Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 339: Queen of Frost

In the east, the fish belly is slightly white, and the majestic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers is still shrouded in darkness. There is no figure on the old street, let alone a tavern that is open.

At the top of Giotto's Bell Tower, next to a window, a pair of oriental men and women stood side by side in front of the window, looking at a blurred view of Florence.

"Don't you say you want to take me to a pub to drink?" Jiang Hao broke the silence between the two.

Ning Tao said a little awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I was happy for a while, and I forgot the jet lag."

Jiang Hao didn't say anything. She looked out the window. Although there were black lights everywhere, she still enjoyed it. She has never been to Florence, and everything here is very special to her.

Some time later, a pair of young men and women came to the street and stopped in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Flowers. The young man suddenly knelt down, holding a ring box in both hands to propose. The woman covered her mouth in excitement and looked happy. But after a distance, they couldn't hear what the two were talking about.

Jiang Hao and Ning Tao looked down at the young men and women.

After the young woman received the ring from the young man, the two were together and kissed passionately.

This is a bit unsuccessful.

It seemed to be infected by the young men and women. Ning Tao quietly leaned his head and pressed his lips to Jiang Hao's face little by little.

The light in the corner of Jiang Hao's eyes moved quietly to Ning Tao's face. Her slightly bearded lips had not kissed her face, and she became tense.

Ning Tao actually knew Jiang Hao was squinting at him, but he pretended not to see it, and kissed him daringly.

Qingxiu's pretty face came to her mouth in a blink of an eye, but just before the kiss of Fang Ze, a hand suddenly stopped in front of his mouth, he couldn't close his mouth, and kissed it on the palm of others.

Jiang Hao hurriedly retracted his hand and blushed and said, "Why are you so nasty?"

Ning Tao was not a cheeky person, but at this time, there was no master: "What face do I have in you, I only need you."

Jiang was so angry and funny: "Do n’t think I do n’t know what ghost idea is in your heart. Before you came, you said take me to drink. Do you want to do something bad while I am drunk? When I wanted to give you You don't, you want it now, it's not that easy. "

Ning Tao: "..."

"Forget it, let's go to Shennongjia, there is no wine to use for you anyway." Jiang Hao said.

Ning Tao smiled awkwardly, embarrassed to say anything.

A few minutes, a door of convenience opened in a valley in Shennongjia.

At first, this valley was once the camp of the archeological team, and the valley is still that valley, but the archeological team no longer exists, and it is really unbearable to look back.

The valley covered by night is not dark. A clear moon hangs in the clear night sky, and the river and grass in the valley are clearly visible.

"Just here, I'm guarding you, you can rest assured that you can eat the queen of Zudan." Ning Tao said.

Jiang Hao took out the small porcelain bottle, unplugged the bottle, and poured the missing version of Xunzu Dan into his palm. She glanced at Ning Tao, and she seemed to confirm what she was looking for. Without hesitation, she fed the missing version of Xunzu Dan into her mouth and swallowed her neck.

Ning Tao stared straight at Jiang Hao, her eyes and nose also entered the state of sight and smell, and she was in control of all changes at any time.

Jiang Hao also stared at Ning Tao. Although she knew that Ning Tao was nearby, she would not be in trouble, but she couldn't help but feel nervous.

A few seconds passed.

Ning Tao said a little anxiously, "Why didn't you respond? Well, how do you feel?"

As soon as his words fell, Jiang Hao had no time to answer him, and suddenly a roar, a gluing light burst out of her mouth, and the sound of the skeletal movement of the beep pit was heard in her body. Horrible is that her muscles are also growing rapidly, and the scene is like the fermented dough under the fast lens!

"Ah-" Jiang Hao yelled again, his eyes were all green, and his whole body was entangled with green faint demon.


With a cracking sound, Jiang Hao's clothes suddenly cracked, muscles stretched out the fabric, and were exposed in the air. Those muscles contain horrible power, blood vessels rise high, but they maintain a fair and delicate skin feeling, and have a weird sensuality.

Ning Tao was stunned. He had seen Yin Molan taking Xunzu Dan. The picture was terrible, but he did not expect that Jiang Hao taking Xunzu Dan was so beautiful and exciting.

"Hot!" Jiang Hao, who became a female King Kong, fisted on her own chest with a muffled sound, and the last bit of cloth on her body was shattered and pieces fluttered.

Ning Tao seemed to be anchored by her amulet, her whole body, including her eyes, froze and she couldn't move.

"Not allowed to watch!" Jiang Hao roared, and suddenly kicked over.

Ning Tao focused on raising her leg, but ignored that leg was kicking him, so she slammed the leg in God's chest, flew up, and dropped a dozen meters away before falling heavily on the beach.

"Atao, are you okay?" Jiang Hao rushed up, and Ning Tao was hugged as soon as the muscular Kirin arm stretched out.

Ning Tao enjoyed the wonderful feeling that the female King Kong took in her arms, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I can train casually, the train is okay, it's nothing to you."

"Stop me ... I don't know why, I can't control my emotions, I want to vent!"

"You can hold me lightly, your pecs is hard."

"what did you say?"

