Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 312: Don't take leadership as a cadre

Ning Tao walked out of the isolation room, and a large crowd suddenly surged up.

"Dr. Ning, what 'medicine' did you give Comrade Jiang Hao just now?" An elderly doctor couldn't wait to ask.

Ning Tao said: "Sorry, that is the secret of the teacher's" door ". I have nothing to say."

The old doctor did not give up, begging: "May I see your 'medicine'?"

Ning Tao shook her head: "Sorry, no."

The old doctor was stunned at the scene. He did not expect Ning Tao to reject him so unfriendlyly. A group of medical staff around him originally had a lot of questions to ask Ning Tao, and saw the respected old doctors touch their grey noses and closed their mouths one by one.

The noisy scene suddenly turned into an awkward scene.

Zhang Zeshan came in front of Ning Tao with a smile on his face: "Dr. Ning really is a sacred doctor. Just now we saw Comrade Jiang Hao took your 'medicine' and healed his senses. He also hoped that you would continue to treat and cure Comrade Jiang Hao. "

Ning Tao said, "Zhang Suo, can you take a step to speak?"

Zhang Zeshan said with a smile: "Of course, go to my office."

Ning Tao followed Zhang Zeshan to an office. Zhang Zeshan invited Ning Tao to take a seat. He also poured a glass of water for Ning Tao himself.

Ning Tao opened the 'door' and saw the mountain authenticly: "Zhang Suo, Jiang Hao's condition is far more serious and complicated than Lin Tsinghua. I can't have a 'sexual' cure. I want to take her home for treatment. look……"

Before Ning Tao had finished speaking, Zhang Zeshan interrupted him: "Dr. Ning, that's not enough, Comrade Jiang Hao paid such a large price, her treatment process must be transparent, and everything she has experienced now, for Our research is very important. I allow you to meet her and treat her. This is based on the observation and research we can make. It is equally important to cure her and related research. "

Ning Tao frowned suddenly. Before he was on Jiang Hao, he left several blood locks on his 'bed' in order to take a shortcut to take Jiang away after the request for "transfer to the hospital" was rejected. Looking at Zhang Zeshan's attitude now, obviously he can only take the shortcut of the door of convenience.

Zhang Zeshan continued: "And Dr. Ning, I promised you to come and see Comrade Jiang Hao, and even promised you to treat Comrade Jiang Hao, but you did not even tell us what‘ medicine ’you used. How can we cooperate with you like this?”

Ning Tao was able to see that although Zhang Zeshan was not a bad person, he was a person who was 'smart' at calculating and negotiating. The conversation between Jiang Hao and Jiang Hao in the isolated room, as well as the feelings of 'showing up', have now become the chips that Zhang Zeshan holds in his hands.

"What" medicine "is that" medicine "? Sure enough, Zhang Zeshan immediately mentioned it.

Ning Tao smiled: "Others don't show it, there must be no problem with Zhang Suo." After that, he opened the small 'medicine' box and took out the small porcelain bottle, then poured out a 'fine' product prescription Dan Handed it to Zhang Zeshan.

Zhang Zeshan held the ‘fine’ product prescription Dan in his hands and looked, smelled and smelled, his eyes were full of surprise and sleepy expressions of ‘confuse’.

Ning Tao said: "This is my secret 'pill' pill. It is very good for you to eat it. It is not too much to say that it can prolong life. If you believe it, you can eat it."

Zhang Zeshan looked a little emotional. He wanted to eat it immediately, but he seemed to remember something. Then he took away the ‘fine’ prescription dan, and said with a smile, “I ’ll keep it at night. Is it okay?”

"Of course, no problem." Ning Tao had no plans to return, and he was not afraid that someone would study it, because it is the Dan's medicine of Tianwai Clinic, which is far more complicated and mysterious than the Dan's medicine of ordinary practitioners. Modern technology can't even study the medicaments of ordinary practitioners, let alone the exclusive medicaments of Tianwai Clinic.

"Zhang Suo, since you have promised me to treat Jiang Hao, other doctors should not enter the isolation room. In addition, Jiang Hao is afraid of light. It is best to turn off your light in her room at night." Ning Tao Said.

Zhang Zeshan's face was smiling: "That won't work. We have to observe her situation 24 hours a day. As for what you said about her being afraid of light, we can wear her a blindfold."

Ning Tao suddenly took a photo of the coffee table, stood up sharply, and said angrily: "Director Zhang! She is a human, not an experimental mouse! She is in a very bad situation, very dangerous. If something goes wrong, I assure you, you've been wanted to study something all your life! "

Zhang Zeshan stunned for a moment, he apparently did not expect that Ning Tao dared to anger him. If you want to go to the place as his identity, even the top of a province or municipality must be kind to him, let alone get angry with him! But this Ning Tao apparently didn't take him seriously or even take him as a leader!

Without waiting for Zhang Zeshan to get angry, Ning Tao said politely: "I know that you see my good relationship with Jiang, so you want to take advantage of my breakthrough in the ancestral search project. I can help you, but Do n’t treat me as a fool. Jiang Hao, I will heal anyway, but I can help or not help if you ’re busy. I ’ll make it clear that the “medicine” you have now is wrong local."

