Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 306: Dinosaur catching fish

When walking out of the tomb, Ning Tao suddenly remembered something. He said, "You guys wait for me outside, I forgot something."

Qing Zhui hugged the little fox demon and said curiously, "What else do you have?"

"I want to see some things." Leaving this sentence, Ning Tao turned back again.

He really forgot a very important thing, that is, he had the means to see the people and things that happened in the past time and space of this place, but a series of things happened so suddenly that he didn't Time to think, I also ignored the exclusive decryption tools of the ancestral ancestor and whisperer he carried.

The tomb was quiet, darkness was covering it, and nothing was visible.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box, took out a small porcelain placed in it, unplugged it, and then poured out a small piece of the missing version of Xunzudan and held it in his hand. When he passed the small piece of Zunzudan to his nostril, he injected a little spirit into the whisperer above his left wrist, activating its function of capturing the sounds of past time and space.


Ning Tao's eyes suddenly lighted, and the scenery changed.

The burial chamber is not a burial chamber, but a natural cave. There are many lights on the wall of the cave, and the light of the stars illuminates the space.

A woman sits cross-legged on a rock with her palms flat on her knees and her palms up. She seemed to be running some kind of self-cultivation, and the mist was constantly emerging from her body.

That is the energy field released by the demon spirit force, which is very powerful.

This woman is the fox demon lying in the sarcophagus, but there is no big golden tail behind her butt.

She doesn't speak, and the whisperer's ability to capture the sounds of past time and space becomes a display.

Ning Tao was not satisfied at all, he wanted to find more valuable information. He walked towards her, but as soon as he took a step, the scene in front of him looked like a glass window hit by a bullet, and it shattered after a crash.

Obviously, the residual version of Zudan's Danli, or the drug allergic reaction to him, was not enough to allow him to move in the past time and space presented. This possibility may exist in the complete Zunzudan, but it is only possible and cannot be determined.

Ning Tao also handed over the missing version of Xunzu Dan and sniffed deeply between the nostrils. The translation of the drug allergy reappeared. The dark tide in front of the eyes generally receded. With the light, another scene of past time and space appeared.

There was a surging sea of ​​water in his sight, and a large school of fish was swimming in the sea.

How did it become the sea?

He was surprised, but soon understood. Even Everest is a vast ocean in prehistory, and this snow peak is naturally in the sea. What he sees is the prehistoric past space-time node!


A huge head suddenly pierced into the head, the eyes of the sea bowl, the sharp teeth in the mouth, turned out to be a dinosaur!

But he did not wait for Ning Tao to see what dinosaur it was, and this space-time node broke up again.

Ning Tao followed up with the missing version of Xunzu Dan before the nostril, awakened the ability to smell, and took a deep breath.

Residual version of Zundan enhanced drug allergy.

This time no luck, the woman appeared again, still on this Pingba, holding a painting and watching.

Ning Tao stared at the painting, secretly excited. The painting was just the "picture" that had just fled!

Suddenly, the whispering snowflakes surged, and a woman's voice sounded in Ning Tao's mind.

"This time, fox fox, fox fox, should you rise to immortal from jealousy, or fall in the midst of tianjiu, Tao Xiaoshun scattered?"

From this sentence, Ning Tao can be sure that she is Zhu Hongyu's mother Fox. However, it is this confirmation that has brought him new troubles. This fox girl said that her calamity is coming, which shows that she is already one step away from being a fox demon who is going through the robbery period. Do n’t say Fighting the invincible opponents of the earth, but it must be regarded as one of the few bricks that make up the pyramid pylon. How could such a person be with the mortal like Prince Zhu San and gave birth to Zhu Hongyu?

At this moment, Ning Tao's mind came up with a question that she had never thought about before: "Is Zhu Hongqin her adopted daughter, or a disciple?"

The more you think about it, the more you feel that kind of possibility, because if Zhu Hongyu is the biological daughter of Fox Ji, which mother is willing to write down the ancestral fangs in her own daughter ’s head Do you want to push your daughter into the fire pit?

"I have to make some preparations, that guy won't let go. He will come to interfere with me. I have to make some articles in this" Picture "..."

This is the second sentence of the fox girl captured by the whisperer.

Ning Tao secretly said, "She finally lay in the coffin, and the" Picture "became her funeral. She apparently failed the robbery. But she mentioned one of him, who looked very jealous, and that he again who is it?"

It's another bunch of questions that can't be understood. People and things related to Xun Zudan are shrouded in fog.

The scenes of past time and space have disappeared again.

"Hee hee hee ... you are a good thing, you are a good thing." Ning Tao's mouth gave out a string of neuropathic laughter, and rumors. Using the residual version of Xunzu Dan three times in a row, the drug allergy is pushing him to go crazy, this situation is like the Grunt holding the ring in The Lord of the Rings.

But he was the owner of the Tianwai Clinic after all.

Dan, the size of football in Nimaru Palace, was shocked, the spiritual energy field was released, and the ripples of the spiritual force washed the mind, body and soul, and the reaction to the allergic drug allergy that disappeared suddenly disappeared.

Ning Tao did not continue his attempts. He came to the sarcophagus, left a blood lock on it, and then left the tomb.

In the past, time and space were endless, and every capture was random, which means that every time he entered the drug allergic reaction of Xunzudan, he would see different time and space nodes. In the past, the nodes of time and space were infinite, but he couldn't stop using the residual version to find the ancestral dandan. In that case, he would really go crazy.

