Online Game: I Am the One

Chapter 77 The name of the person you like must be written in the textbook

Chapter 77: The name of the person you like must be written in the textbook

The birds were chirping while standing on the balcony. In a blink of an eye, you could see the birds arranging their feathers with their beaks. The balcony where the bird is standing is only a little more than two meters away from the hospital bed. Now there is a pair of smart eyes looking at it, but it is not afraid. The birds here are extremely bold and not very wary of humans.

The breeze always blows the curtains lightly, and the plastic curtains always make a "swish" sound when the wind blows. There is no noise, only tranquility. This sound makes people feel like they are sleeping.

"It sounds like a wind chime..."

The owner of those smart eyes thought so. I looked at the sky, the endless blue sky, with a few white clouds floating by occasionally, and imagined what their shapes looked like.

After a few moments of boredom, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

After a few breaths, I seemed to hear the laughter and chatter of the patients having fun on the lawn downstairs, sometimes far and sometimes near. For a moment, my mind became blurry, and I really fell asleep like that.

Ah Feng sat in the classroom again. It had been more than ten days since that incident. The support troops that arrived last quickly cleared the battlefield, and they had to overcome the nerve poison on their own. Fortunately, most people recovered after a few psychological treatments. The number of subsequent casualties was much smaller than expected. More than half of the people died, and all of them were disabled or injured, without any exception. As for the Japanese incident, Ah Feng has been too lazy to care about it. He only occasionally thinks of the appearance of the woman in the white ninja uniform that he has seen in the game.

The impact of this incident was so great that Ah Feng could predict it. Most of them were masters of the new generation, but now they were dead. It makes people feel helpless. After that incident, the Sky Level Challenge was not re-organized. It seemed that the impact this time was really great. Even if it was re-organized, if most of the contestants died, there would be no need to do it again. What Japan has offended this time is the entire martial arts community of Country Z. How to negotiate is no longer within A Feng's control.

But Ah Feng became more and more surprised when he thought about it, Yi Changkong's plan was so huge, the grievances between countries, and his purpose...

It's not that Ah Feng doesn't have trouble, that is, Yi Zhi is missing. In the end, Ye Yu couldn't find her no matter what, and she had already cried. Ye Yu was not that strong after all.

Ah Feng also discovered a lot of strange things. He seemed to be very proud of the power of the nerve poison that the Japanese said. But this time, the super poison that the Japanese said was a bit unworthy of its name. Although it is powerful, it has no effect. The time is too short. But how could the Japanese people be so negligent in this regard? There is no 100% certainty that they would not do that. So the only answer is that someone has tampered with the nerve poison... And Shui Moyan, how could she suddenly appear and help Ah Feng?

The most important thing is that the clothes he wears are very strange. Shui Moyan, who has disappeared for two years, suddenly appears. This news is not small.

No matter what, Ah Feng really doesn't think too much. When things are dull, he always thinks about excitement, but after the incident, he hopes to return to the usual dullness. Maybe human nature is like this. Only by experiencing more things can people grow.

"Ye Yunfeng, stand up and answer this question!"

Ah Feng's obsession led to the teacher's revenge.

May has arrived, and there are still 50 days until the college entrance examination.

"stand up!"

"goodbye teacher."

Ah Feng was packing the things on the table, but his attitude towards the college entrance examination was calm. Because of his confidence in himself, the knowledge has already been in his mind. Those whole pages of test questions and the key points that should be memorized are what gives Ah Feng a headache.


A hand patted Ah Feng's shoulder, and Ah Feng said without even turning his head: "What's the matter?"

This person was none other than Amang. He said, "Ah Feng, you haven't played the game for more than a month. Are you going to come back tonight? Let me tell you, we found a spawn land that few people know about..."

"I won't go up tonight."

A Feng answered like this, Qian Hui patted A Mang on the shoulder and pointed in a direction from the corner of his eye. That was Ling Yiran's seat, but it was already empty. Aman pursed his lips. Of course he knew, but...

He shrugged helplessly and said, "Have you packed up yet? Let's go..."