"I said……"

Before Ning Tao finished speaking, Jiang Hao suddenly punched Ning Tao's eyes ...

Good, what breast muscle do you mention?

It took more than ten minutes for Jiang Hao's demon power to calm down, the swollen muscles quickly subsided, and her green eyes were back to normal. But after Xunzudan's marrow washing and sutra, her demon power has greatly increased, and it is no longer Jiang.

Ning Tao walked over to her, expressing concern: "How are you feeling now?"

Jiang so quickly jumped into the river and hid: "Don't come over."

Ning Tao stopped, jokingly said, "You were so fierce just now, but I didn't leave any effort. Why are you so scared of me at this moment? When you come here, I will give you a pulse to diagnose your current situation."

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I won't be fooled by you, you give me your clothes." Jiang Hao said, not hiding in the water.

The river was crystal clear, but it was better than not.

Ning Tao couldn't bear to tease her any more and took off her coat and threw it to her.

Jiang Hao reached out to pick it up, but the coat was blown by the wind in the air, she caught an empty one, and the coat fell into the water. When she was in a hurry, she didn't know what triggered it. The river around her body suddenly froze!

Kakaka ...

With the sound of icing, the flowing river water froze for several square meters in an instant!

The coat fell on the ice and was not washed away by the water.

Ning Tao was immediately shocked at the scene. His feeling at this moment was stronger than when he saw Jiang Hao become a female King Kong.

Jiang Hao became a new demon. His known ability is to brush his face, awaken the genes of the ancients, and change into the ancients. Lin Qinghua also has this ability. When he met Lin Qinghua again in Florence, Lin Qinghua broke his leg and recovered to normal in just a few seconds. This shows that Lin Qinghua has the ability to remove the face, that is, after injury. Fast recovery. Jiang Hao, who has taken Xunzu Dan, has also shown her ability to act as a new demon besides throwing her face away, that is-frozen!

Even the flowing river can be frozen. Jiang Hao's ability as a new demon is obviously more advanced and powerful than Lin Qinghua's ability to recover quickly!

This is not surprising, because Lin Qinghua has not taken the Xunzu Dan he refined, but Jiang Hao has Xunzu Dan to eat. In addition, there may be talent reasons, which are difficult to analyze and prove.

Jiang Hao put on Ning Tao's coat, punched the frozen river with a punch, and landed carefully.

Ning Tao came back from the shock, he hurriedly greeted him: "How did you do it just now?"

Jiang carefully pressed the jacket's hem and thought for a moment: "I don't know, as soon as I'm in a hurry, I want to grab that dress. I don't know what's going on ..."

"If you think about it again, what was it like at that time?" Ning Tao had awakened the state of sight and smell of eyes and nose when he spoke, and he was taken aback by this. Jiang Hao's pre-weather field has transformed into a demon's pre-weather field. The green and blue colors almost cover up the colorful pre-weather field as a person.

Jiang Hao thought about it again, then shook his head: "I really can't remember it, and it feels very strange. I have a poor language and can't describe it. Go back and think about it and tell you."

"I touch your hand." Ning Tao stretched it away and grabbed Jiang Hao's hand pressing the hem of his clothes.

As a result, when he pulled and lifted it, the loose hem of the loose clothes swayed in the wind.

"Pervert!" Jiang Hao was ashamed and anxious, struggling to earn.

Suddenly, a cold air struck and Ning Tao's entire arm was frozen!

"Atao, are you okay?" Jiang Hao panicked, reaching out and grabbing Ning Tao's shoulder.

Kakaka ...

Ning Tao's shoulders and head were all frozen in a blink of an eye!

In just two seconds, Ning Tao became an ice man. That ice is not pure, transparent ice, but slightly moss-colored. Obviously, this ice was condensed by her demon power. The moisture in the surrounding air was instantly transferred to Ning Tao's body, and condensed into ice under her demon power!

In this capacity, as long as she is proficient, she can probably walk on the Pacific Ocean and walk from Malacca to the Persian Gulf!

"A Tao, are you okay? Don't scare me!" Jiang Hao was so frightened that he raised his fist and smashed into the ice sculpture Ning Tao.

Without waiting for her fist to fall on Ning Tao's body, the ice on Ning Tao's body suddenly burst open, and the ice shot everywhere.

But her fist still penetrated the burst of ice and hit a fist in Ning Tao's eyes.


Ning Tao's face was frozen again ~ ~ People also flew upside down and hit the ground heavily.

"Atao, are you okay?" Jiang Hao rushed up anxiously.

Ning Tao suddenly stood up and raised her hands flatly: "Don't come over! I'm fine!"

Jiang Hao stopped and looked apologetic and aggrieved.

Ning Tao said: "Don't use your magic power in the future. You can not only freeze, but your strength is scary. When you are not familiar with your magic power and mastery, you should reduce contact with people."

Seeing that Ning Tao was okay, Jiang Hao let go of her heart. She squeezed her eyes to Ning Tao and deliberately pinched the hem of her clothes a few centimeters: "A Tao, don't you want it? I'll give it to you now, you come on."

Ning Tao: "..."

She must be intentional.


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