Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 333: Continuous curve

At the end of the dinner, a guard came to report that Professor Yade had arrived. . :.

"Dr. Ning, now is the time for you to show us the Chinese medicine skills." Joseph Talman looked at Ning Tao with a smile, authentic.

The words were polite on the surface, but I didn't know why, but he could hear the taste of disbelief from his mouth.

Ning Tao put down her napkin and stood up and said, "Then I'll go back to the room and bring my 'medicine' box, and then go to see the patient."

Joseph Talman said with a smile: "'medicine' box? No, Dr. Ning, this palace has the most advanced medical equipment and 'medicine' in the world. No 'medicine' box is needed."

Ning Tao said lightly: "I don't need any medical equipment, and your 'medicines' here. If they are useful, Princess Saran would not invite me to treat Professor Yade, right?"

Joseph Talman's mouth moved "lips" a bit, and there was a flash of displeased "color" in his eyes. A doctor from Hua Guo actually spoke to him in this tone. However, his reaction was just the same, no seizures, and no dispute with Ning Tao.

Ning Tao continued: "In addition, I have to remind you. I am not a general doctor. I have my rules for seeing and treating patients. Regardless of who I am, I have to follow my rules."

A nobleman had seen Joseph Tulman's dissatisfaction for a long time, and said, "You young doctor, you have not even met the patient. We don't know if you can cure Professor Yade, but you are in Do n’t you think it ’s inappropriate to come up with rules here? ”

"My rules are actually very simple. No one should be present when I see a doctor." Ning Tao said.

Joseph Talman frowned suddenly, but he couldn't help it after all: "Shalin, are you sure you brought him here is the right decision? Professor Yad is very important to us, but he suggested that we cannot Present. Dr. Ning has only known you for two days. You do n’t even know his origin. Do you trust him that way? ”

Sha Lin stood up, feeling a little 'excited': "Professor Yad is very important to us, so I invited Dr. Ning. How is his medical skills, Harley 'Bo' cut is a proof. Also, I "..." She "lifted" her "chest", "my" chest "is also a proof."

Joseph Talman couldn't control his emotions: "Enough! Don't you feel embarrassed? The mention of your breast surgery on such occasions only shows that he is a cosmetic doctor."

Shailen Talman argues reasonably: "What's going on with Harley 'Bo' Che? I really should bring him here with his 'Bed', I think he will convince you!"

At this time, Kagutalman slightly raised his hand: "Don't say anything, we are very clear about Professor Yad's situation. No matter what, we will let this Chinese doctor try it, at least until now, He gives us a glimmer of hope. "

It is one thing to hope for a miracle, and it is another for a miracle.

Ning Tao smiled indifferently: "I'm not sure if I can cure the disease of Professor Yade, but I'm 100% sure that it will cure your disease."

"My illness?" Cargutalman gave a slight stun.

Joseph Talman said, "What are you talking about? My father is very healthy. Although you are a guest invited by my sister, but if you are not polite again, don't blame me."

How can a king of a country let others talk!

However, Ning Tao did not take Joseph Talman's warning seriously and said: "King Kagu, you have had a gastrectomy and you have removed one-third of your stomach, but you still cannot lose weight. Your heart is no longer able to carry your body, its blood supply is already difficult, and its oxygen content is insufficient. Do you feel tired after taking a few steps and always feel drowsy and tired during the day and want to sleep? "

"How do you ... know that I had a stomach-cut operation? How do you know that I'm tired?" Kagutalman actually knew the symptoms himself, but this kind of slow 'sex' disease caused by bad living habits is fundamental It is not cured by taking 'medicine' injections.

Ning Tao said: "Our Chinese medicine is expected to smell and ask the technology. I can look at your qi 'color' to diagnose your physical condition. In addition to the heart's blood supply and blood oxygenation, your liver also has problems. Lesions, I do n’t need to do an ultrasound “wave” examination to confirm that you have changed to severe fatty liver, but you are reluctant to put down your wine glass and those delicious grilled “meat”, so if you continue to develop, you will not only have a liver transplant There is no other way to go beyond surgery. Now, I ask you, do you feel dry eyes and blurred vision when you look at everything? "

The sights of several nobles all focused on Kagutalman. Ning Tao did not say that they did not know that their old king was in such bad health.

Cargutalman has come out of surprise, and he smiled: "My doctor also told me about these situations, and you can see that this shows that your medical experience is still very rich, and your observation ability is also good. Well, then I ask you, if you come to treat, what would you do? "

"Reducing 'fat'." Ning Tao said.

Joseph Talman couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Oh, I didn't expect you to still be a fitness trainer."

Ning Tao didn't hear it.

Kagutalman said: "So, how are you going to make me lose weight? Take 'medicine' or exercise, if I can insist, these health problems you mentioned will not appear."

Ning Tao said: "I only need half an hour, and I make you as thin as me."

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole restaurant was quiet.

"Hahaha ..." Kagutalman couldn't help but laugh out, "You are the most interesting doctor I have ever seen."