"You guys go first, I have something else to do."


The two of them walked out of the door with quick glances.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he saw Ye Yu standing outside the door. Ah Feng wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Is there any news about Yiori?"

Ah Feng looked at Ye Yu and shook his head: "No, go home."


Regarding Yiori's matter, Ah Feng got rid of other people's search, because she thought at the time that maybe she was afraid and went deep into the forest. It was just a search team, but they haven't found anything yet...

As they walked, the two of them were silent. They had lived together for two years and were considered family members to Yiori. I didn't expect it...

"Xiaoyu! Big brother!"

A familiar voice sounded in the ears of the two of them. One of them smiled and greeted Ah Feng, and then turned to Ye Yu coquettishly.

Ye Yu frowned and looked him up and down, looking uncomfortable: "Looking for me? What are you doing?"

"Well... that... that..."

After saying that, he handed over a letter.

Ah Feng, Ye Yu is speechless.

"A love letter?"

Ah Feng made a guess.

"What on earth are you thinking!"

Ye Yu said angrily.

"Huh? What are you thinking about?"

"you you you……"

Ye Yu only felt her face getting hot. Just send a love letter, right? Send it in front of someone else's brother? and……

"Lin Yilun! Why don't you die!"

Ye Yu roared, attracting passers-by's side glances. Ah Feng coughed and said that the two of them should respect themselves and not affect others' walking.

That's right, this person was Lin Yilun. He was very lucky not to be killed by Yi Changkong's sword. In fact, he was very lucky. The sword actually grazed the vital part, and he was on the verge of death. The circle is back. After a week's rest, I miraculously returned to school.

Maybe Lin Yilun also knew something was wrong, so he didn't care about anything else and said, 'I've got your letter, I'll leave first. ’ and disappeared without a trace. Ye Yu was speechless and wanted to tear it up. Ah Feng looked at it curiously, and then the two of them discovered that the letter paper turned out to be an authentic gray envelope, and then they discovered that the address on the letter was the recipient of the letter, Ye Yu. , the person who sent the letter is——Yizhi.

As the two of them walked, Ye Yu felt unhappy: "Deliver the letter properly, why are you making that weird expression?"

The letter was delivered directly to the school, and then the committee chairpersons of each class picked it up. However, Ye Yu had already left by the time the committee chairperson got the letter in the afternoon, so he asked Lin Yilun to deliver it, which was considered to give him a chance. , I didn’t expect things to happen like this.

Ye Yu opened the envelope and the two of them read it together.

"Sister Yu, Ye Yunfeng, okay."

"I have returned home, and my memory has not been lost. I think you all know that. Because a lot of things have happened, I have returned home. You don't have to worry. I am living a good life now. I just feel a little reluctant to leave you. . I am very grateful for the care I have received from you. I was afraid that you would be worried when I went back suddenly, and I couldn’t make phone calls, so I wrote this letter.”

The content of the letter is very long, describing every detail of Yi Zhi's life with everyone in the past two years. Although he did not directly express any feelings, Ye Yu and Ah Feng both knew that this former family member who was different from other people's children would leave them. and may never be seen again. Also, I just really can’t bear to leave them. None of the addresses in the letter were mentioned. They knew Yiori was safe, but no one thought that the separation would be so sudden and strange.

"Thank you again for your care. I also want to tell Sister Bai Yue, Fei Meng, Sister Xinze, and Sister Yiran that my family hopes that I will go abroad. Maybe you will not see me in the future. But please don't worry, I will always take care of you." Keep it in your heart.”

"Brother, won't Yiori come back?"

Ye Yu is a little sad. There are two people living in the house now. Has it changed back to before? Why, in just a few days, everything changed.

Ah Feng seemed to see through what Ye Yu was thinking now, patted her head and said: "It's okay, this is Yi Zhi's handwriting. Although there is no address on the envelope, it can be found through connections. But... I believe , Yiori is fine. She must be living a good life, my feeling tells me so. "


"But this letter is really not about her character. It seems that we will never see her again..." Ah Feng thought.

