One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 314 The Muscular Stone and the Blind Lieutenant General Dalmesia

After roaring and venting his inner fear, Lieutenant General Dalmesia felt much better, sat down on the collapsed tree trunk, and asked Loya: "So... what are you doing? Where did these stones come from, and why do they look like some kind of architectural thing?"

Although he was relieved that Dalmesia didn't continue to trouble Loya, he was actually quite embarrassed now. The ghost knows why, obviously that stone looks the same as the previous ones, and the angle and size of the force are also the same, but this stone bounces up!

It goes so far with just one flick!

It almost hit Lieutenant General Dalmesia's head!

Hearing the other party's question, Loya explained with a sly smile: "What, I found an abandoned temple in the open space over there just now. I wanted to find out if there was anything good, so I took it apart come and see."

Even Loya didn't understand what was going on with that familiar feeling, and Dalmesia couldn't understand it when he said it. That being the case, Luo Ya simply omitted the rest of the explanation, and directly said that he had taken a fancy to the treasure inside.

This kind of thing is very normal in the world of One Piece. Treasure hunting is not the patent of pirates. The navy sometimes looks for treasures on some unregistered islands.

After all, the transportation in this world is too underdeveloped, and there are countless unknown islands, so Loya's explanation is not very strange.


"...Did you demolish their temple because they were looking for treasures..." Dalmesia looked at Luo Ya blankly, a little confused, and muttered to himself: "This It really looks like your style..."

But since there was nothing wrong, he didn't intend to investigate the reasons. He patted the dirt on his buttocks, stood up, and said to Loya, "Then, did you find anything good?"

"That's natural!"

Luo Ya smiled triumphantly, reached out and took out an exaggeratedly long long knife from behind!

Only then did Dalmesia see that there was such a thing tied behind Loya’s back that was covered by the dragon’s wings, and he immediately became interested, and stretched out his hand to pick it up: “It turned out to be a weapon!! Loya, your luck is really good, I ...AHHH!!! MY EYES!!!"

At the moment when he raised his hand, when the whole long knife came into view, Dalmesia felt a sudden burst of dazzling white light, blinding his dog's eyes!

In just a moment, he fell to the ground with his red eyes in his arms, tears and snot flowing from his nose.


Luo Ya lifted up the long knife strangely, and looked at the long knife that didn't move in a daze: "Hey, what's the situation? I didn't see anything!"

"Ah! Don't you see? That knife is shining! It's so dazzling!"

Lieutenant General Dalmesia rolled around on the ground in pain, he didn't look like he was acting at all. And through his powerful sense of hearing, Luo Ya clearly knew the other party's feelings now. Because it is this kind of tough lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, his heart starts beating rapidly at this moment.

This is definitely a situation that only occurs after suffering unbearable pain!

Immediately, Loya plunged the long knife into the soil, and then asked Lieutenant General Dalmesia: "I stuck it in the ground, now?!"

"I don't know! I can't see anything!"

Flash bombs can cause temporary blindness and deafness, tinnitus, and even inner ear damage,

Untrained people may also be stunned, so they are also called blinding bombs, stun bombs, etc.

Loya has never seen a real flash bomb explosion, but the light emitted by this weird long knife seems to be no different from the earth's flash bomb.

Most of the strong men in the world of One Piece are ordinary human beings. Perhaps their physical strength will exceed ordinary people's imagination when attacking and covered with armed arrogance, but the specific structure and weaknesses of the strong are actually different from ordinary people. no difference.

As a result, Lieutenant General Dalmesia, who was caught off guard by the sudden white light, was blinded and fell into a state of temporary blindness.

Perhaps, a little tinnitus and deafness.

Because he answered Loya's question with a very loud voice!

"Is this a ghost?! Why am I fine?" Luo Ya looked at the long knife completely submerged in the soil strangely, puzzled.


This is also a good opportunity!

Luo Ya's eyes were fixed, and he came directly to the bouncing stone, and the dragon claws of his right hand were close together to form a drill, and he ruthlessly dug inside.


With the sound of the sharp blade sinking, Loya's entire arm sank into the stone. Looking up at the sky and feeling the movement in his hands, Luo Ya carefully digs inside and touches a hard object.

"Found it! This is it!"

With a slight smile, Loya held the thing and retracted his hand, then put it into his trouser pocket.

Just when the stone flew out, the familiar feeling that was still lingering on the temple just now disappeared instantly, like a faucet being turned off. At the same time, the source of that feeling was moving at high speed, and its target was directly at this big rock.

Luo Ya didn't know what was so special about this stone, but his goal was here, so he rushed to catch up. It's just that who would have thought that after the stone hit a tree trunk, it would bounce back!

Still playing so far!

Fortunately, Lieutenant Admiral Dalmesia was very lucky, otherwise he would probably be the first lieutenant general in the headquarters to be accidentally injured and died by friendly forces in the history of the navy!

Putting that shiny thing into his pocket, the stone in front of him, like its predecessors, quickly turned into an ordinary stone. However, Loya narrowed his eyes slightly looking at the hole he inserted and the lines on the surrounding stone walls.

"Is this...muscle tissue?"

Even though the color is the same as that of ordinary stones, anyone who has seen blood will recognize the texture that is unique to the muscles.

Following Loya's movements, the stone that was suspected to be muscle quickly shattered and turned gray, and traces of ashes floated down from above. Then, in just a few seconds, the whole big rock turned into a cloud of white ash, scattered all over the ground.

Looking at this scene, Luo Ya only felt that something bad was about to happen.

Just a piece of muscle tissue is so huge, so what is the volume of its owner's body?

And the last time I saw this kind of behemoth was Titan Hook on Ian Island. Well, of course, the sea kings he had eaten during this period must be excluded.

That was not a good memory for Loya.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Dalmesia, who was lying on the ground panting over there, spoke weakly and called to Loya: "Loya, do you think I'm blind?"

"Blind ass!"

Luo Ya replied angrily: "Anyway, you are also a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, and you are also an animal-type fruit capable person. Your physical strength is not much inferior to that of a beast! Just one flash of light can blind you. If you are so squeamish, then our navy What else can I use to deal with pirates?"

After a pause, Loya continued: "I was flashed once when I saw this knife for the first time, and it's not in good shape now. Wait a minute, I'll get you some ice cubes. ')!!

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