on the boat and slowly rowed towards the island.

At this moment, a deafening growl came from the direction of Cannibal Island.

hold head high! ! !

The sea was swayed by low waves, which made Dalton's boat shake up and down uncontrollably.

"Have you found me yet?" Dalton stared, speeding up the rowing.

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