Ye Yu put the envelope into her pocket. Maybe Yi Zhi would suddenly come to their home some day in the future, ring the doorbell, wait for Ye Yu to open it, then throw herself into her arms and call out, "Sister Yu, So nice to meet you'. Ye Yu thought so. The two walked forward, but they didn't find a corner. A man stood there, watching the two people's retreating figures, and said in his heart: "Goodbye... we will meet one day in the future, but..."

The arrival of night is getting later and later, and the streets illuminated by lights are filled with more and more people. Because the weather changes from hot to cold, everyone wears clothes in different seasons. Some are spring clothes and some are already summer clothes. Ah Feng rarely held Ye Yu's hand, took her to the supermarket to buy food materials, and then set off towards home, that home...

During the day, the sun was as fierce as fire. Because the graduating class was late from school, it was already past 5 o'clock for the two of them. The temperature had dropped a lot, so Ah Feng took Ye Yu with him.

The two of them had a bag each and walked on the busy street. Ah Feng looked at the people on the way to get off work, people going out to eat, etc. I thought of the way the family passing by the supermarket held hands and happily went to eat, and the erratic look in Ye Yu's eyes. The reason for holding hands is actually loneliness.

"She is actually very lonely..."

Ah Feng didn't know why he suddenly thought about his sister like this, and tightened his hands. Ye Yu was stunned, then she threw herself on him and smiled like she was hanging on him.



"During the summer vacation... how about going to visit grandma, grandpa, grandma and a few other elderly people?"


Ye Yu stopped and looked at Ah Feng blankly. He suddenly cheered and shouted, and even threw the food bag into the air.

"Hey, hey!"

The lives of two people...are still the same.

Ah Feng returned home. After the two of them finished eating, Ye Yu was driven by Ah Feng to study. The college entrance examination will be held next year, so how can we let down our guard? It's just that Ah Feng didn't feel that he was nervous about studying. After taking a bath, Ah Feng lay on the bed, looking ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ah Feng's room didn't have any special features at all. The bed was placed on the lower left side. Opposite the bed was the wardrobe. There was a cabinet containing all the clothes that were still there as long as they were not broken. Then on the right side of the bed is a writing desk, the kind where a computer is placed next to it and you can read next to it. It is divided into three floors. Above the computer are many books and CDs, and above are some small gifts from others, photos of myself and other decorations. There were no other posters except for a poster of a football star behind the door. It didn't look like a high school student's room at all. The things placed under the bed are all very meaningful, such as things given to you on your birthday, things left by your parents...

Some MP3s, MP4s, alarm clocks, mobile phones, and gaming helmets are placed on the bedside table. He closed his eyes and lay like that until a few minutes later.

After being blown by the wind, I realized that the window was open.

"It's getting cold..."


I stood up from the bed, ready to go out and take a look. When I walked to the corridor, I inadvertently raised my head and saw that the door of the room was not closed...

"Her room? Close the door for her."

Ah Feng walked over and the door opened a crack. Ah Feng put his hand on the handle, but couldn't close it. Ah Feng gritted his teeth, quickly and silently stepped in, and then gently closed the door.

"What the hell am I doing..."

Ah Feng leaned against the door and sighed with an extremely depressed heart. Now he really thinks about it after doing it.

Because the room faced the moon, the room was not very dark. Ah Feng could see everything at a glance. Then I discovered that the window was not closed tightly and was being blown by the wind. It seems that the door and windows were not closed tightly after cleaning the room a few days ago. Ah Feng walked over and his eyes naturally saw a large pile of books on the desk next to the window under the moonlight. I flipped through it casually with my hands and found a math notebook placed among women's magazines.


Feeling slightly strange, I took it out, rolled it up and flipped it out in the moonlight.


Ah Feng sighed in a low voice for unknown reasons. After a while, he gently put the notebook on the table, then walked out, gently closed the door, and even forgot to close the window.

The wind blew, and the notes were opened page by page. From the original content consisting of numbers to the last full page, the name "Ye Yunfeng" was written...

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