early morning.

The quiet capital of Mirror Lake.

A small but very warmly decorated garden apartment.

Luo Li was sitting on the swing chair on the balcony.

Sip the green fruit tea brewed by Chen Xi.

Listen quietly to the other person's account of what's going on in the players' guild.

The warm morning sunlight shone on the two of them.

Reflecting the mottled light and shadow.

The atmosphere is laid back and lazy.

"The leadership of the North Star Guild has been laid off and replaced by a group of new people."

"They are using the banner of other guilds."

"Contacted several members of the Jinghu House of Representatives."

"Now, there are already some rumors among Jinghu's senior executives."

"I think the method of suppressing the North Star Guild is too harsh. It is inconsistent with the open and inclusive policy of "260" and the Capital of Mirror Lake."

The sound of morning light is as soft and sweet as ever.

But a little more capable.

During this period of time, he has been sitting in the position of president of the guild.

Manage hundreds to thousands of players every day.

We also have to deal with the bad player forces outside.

All kinds of experiences and complicated problems that have never been experienced before.

Let her grow up quickly.

The future dawn can become the spiritual leader of all mankind.

Unparalleled singing is the foundation.

Extraordinary leadership skills are also an indispensable factor.

Otherwise, he will be regarded as a mascot at most, rather than a leader.

"North Star Guild?"

Luo Li's eyes were thoughtful.

This guild was the super guild that occupied the capital of Mirror Lake in his memory of his previous life.

It was also more than half a month ago because of his domineering style.

There was a conflict with Chenxi's Zhengyu Palace Merchant Guild.

An unlucky guild that he conveniently classified as an illegal organization and almost destroyed.

However, it is backed by one of the largest consortiums in the real world.

The North Star Guild is like an unbeatable Xiao Qiang.

Can be resurrected at any time.

At most, a group of new people will be replaced internally.

After the player's resurrection stones are exhausted or they delete their account.

The original character will of course be permanently canceled.

But the gaming helmet he uses will also return to its initial state simultaneously.

at this time.

Just replace it with a new group of people and use the former's gaming equipment.

You can still log into the game.

Except for the player whose account was deleted.

It has no impact on the guild or the consortium.

Nothing more than firings and hirings.

The most indispensable thing in the real world is tool people.

Just hold a random job fair.

It's easy to find a lot of them.

"Let me take care of this matter."

“I’ll talk to Speaker Cronin this afternoon.

Luo Li's tone was calm and calm.

Just like solving the influence of Polaris Guild in Mirror Lake, it is as simple as having afternoon tea.

The truth is exactly as he said.

The destruction of Yanar City was a major event that shocked the world.

In addition, Jinghu also has its own military reconnaissance satellite.

The vast majority of Luo Li's performance in Yanal City.

Can't hide it from them.

The exaggerated force of one person against one country.

It deeply shocked countless people.

This also makes Luo Li's status in Jinghu virtually surpass that of the Speaker.

Even if he wants to.

Become the true supreme ruler of Mirror Lake.

It's just a matter of a few days.


Chen Xi nodded softly.

In daily life, I have long been accustomed to Luo Li being a superior girl in every aspect.

Don't doubt his words at all.

Ignore this matter.

Other things were brought up.


“Yesterday, the management of our guild received a letter from the Antarctic Foundation’s lawyers.

"Some are sent directly to real homes, or they are visited at home.

"Some just sent an online email."

Chen Xi frowned slightly.

A rare expression of distress.

"Lawyer's letter? What did it say?"

Luo Li became interested...

This is a method used by consortiums in reality to often target small companies and ordinary people.

Although vulgar.

But it’s really useful if you can’t stand it.

When many people receive it, no matter whether they are right or wrong, they will first retreat.

It can be called a weapon to suppress dissidents and harvest leeks.

"It is said to be suspected of vicious competition, monopoly, and damage to the assets of the Antarctic Consortium."

"The amount is extremely huge."

"A lot of people in the guild are scared."

"As of today, half of the people have quit the guild."

Only half quit the guild.

In fact, it's because Chen Xi's leadership and charisma are exceptional.

Otherwise, Zheng Yu Gong Shang would be here till now.

It can only be regarded as a small player guild newly established purely in the game.

They had already disbanded on the spot.

No one would be willing to join a guild just for the sake of casually joining the game.

Just risk going to court or even being sentenced to jail.

Be a firm thorn in the side.

"Damage assets?"

Luo Li raised his eyebrows and noticed this particularly eye-catching phrase.

The amount is also extremely huge.

The sum of these two items is really overwhelming.

This is not a crime that can be taken lightly.

If you don't do it right, you will really be sent to jail.

"Do they think the federal cyber virtualization bill is just for show?"

So-called dummy bills.

It is a basic law for the game.

It is clearly stipulated that fighting in the game is normal.

No involvement in reality is allowed.


Chen Xi shook her head gently.

Speaking of this, her voice sounded a little nervous.

After all, no matter how smart you are.

At this time, she was still a little girl in middle school.

Facing the majesty of the country, there is still fear after all.

"Because of this."

"They also proposed re-amending the bill."

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