Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 141: Type 0 fighter with woman wearing cheongsam

The next morning Su Ya called and said that she had found a medical patient. The patient actually lived in Jiange Village. He was an ordinary villager. His wife ran away and lived alone with his children. After he became ill, he considered the tuition and living expenses of the children who attended junior high school in the city. He did not go to the hospital for treatment. As a result, his condition worsened. The villager only had more than ten merit-based virtues. Ning Tao not only treated him, but also gave him 50,000 yuan through Su Ya's hands, alleviating the stress of his life.

Although he was a poor and kind man, Ning Tao could not heal a good man and gave it to tens of millions. Poverty alleviation has never been his responsibility as the owner of this out-of-day clinic. Besides, there are so many people who need help in this world, he can't help every one, pull a hand, even if he has that heart, he has no power.

On the empty lot in the village, construction machinery has already entered the site to level the ground and dig the foundation. A new sunshine orphanage will be built here. Jiange Dongfu is also here. This remote mountain village will be his base in the future. No matter where he is in the world, he can return by passing through the Tianwai Clinic.

Ning Tao left after having lunch at Lu Nan's house.

Su Ya sent Ning Tao to the entrance of the village, and she tried to speak several times and swallowed it back.

Ning Tao stopped and said with a smile: "You have been saying so many times over this way. Just say what you want to say. I'm not an outsider. If you have any inexplicable things you want to talk to me about, let me listen. And help you solve the problem. "

Su Ya's voice was soft, "Isn't it an outsider?"

Ning Tao said: "Of course not an outsider, I am your brother."

Su Ya gave Ning Tao a glance. "My surname is Su, your surname is Ning, what are you my brother?"

Ning Tao didn't take it seriously, "I can be your brother without the surname Su. If you have something in mind, tell me. If you don't speak well, then tell me when you think about it, or you go back. Well, I should go too. "

"I ..." Suya hesitated, and finally said what she said, "I will be eighteen years old next month."

Ning Tao froze slightly. "Is this the matter?"

Su Ya nodded, avoiding Ning Tao's sight.

Ning Tao laughed with a smile: "What do I think is so secretive? What day do you tell me, I will buy you a birthday gift and a big birthday cake, and I will celebrate your birthday. "

Su Ya suddenly turned and ran.

Ning Tao's smile froze on her face. What's the reaction?

Su Ya ran a few steps and said, "I'll tell you when the time comes."

Ning Tao smiled again. "Okay, remember to tell me that at the age of eighteen, it's a grand birthday. You can't be sloppy. I want to be your brother."

"You are not my brother!" Su Ya glared at Ning Tao and ran faster.

Ning Tao looked at her back, and after snoring for a long time, came up with a sentence, "Is there anything wrong with being my brother?"

There are many kinds of brothers in this world, but the brother he wants to be is obviously not the brother that others want.

An hour later, Ning Tao appeared on the rooftop of a high-rise building next to the Japanese consulate. With a high perspective, everything in the embassy could be seen. The doors and windows of the embassy were closed tightly, and he did not see the Wu family father and son and Kro Arthur.

After waiting for nothing, Ning Tao suddenly came up with an idea. He opened the small medicine box, took out the small porcelain containing the missing version of Zunzudan, unplugged it, and poured the zunzudan into his palm. In the sun, the Xunzu Dan couldn't see the green light, but the smell was not weakened, and it was still very gloomy.

Ning Tao awakened the nose's smelling state, and sniffed the Xunzu Dan before her nostril.


Under the state of smelling, the scent of Xunzudan's scent was poured into his nasal cavity. His senses shook violently, followed by a burning sensation in his eyes. Under such strong stimuli, a weird scene appeared in his vision.

He did not live on the roof of a building, but in a void. In front of him were several Japanese Zero World War II fighters and Type 1 land fighters. The Type 1 land attack was dropping bombs on the ground. He could even see the smirk of the mouth of the Japanese pilot sitting in the cab, and the scratches on the bomb!

On the ground, there are a large number of hanging towers characteristic of the mountain city, and criss-crossed streets and mountain roads. Some buildings are burning and the smoke is billowing. Someone was running away on the street, someone was kneeling beside the body of a loved one, and a helpless child was looking for his mother ...

Where he just watched, the Japanese consulate was a school. The teaching building has been blown up, and a bomb on the sky whistled away at a group of runaway students.