Joseph Talman's response was the opposite of the old king. His face was "shadowed" and "yin" sinking: "Here is Ruitian's palace, but you are here to speak with confidence. Are you insulting our IQ? "

Ning Tao ignored Joseph Tulman, and he looked at Kagutalman: "King Kagu, if you are willing to try, we can start now. Are you wondering if I can cure Professor Yad? You can verify my medicine in person. "

"Guard!" Growled Joseph Talman.

The two royal 'guards' followed and came to this side. The armor on their bodies made a crisp sound as they walked.

Sharine Tulman was anxious: "Brother, what are you doing? Dr. Ning is a guest I invited, and Professor Yade is still waiting for him!"

"His identity has not been investigated clearly. His motives are doubtful. Control it first, then the investigation is clear!" Joseph Tulman's response was too strong, and it seemed that he really felt that IQ was insulted.

Ning Tao did not panic at all, and even smiled on his face: "King Kagu, half an hour is equal to fine wine, good food, and a happy old age that you can do whatever you want. Would you like to try? This is the last chance I give you. If you miss it, you will no longer have it. "

This is probably the first time that Kagutalman heard such a word in his life. He, who is expensive to King Ruitian, was told by a young doctor from China to give him one last chance.

The two guards had already come to Ning Tao's side, and the next step was to grab people.

But at this moment, Kagutalman said, "Okay, I'm willing to try it, but if you don't do it, do you know what consequences you will face?"

Ning Tao smiled: "I heard that Ruitian Prison is treated well. If I don't, I want to experience the life of Ruitian Prison."

Joseph Talman said, "Father, you ..."

Kagutalman raised his hand slightly: "I've decided, let him try it."

Joseph Talman looked at Ning Tao and said nothing, but his eyes were cold.

"Dr. Ning, where are you going to lose my fat?" Kagutalman asked.

Ning Tao said: "A room that can close the door is enough, but ..." He paused before he said, "I said just now that I have my rules for treating patients, no matter who they are." Have to obey my rules. "

"Don't worry, I'll let them wait outside the door." Kagutalman said.

"There is one more," Ning Tao said.

Cagutalman frowned suddenly: "What more rules do you have?"

Ning Tao said: "We have to talk about the consultation first."

A nobleman sneered: "It is a arrogant Chinese who dare to say such things here!"

"How much do you want?" Cargutalman's voice was a little angry, and he was almost impatient.

Ning Tao still said in a calm and light voice: "I don't want money, I just want a table in your collection room."

"You want a table?" Cagutalman froze suddenly, a look of surprise.

It wasn't just Kagu Talman, the turn was too big, and everyone else was thrown off the car. Including Sharine Tulman, they thought that Ning Tao would ask a lion for a large price, but did not expect him to ask for a table.

If it were not for that cedar spirit wooden table, Ning Tao would go around in such a large circle with them and abandon so many words? Not to mention King Ruitian ’s “fat” obesity syndrome. In this attitude of these people, even if King Ruitian was fat to one ton, he would not bother!

"Just in the collection room, Princess Charlene took me on a visit just now, and I saw a table that matched my clinic. I just lacked a table, so I want that table. If you agree We might as well go to that collection room, where I can treat you. "Ning Tao said.

Kagutalman said a few moments before he said, "Okay, I want to see what table you want."

A few minutes later, Ning Tao retrieved his small 'medicine' box and went to the 'door' of the collection room.

A guard opened the 'door' of the Royal Collection.

Cagutalman walked in.

Ning Tao entered the 'door' and turned around, blocking Joseph Talman's way.

Two men stared at each other.

In the second second, Ning Tao reached out and slammed the door ‘door’, then closed the door ’latch.

"Which table do you like?" Kagutalman glanced at the lavish collection in the collection room, but found no table.

Ning Tao walked over to the cedar spirit wooden table and stopped in front of the "Axe of the Storm": "This is the table."

"What you want is it?" Kagu Talman thought what valuable Ning Tao's ancestral treasure table was, but did not expect that Ning Tao wanted such a humble table for axe.

Ning Tao's heart was 'excited', but she didn't move her face, and said, 'Secretly': "It is it. Will you give it to me?"

"Of course no problem ~ ~ Kagutalman didn't even have to think about it, and he agreed.

Ning Tao removed the "Axe of the Storm" from the table and patted the table: "Come up, it can serve as an operating table."

Cargutalman was holding the table with both hands to climb up, but he was too fat, clumsy and old-fashioned to climb up.

Ning Tao shook his head, clasped Kagutalman's waist with one hand, clasped Kagutalman's 'leg' with one hand, and hugged him suddenly.

Cagutalman was lying in Ning Tao's arms, with a strange expression on his face, "You ..."

"I'm normal." Ning Tao said, he put Kagutalman on the table, then opened the small 'medicine' box, took out a needle, and stuck in Kagutal without a word. On Man's head, the spiritual power shook 'Swing', and Kagutalman suddenly passed out.

Ning Tao struck out Kagu Talman with a ‘fine’ light, then turned Kagu Talman one by one, with his **** facing the sky. Then he took out a pull sign and slammed it onto Kagu Talman's light slap ...

A crisp sound, 'fat', 'meat', and 'dang'.

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