Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 320: Message from Maria

The compact room was quiet and the lights were off.

This time Ning Tao knocked directly at the door.

"Do you want more? My God, you are the most perfect gift from God to me." Maria's voice came from the door, excited and rejoicing.

The light in the room turned on, and then the sound of Maria walking in slippers was a brisk little step.

The door opened, and Ning Tao went straight in and closed the door.

Then Maria found out that it was Ning Tao. She first stumbled, then jumped to the bed and pulled the quilt in front of her. She actually wears underwear, but Ning Tao is not simple or Hanks, she also knows shame.

Ning Tao opened his door and said, "I ask you, has a woman with a short, fat, prickly face come here?"

He uses English and is fluent.

Maria hesitated, but said in blunt Chinese: "I have never seen such a woman."

Ning Tao froze slightly: "You never spoke in Chinese before, how come now?"

Maria avoided Ning Tao's eyes, her tone flickered a little: "Hanks is a Hua Guotong, I followed him to learn a little Chinese. I am a woman, I have to keep a little secret, but you do not misunderstand me No bad intentions, just for self-protection. "

Ning Tao understood that she pretended not to understand Chinese. When he talked with him, he would not deliberately take precautions against her, and she could obtain some information calmly.

Now it seems that Aunt Jiang encouraged his son to go to sleep with her every day. She listened to her ears, perhaps because she looked simple and handsome, honest and honest, and gradually moved her mind. Women want men, sometimes with one look, one action can achieve the goal. How can the simple young guy withstand the temptation of her big Yanma?

"I told you this secret because ..." Maria paused and said, "I want to stay here, I don't want to go back."

This is the real reason.

There was a mess in Ning Tao's heart: "Do you love simplicity?"

Maria nodded surely: "Love, of course I love him. When I used to be with Hanks, he often didn't go home, I was very lonely. Now I am very close together, he is every day We were with me. We went into the mountains to collect medicine. He taught me a lot. I liked the simple and simple taste of him. I also liked this place. His mother also liked me. I knew she wanted I gave Jane a son, and I can do it. "

Ning Tao doesn't know what to say anymore. Deep mountain old forest, lonely man and widow together will have problems. He now regrets sending the widow Maria to the simple home, so it ’s not like screwing. Are the nuts on the rod?

"Please understand me, I have thought about it. If I go back, it is not the peaceful life that is waiting for me, but the pursuit. The murderers who killed Hanks will not let me go, I can live in this place, So ... I won't go back, "Maria said.

Ning Tao said: "You can stay here and live with Jane, but you have to tell me where that place is and what can I do to find what Hanks left behind."

"I've prepared it for you," Maria said.

She opened the mat and mattress on the bed, and took out a small book from the hay that made the bed.

The book also had the words "workbook" printed on it, and I didn't know who gave it to her.

Ning Tao took the workbook and opened it.

The assignment was written in English: Hanks and I met in Florence, Italy, and at that time I was a student at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts. He rented a house next to the Baihua Church, and the rent was paid for a lump sum for ten years. The house is very old, with the sign of iris at the door, and the number 68, only Hanks and I know that place. We often meet in that place, and what you want is on the beam in that living room.

Ning Tao tore off the piece of paper and drew it into his pants pocket: "That's it, since you love simplicity, and simplicity also loves you, you can be together. But if you deceive simplicity, I Won't let you go. "

Maria followed and said, "How can I deceive him? I love him, Hanks can't let me conceive a child, but Jane and I can have children. I like children and I like this place. I will Stay with him. "

"I wish you happiness." Ning Tao turned and walked towards the door.

"Thank you," Maria said. "Shall I tell Jane that you've been?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment and said, "You tell him, I will come to get the medicine in a while. I have an urgent matter tonight, so I won't meet."

This time, he had planned to let Jian Jing go to the north to help Bai Jing, but he did not expect to encounter such a situation. But that ’s okay. It ’s simple and concubine again, and it ’s good to stay with the concubine to help him collect medicines. He has a low culture and an honest man, but he didn't get used to going to a place like Beijing.

"Good luck," Maria said.

Ning Tao opened the door and went out, closing the door smoothly. He awakened the smell of his nose and caught all the smell in the yard. He just wanted to do it just now, but he really didn't want to catch some smell, so he put up with it.

There was no smell left by Tang Zixian in the courtyard.

Ning Tao said secretly, "Don't she know that Maria is here? Or, she knows, but doesn't show up?"

Around his head, under the stars and moon, the mountains and forests around the village were dark, and occasionally there was a roar of beasts. Tang Zixian may be looking at him in a dark corner with a telescope, or he may have left here long ago.