The still picture suddenly moved.

The plane flew forward a little, and the bomb was closer to the students' heads. The little boy holding up raised his hand and seemed to grab the hand of an adult passing by.

In the chaotic scene, among the chaotic crowd, a woman in a red cheongsam raised her head. In this dim picture, her red cheongsam is so eye-catching, like a burning flame. If there is no war, she must be a very nourishing woman, smoking big nine cigarettes, drinking tea in the theater and watching the show, and playing mahjong with several rich wives. But in this picture, she is just an escaped woman, waiting for her not knowing whether it is a bomb or a fugitive day.

This is a historical picture of the bombing of Yamashiro in Japan, but I did not expect to present it in this way.

Ning Tao's anger burned wildly, hoping to jump on the bomber, scoop the pilot out of the cab, and throw it on the propeller to twist into meat sauce!

But it was this anger that made him realize, and he followed the piece of Xunzu Dan into the small porcelain, and then stuffed it. The scent disappeared, no longer touching, his anger quickly weakened, and the fighter planes immediately before him disappeared, and the stilts below it also disappeared, replaced by a high-rise building and a busy street.

Ning Tao put the small porcelain into the small medicine chest. Although the historical picture annihilated in time cannot be seen, the woman in the red cheongsam came to her mind somehow.

"Wait ..." Ning Tao suddenly noticed something was wrong, it was very wrong!

Before the picture trembled, he didn't see the woman in the red cheongsam at all, but appeared after a tremor.

Ning Tao was surprised and confused. "She appeared as soon as the screen moved. Did she run out of a building or did I not notice her before?"

Obviously, there is no answer to this confusion.

Ning Tao closed her eyes and tried to recall her look. He seemed to be back in the sky, back to the historical space-time that was full of fire, and looked down at the painful picture. From a high perspective, everything on the ground quickly rebuilt in his mind, but he couldn't achieve the effect just now, everything else was very fuzzy, but the woman in the red cheongsam was very clear.

He saw her and saw her face.

But at the moment when she saw her face clearly, his heart seemed to be severely pierced by something, even an indescribable feeling of horror!

Her face was clear and refined, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and the smile was like the first light before dawn.

Her pair of eyes looking up at the sky are as green as a thousand-year-old ancient lake!

She is a demon!

She laughed in this war-torn history, and her eyes looking up at the sky were just to look at him! Suddenly, there was a smile!

Ning Tao opened his eyes, and couldn't wait to put the missing version of Xunzu Dan, which had just been put into the small porcelain, into his palm again, and sniffed a few times before reaching his nostril.

Entering the state of "drug allergy" again, a new picture appeared in his sight.

What he saw was a rolling mountain, with dense virgin forest covering everything here. On a winding mountain road, a man with a shaved head and a braid walked on the mountain road with a cow still.

The man's hairstyle and the clothes on him were clearly characters of the Qing Dynasty.

Ning Tao tried again. In the same place, he saw a group of Ming cavalry on horseback, but he still did not see the woman in a red cheongsam. This three successive experiments made him understand one thing, that is, even in the same place, it has gone through thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and even billions of years. Under the reaction of "drug allergy", what he sees every time will not be the same.

That woman in a red cheongsam may never show up, because it is impossible for him to find her from the billions of years of history, which is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Ning Tao gave up, and he put the piece of Xunzu Dan back into the small porcelain, but he couldn't help thinking about the woman, "who is she, her smile, her smile ... she Are you looking at me? "

Footsteps came from behind ~ ~ Ning Tao turned around, and he saw a locomotive man coming out of the stairwell, Yin Molan.

"I knew you would come here to check it out." Yin Molan came to Ning Tao. "But it's not necessary, Takeda Shinsuke returned to Japan, Takeda Yufu went to Wangjing, and as for that Kroase, he went to Russia."

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "Last night their actions failed and both killers were dead. They were worried about my revenge. It was normal to escape, but ..."

Yin Molan looked at Ning Tao and looked very seriously. "But what?"

Ning Tao said: "Last night you threw the killer there to feed the snake, so why do you tell me now about such an important thing?"

Yin Molan also said a few moments of silence before she said, "My phone is out of power and was not charged last night, so I came to tell you personally. You can't blame me. We used to play flying pigeons."

Ning Tao, "..."

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