He left a blood lock here, and he can come back at any time to see one or two space-time nodes at a time. If he is lucky enough, he will directly encounter Fox Ji writes a residual version of Xundan's past space-time nodes on Zhu Hongyu's head. , Then everything is resolved. However, that probability is much smaller than buying a special prize in a lottery.

Relatively speaking, it is much easier for whisperers to capture the sounds of past time and space without side effects. But, who lives here alone, whoever speaks to herself? No one communicated with her, which seems to be why the whisperer captured only two sentences.

Ning Tao walked out of the tomb, and Qing Zhe and Xiao Tian Dog both met.

Qing Zhuan said with concern: "Brother Ning, I just heard you laughing inside, I heard your footsteps as soon as I wanted to come in, so I didn't come in. What are you laughing at?"

Ning Tao said: "Nothing, I just want to laugh. By the way, she is indeed a fox-ji, but not necessarily the mother of Zhu Hongyu. She is a demon who is going through the robbery period and is very powerful. She is reborn and uses foxes again The name Ji is a bit inappropriate and may cause some trouble. Let's give her a new name. "

The baby girl in Qingzhui's arms looked at Ning Tao with a pair of black eyes, and her eyes were clear. The two beautiful eyes were like two beautiful gems.

Qing Zhui said, "You are the man in the family. Come and get your name."

This sentence is almost the same as "you are the child's father".

Ning Tao did not correct, he thought for a moment: "Just call it Fox Xiaoji."

Qing Zhui kissed Hu Xiaoji's face and said with a smile: "Little guy, you will be called Hu Xiaoji in the future. You have to be obedient, otherwise your aunt will spank you."

Fox Xiaoji's mouth issued a string of silver-like crisp laughter: "Giggle ..."

A normal baby will only cry at this stage, but she is obviously not an ordinary baby. Even if she was absent in previous lives, she is a born fox demon.

When I came to the edge of Pingba, the ink ripples in Xuntu went straight to the opposite side. Ning Tao took a tactical flashlight and took a picture, and found that there was also a flat dam opposite. There was no bridge to pass, but it would not be difficult for him. He immediately took out the medicinal rope, carried his spiritual power, and threw his arm forward.


The front end of the medicating rope is solidified, and the spear is generally hard and sharp, but the rear end is continuously extended. In a blink of an eye, it flew over a distance of tens of meters and plunged into the rock wall above the flat dam opposite.

Ning Tao clutched Qing Zhui's waist, Qing Zhui hugged Fox Xiaoji, Xiaotian dog biting Ning Tao's belt, two adults, one child, and one dog. The place where I settled was the opposite Pingba.

There is no need to look for it using the earth-searching urn. There is a small piece of Lingtian in the middle of this flat dam, with an area of ​​more than ten square meters, on which is planted a blue snowdrop.

Qing Zhui blurted out, "Dark Night Snow Lotus, it is a very precious spiritual material. My sister wanted to pick one for me, but I didn't find it, and I didn't buy it with money."

In fact, Ning Tao also recognized it. He has seen the introduction of this kind of spiritual material in the "Outline of Spirit Materials" left by Xuan Tianzi. Dark Night Snow Lotus has the function of life extension and is very precious. People who pick up the night snow lotus usually cherish it and keep it for future use when they are dying in the future, and will not sell it out at all.

Ning Tao said: "I want to move these spiritual materials back to the clinic. You are here to help me pick up the spiritual soil, and I will move it."

Just do what you want, Qing Zhui lowers Fox Xiaoji and works with Xiaotian Dog to help Ning Tao pick up soil. Ning Tao shuttles between the gates of convenience and moves the masses of spirits to the Tianwai Clinic. He moved all the spiritual soil into the first library of the Calligraphy Volume Library, this time he did not plan to transport these spiritual soil to Jiange Dongfu. The space of the clinic has increased a lot. Of course, he has to make use of it. It is also good to do some indoor planting.

A total of ten square meters of Lingtian was quickly evacuated, and the night snow lotus was also moved to the clinic's spiritual soil. Strange to say, planting spiritual materials in the scroll library of the Tianwai Clinic ~ ~ both the spiritual energy of Lingtian and the spiritual energy of the night snow lotus have improved a little. This made him excited, and gave birth to the idea of ​​moving Lingtian from Jiange Dongfu to the clinic.

The next question is how to leave here. If it was not a last resort, Ning Tao would not want Qing to chase away the convenient door of the clinic, which would be too painful for her.

"Daddy, there is the smell of snow and ice coming over, I don't know if it is a secret passage." Xiao Tian Dog said suddenly, and raised his paw to point in the direction of the side of Pingba.

Ning Tao was thinking about how to go out. As soon as Xiaotian Dog said, he ran over to check.

There is a natural rock wall crack that allows people to drill sideways. The crack in the crack was dark, and the end could not be illuminated with a tactical flashlight. Ning Tao also smelled the smell of snow and ice, which showed that the end of the crack was not far from the ground.

An hour later, a rock wall on Xuefeng suddenly slammed, and the snow and ice covering the rock wall collapsed suddenly. Ning Tao, Xiaotian Dog, and Qing Zhui, who was holding the fox sub-Ji Ji, got out of the rock wall. This is a cliff. The rock wall that was broken by violence is at least 70-80 meters high from the ground.

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