"For her, she is with a decent practitioner like Master Fakong and helps me to kill Bai Sheng, which shows that she is not a bad person. I have resentment with her, but I don't expect people like her to hurt And innocent. Even if she also finds here to get information, I'm already in Italy, she can't be faster than my door of convenience. "Thinking of this, Ning Tao was no longer worried and left Woyun Village, Walking up and down the cliff.

Back to Tianwai Clinic, it is already half past eleven. Ning Tao opened the door and walked out. At a glance, he saw Qing Zhui, who was holding the child, and Jiang Hao, who was approaching the door.

"Why are you still awake so late?" Ning Tao greeted him.

Jiang Hao said, "Qingzhui and I have set up your room. Come over and tell you to go home to sleep. You can't always stay in the clinic? You don't even have a bed in the clinic."

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's hard for you, let's go home. I just have something to discuss with you."

Jiang Hao gave Ning Tao a wink: "If you're kind to me, I'll ..."

I did n’t say anything, but she did n’t say it, but she looked as if Qing Qing was n’t there.

"Mother hug." Fox Xiaoji held out a pair of chubby hands, and the immature voice was like the rolling beads in a jade plate, clear and pleasant.

Ning Tao reached out and brought Fox Xiaoji over, kissed her little forehead, and said with a smile, "Xiao Ji, don't you call my mother in the future?"

"Okay, mother." Fox Xiaoji said.

Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing.

The three men and one child walked along the alley, laughing all the way. If there is only one adult woman, the person who sees it is likely to be a happy young couple holding their child on the way home, but with a woman, the situation is a bit complicated, and it is difficult to guess.

Back in the rented courtyard house, Ning Tao learned that his room was the main house, Jiang Hao lived in the right-hand room, and Qingzhui and Bai Jing lived in the west-room. Yin Molan's room is in the upside-down house. As for Xiaotian Dog, the courtyard door of the courtyard is it.

Xiaotian dog has no opinion at all, the dog is originally a role of caretaker. Before he met Ning Tao, he was a poor stray dog, but now he is almost finished memorizing the English alphabet. Ning Tao is tantamount to giving it a great fortune. What else isn't it satisfying?

Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui cleaned up the room cleanly, replaced the sheets and bedding with new ones, and even prepared two sets of pajamas and slippers, bath towels, etc. for Ning Tao.

Ning Tao looked at his room and said with a smile, "It's good to have women at home."

Qing Chai smiled.

Jiang Hao looked a little awkward.

Ning Tao looked in his eyes and was happy in his heart. In fact, as long as Jiang Hao and Qing Chau didn't quarrel or fight, they stayed together all the time, and as time went on, most of the barriers in her mind would automatically melt away. At that time, he really ushered in a happy life.

There is an old saying that is very good, and good things can be hardened.

Later, Ning Tao called Bai Jing, Yin Molan, and even Xiaotian Dog into his room. Opening the door and telling the clues he got from Maria, and his plans.

"Are you going to the United States and then to Italy?" Jiang Hao's response was surprised.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "This time, we must go. At present, we have Danfang content of two skulls. If I find that skull, we have Danfang content with three skulls in our hands. , And then refining Xundan, the effect may be better. "

"I agree, I'll go with you." Yin Molan couldn't wait, as long as it was related to Xun Zudan, he was actively involved.

"I'll go too," Qing Zhui said.

Jiang Hao also said, "I'll go too."

Bai Jing said: ‘’ How can this be without me? "

Ning Tao said, "I'll go exploring the road first, and when I've arranged it, I will open the door of convenience to get you to Florence, Italy."

Bai Jing said: "But the United States is the domain of Blackfire. How can we be assured if you are alone? You should be very aware of the risks of this operation ~ ~ Ning Tao said:" Of course I know If I want to escape, no one can keep me. I don't know what's going on there. If we go together, it will be prone to problems. It's so decided, wait until I arrange it, and then pick you up. "

Jiang Hao's eyes were full of worries: "So what are you leaving?"

Ning Tao said: "Tomorrow morning, it will be the night over there, so it is easy to move, and Johana and I have also scheduled a day later."

Jiang Hao said: "Then I will get you a passport now and bring it with you in case you need it."

Ning Tao warmed her heart and said with a smile, "You are so careful."

Bai Jing coughed: "Brother-in-law, why haven't I seen you so proud of my sister? Also, I have done a lot of careful things for you, why have you never praised me like this?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Just talk about the topic in one sentence. js3v3

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