Liu Yuan got out of the game, walked out of the room in a gloomy manner, and sat on the sofa honestly watching TV.

Master hasn't been on the game now, so he won't be haunted by bad luck after all.

However, for the sake of insurance, I will stay at home today, watch TV, play player forums, and not go anywhere.

As he spoke, Liu Yuan picked up the laptop on the side and silently swiped the player forum.

[Thank God, after I built the primary library pavilion, I actually got a level 5 skill, which is really comfortable]

Level 5 skill?

It seems that there are still lucky little pot friends.

When Liu Yuan saw this post, a sense of pride rose in his heart for no reason, and he was very relieved that the seniors looked at the juniors.

Silently clicked in and looked at the comments below.

[Zhang Fei kills pigs]: I'll go! Brother, good luck, I only got a tenth-level spear skill.

[I'll feed myself a bag of salt]: it! Upstairs in Versailles! Poor me only have a blank sheet of paper.

[I'm singing for you]: +1 for white paper.

[Flowing Wind Blowing Snow]: +1 for white paper.


Glancing at the comments, Liu Yuan raised his eyebrows, rolled his eyes, and complained angrily: "A group of Versailles!" "Versailles

, what are you looking at?"

When Liu Yuan said this, Li Yuqing appeared behind him at some point, staring at the laptop in Liu Yuan's hand.

Then he moved his gaze up to the avatar in the upper right corner of the player's forum.

This is the mother's account

!" It's this group of Versailles players! "

I don't even know how to measure the poor people!" Liu

Yuan muttered, feeling a little unjust for the toiling masses.

Of course, the toiling masses in his mouth naturally do not contain himself.

I don't know if I was driven crazy by that bad luck in the game, Liu Yuan held the computer and looked at the posts on the forum, and he had a desire to talk.

I want to vent all the dissatisfaction in my heart.

Immediately clicked on the comment, and was about to start typing, when he suddenly found that his ears hurt, and he looked sideways, but it was his sister who grabbed her handsome ears at some point.

"Sister Qing, what are you doing! I can't send a comment to criticize them?"

Liu Yuan tilted his head suddenly, broke free from Li Yuqing's claws, and complained.

Why is everyone bullying me today.

Master, shouldn't I vent my dissatisfaction in my heart?

Anyway, I didn't use Sister Qing's account! Don't


What's wrong with this avatar?

And this ID.

Clear...... Qingyu Mange...

The look on Liu Yuan's face froze instantly, and a pair of eyes stared straight at the ID in the upper right.


now, I only cared about logging on to the player forum, and I forgot to see if the account was my own!

Quietly looking back, I looked at Li Yuqing, whose face was like frost, and Liu Yuan hurriedly squeezed out a smile on his face.

"What, Sister Qing, this was a misunderstanding just now!

" "I, what... I thought it was my own.

Liu Yuan pointed at himself, and then at the laptop, his face full of innocence.


? innocent?

Li Yuqing sneered, and immediately let Liu Yuan know what the majesty of the eldest sister was!

After a long time, Liu Yuan sat on the sofa with a disgraced face, rubbed his aching ears, and silently ordered a takeout.

I never thought that in the past, it was always delivered on time, but today it is an hour overtime.

And when Liu Yuan opened his lunch box and was about to eat, he saw black and red tentacles on the white rice.


this thing, Liu Yuan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lifting the tentacles, he saw a steamed Xiaoqiang.


Liu Yuan retched, completely without appetite...


Today, I don't deserve to eat, I don't deserve to go out, I don't deserve to watch TV, and I don't deserve to play on the computer.

Liu Yuan said silently in his heart.

He suddenly had a sense of realization.

The bad luck in the game can be brought to real life.

This is not scientific at all!

Although it is not scientific, Liu Yuan still believes it.

Stayed in the room silently and didn't go anywhere.

When the next day passed, Liu Yuan quietly logged into the game and begged for the chaotic life talent to be activated again.


It seems that the heavenly immortals are not at home, and no one responds to Liu Yuan's begging.

Therefore, Uncle Liu silently relented and began to live the next day.

It's just that this time, Liu Yuan did not choose to quit the game, but stayed in the room and waited silently.

As long as the master doesn't go anywhere, the disaster won't happen!

By evening, Liu Yuan's bitter begging seemed to have been answered.

A soft sound came out, and Liu Yuan's eyes suddenly appeared, and a huge turntable suddenly appeared.

Seeing this turntable, Liu Yuan was so excited that tears were about to flow out.

After a whole day of tormenting this thing, it's finally time to come to an end!

The hands of fate spun wildly, then slowed down, pointing at one of the domains.

Crazy fate: Peach blossom! Peach


? What kind of ghost luck is this?

The corners of Liu Yuan's mouth twitched, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

However, this thing is not bad luck after all, I should be able to go out, master

, right? As soon as he thought of this, Liu Yuan opened the door, stuck his head out of the door, and looked left and right for a while.

Nothing bad seems to be happening.

Sir, I'm safe.

Liu Yuan blinked, slowly exhaled a breath of turbidity, and slammed the door back.

The door opened, and the dim sunlight shone in through the gap in the gate and fell on Liu Yuan's face.

The door was open, and Liu Yuan opened his arms and embraced the sunset, which was quite calm and peaceful.

"Fengyue Town!Your Uncle Liu Potian is back again!"


Liu Yuan looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he wanted to vent all the depression of the past two days.

strode out, walked outside the hall, and wanted to find Wu Ming, but found that he hadn't seen anyone for half a day.

Recruited a soldier and inquired carefully, only to know that Wu Ming had already taken three hundred people out to fight the mountain bandits.

Hearing this, Liu Yuan nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by the soldiers.

"There is one thing that I don't know if I should tell my lord. The soldier whispered.


there anything else that Lord Ben shouldn't know about Fengyue Town?"

"My lord, there are ten new homeless people in Fengyue Town today. "

Ten homeless people? What's the big deal!

Aren't they just homeless people?

It's not like I haven't seen it before.

"What's so special about those displaced people. Liu Yuan squinted at the soldier and asked.

"It's not too special. It's just that there is a woman among the homeless people, who is especially capable of fighting.

"I remember what it was called a flower...""I

remember, it's called Mulan!".

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