"You ... how did you know?" Zhang Zeshan stared straight into Ning Tao's eyes, and that look seemed to be 'hole' through Ning Tao's heart.

Ning Tao said: "I naturally have my channel, don't forget, the 'medicine' side in your hand is still the one I got. If I ask you to reject this, then I think we must destroy it again. Cooperation. "

"What's wrong with the" medicine "prescription?" Zhang Zeshan desperately wanted to know the answer.

Ning Tao sat down, pointed to the white water on the coffee table and said, "Changing a cup of tea, I am not used to drinking white water."

"You ..." Zhang Zeshan was instantly angry, and he poured water on Ning Tao himself. That was enough to save face, but he didn't expect Ning Tao to use this kind of "kiss" to make him tea. Does this level of leadership work as a waiter?

Ning Tao gazed at Zhang Zeshan, and saw that he didn't move, and said slowly: "Give me the 'medicine' I gave you just now."

Zhang Zeshan grinned: "Look at you, how can you give me what you gave me? We are not children playing at home. I will make tea for you, and I will meet your requirements. Turn off the lights in the isolation room at night. "After that, he walked to the water dispenser in the corner to prepare tea for Ning Tao.

Just when Zhang Zeshan took the cup and tea, and bowed his waist to receive boiling water in front of the water dispenser, Ning Tao stretched his finger that had been bitten by Jiang Hao to the coffee table and drew a blood lock silently.

Zhang Zeshan came over a cup of tea and put it in front of Ning Tao. He was actually very dissatisfied, but he kept a kind smile on his face.

Ning Tao said, "You won't tell you when you look at me."

"You ..." Zhang Zeshan's face suddenly showed a little anger, and his tolerance was limited.

However, Ning Tao did not take him seriously and slowly said, "What am I? Don't think you are the leader, you can get what you want from me. I tell you, I will only tell Jiang Hao, so Now, you better ask God to bless her, otherwise you can say goodbye to the ancestral search project. "

Zhang Zeshan's ability to control emotions is very good. In this blink of an eye, his face "showed" a smile again: "Jiang Hao is a good patriotic soldier, our good comrade, I certainly hope she is good .Okay, what other conditions do you have to put forward as much as possible? I can do it as far as I can, and we can discuss it if I can't do it. Can you do it? "

Ning Tao stood up and said, "I have no other requirements for the time being. I will now go back and prepare a treatment plan. I will come here again tomorrow. If I have any requirements, I will ask."

"You don't drink tea before leaving?"

"Your tea has expired. Also, less 'smoke' to light a cigarette, your lungs are the same as 'smoke' smoke machines, and then 'smoke' you should enter the coffin. 'Smoke' a time to go to the hospital for a check , They will tell you what's wrong with your lungs. "Ning Tao left this sentence, carrying the small 'medicine' box and went to the 'door'.

Zhang Zeshan snorted for a while before he came up with a sentence: "How did he know that I had given him expired tea?"

Ning Tao found Jia Yinhong and brought Jia Yinhong to a lounge.

Tang Zhen was lying on the sofa in the lounge and had not yet woken up.

Ning Tao awakened Tang Zhen and said kindly, "Auntie, let's go home."

Tang Zhen's emotions got out of control in an instant: "No, I won't go back. I want to stay here to guard my 'girl', I won't go anywhere!"

Ning Tao said, "Auntie, I have already treated her. She is in a good condition now. I can cure her completely again tomorrow. It ’s no use staying here. You can go home and order something delicious. I will be tomorrow. Take her home for dinner, do you think? "

"Really?" Tang Zhen couldn't believe what Ning Tao said to her.

Ning Tao smiled: "Auntie, don't you believe me? Come with me, I will bring Jiang Hao home tomorrow."

"Then I'll go back with you." Tang Zhen got up from the sofa.

Ning Tao supported her, not knowing why, Tang Zhen reminded him of his mother.

Jia Yinhong said, "Doctor Ning, Aunt Tang, I'll take you out."

"Okay, thank you." Ning Tao politely ~ ~ Jia Yinhong took Ning Tao and Tang Zhen into the elevator that he took when he came in, went up the first floor, and then sent Ning Tao and Tang Zhen main entrance.

"Goodbye, Doctor Ning, Aunt Tang." Jia Yinhong waved to Ning Tao and Tang Zhen.

Ning Tao said, "Dr. Jia, I asked Director Zhang to turn off the light in the isolation room at night, because the light will affect Jiang's good rest, which is not good for her health. If you are still here at night, I will call and ask you also It ’s not turned off. Can you tell me your phone number if it is convenient? "

Jia Yinhong said: "Of course no problem, everyone in the ancestral search project must stay here, I can't go out of the door, otherwise I will send you out. My phone number is 189 ... Call me, how about I call you as soon as the lights are off? "

Ning Tao said, "Okay, thank you." Later, he also told Jia Yinhong his phone number, and edited Jia Yinhong's phone number as a new contact.

Ning Tao stepped on the Tiandao battery car and took Tang Zhen away from the Institute of Biotechnology of the Academy of Sciences.

It's time to prepare, and the next step is to get started.

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