All the girls were called by Xiao Cui from upstairs, standing in the hall, huddled together, the blood in the hall, the teeth, and the painful mourner fell to the ground, which made them nervous. They didn't know what would happen next, and they never held their fate in their own hands. & 1t; /

Xiao Cui is different from them. & 1t; /

Xiao Cui walked to a mournful thug who fell to the ground, and suddenly struck one of his legs between them, then the second and third leg, and scolded while he scolded: "Tell you to hit Me! Ask you to burn me with a cigarette butt! You bastard! "& 1t; /

The thug huddled his body, like a shrimp, afraid to fight back. If Ning Tao is not here, if Xiao Cui dares to treat him like this, he will torture her to death but not death, but Ning Tao is standing in this hall, and he dare not even think of revenge. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "Xiao Cui, it's all right, come over and do me a favor." & 1t; /

"Uncle, what do you want me to do?" Xiao Cui walked over. & 1t; /

Ning Tao took out her mobile phone and handed it to Xiao Cui: "Wait a minute, you ask those of your sisters, how did they come here, what did they experience here, and then use my phone to take pictures." & 1t; /

"Good uncle." Xiao Cui happily accepted the task assigned to her by Ning Tao. & 1t; /

Ning Tao stopped her: "Wait." & 1t; /

Xiao Cui turned around and said, "Uncle, do you have anything else?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "Well, can you call me uncle?" & 1t; /

Xiao Cui put out her tongue and then nodded again: "Well, Brother Ning, is it OK to call it like this?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao smiled and nodded. & 1t; /

Xiao Cui went to ask those sisters, but no one dared to speak. Whoever Xiao Cui walked in, he stepped back and avoided her. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "I know you are afraid of retaliation, but you look at what these people who oppress you are like, have you not had the courage to stand up and testify to them? I know that some of you have been abducted here, There are also people who come here to work voluntarily, no matter who they are, as long as you are willing to stand up and testify against these people, I will give her 100,000 yuan compensation. "& 1t; /

"Are you telling the truth? Are you willing to give us money?" A girl stood up and asked. & 1t; /

Hundreds of girls, whether they were abducted here or voluntarily came here, 100,000 yuan per person, which can cost tens of millions of dollars, some people will inevitably suspect that Ning Tao is deceiving them. & 1t; /

Ning Tao did not return to the girl ’s question, but said to Song Chengpeng: "Song son Song, look, how much do you plan to donate?" & 1t; /

donate? & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng froze for a moment, he was filled with anger. In the circle of Beidu, even Huai Kebing dare not talk to him like this. Not to mention threatening him to donate money, but anyone who does not give face will end up miserable. But now, Ning Tao not only gave him the slightest face, but also pulled down his pride and dignity and stepped on his feet! & 1t; /

But how about that? & 1t; /

Ning Tao walked towards Song Chengpeng: "You may think you are stronger than them, and the power behind you is also stronger. But I tell you, here I am, you are the same as them. Do n’t think I did n’t know you had Langwei expose I, you hide behind, waiting to see my good show. If you want to watch, I will play for you, you won't even buy tickets for the show, right? "& 1t; /

Song Chengpeng said stubbornly: "I still say that, do you have to do this? For these women? Or for what? There is a price to do anything, I advise you to think it over carefully, otherwise there are some costs you can't afford Starting. "& 1t; /

Ning Tao's body suddenly leaped, and he was thrown behind him a few meters away in a moment, and at that moment his foot was heavily struck on Song Chengpeng's lower abdomen. & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng snorted, and the whole man flew off the ground, and the shells generally hit a Baxian table. The table was turned over and he fell to the floor. He jumped up from the ground with a carp, but spouted blood as he opened his mouth. His Dantian is experiencing the pain of turning over the river, and the internal force that was once proud can no longer gather! & 1t; /

Ning Tao said coldly: "Don't think I dare not hit you. I can easily defeat your martial arts. Just one more step is enough. Are you sure you want to watch the overlord drama?" & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng was frightened. As a martial artist, he was not afraid of being beaten, but Ning Tao said that his martial arts could be easily discarded, and he was afraid: "I donate ... three million." & 1t; /

Ning Tao walked to Lang Wei: "Mr. Lang, how much do you donate?" & 1t; /

"I ... I donate three million." Lang Weisheng was afraid that Ning Tao would walk in front of him and give him another one. & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at Ji Xiaofeng: "Mr. Ji, your two friends donated three million each, how much did you donate?" & 1t; /

Ji Xiaofeng trembled and said, "I and I also donate three million." & 1t; /

Ning Tao went to Li Biao, who was paralyzed on the ground, grabbed his head and dragged him off the ground: "The remaining one million, you donate." & 1t; /

"I ... donate ..." Li Biao's face was severely damaged, his voice was vague, but his attitude was clear, and he did not dare to violate it at all. & 1t; /

Ning Tao let go of Li Biao's head and said to the girls: "Now, whoever reveals, go to them four and give them an account, they will give you 100,000 yuan."

The girls scrambled to find Xiao Cui to expose the criminal evidence of Li Biao and his men. & 1t; /

Ning Tao walked to a table of eight immortals, sat down, put a small medicine box on the table, took out the book slips and a stack of clinic prescriptions. In addition, I took out some gauze, disinfected iodine or something, and put them on the table. & 1t; /

The eyes of everyone gathered on Ning Tao's body, and on the things on the table of the Eight Immortals, a pair of surprised eyes, and only one of them fell to the ground on the chin. & 1t; /

Who would have thought that Ning, who knocked down dozens of people, ignored revenge, and wanted to rescue these girls, was actually a doctor! & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "What to see? Yes, I am a doctor. You all have heard clearly. Whoever I am, please come for treatment." & 1t; /

"You ... you turned out to be a doctor?" Lang Wei's voice felt humiliated. He had already imagined Ning Tao as a class boy, or a desperate person who could ignore the law, but he did not expect that the person who turned himself into a pig was a doctor, and now he still needs to see a doctor! & 1t; /

Is he crazy? & 1t; /

Ji Xiaofeng had the same feeling in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. & 1t; /

Ning Tao didn't talk to Lang Wei, and when he was ready, he called out, "Li Biao, you come first." & 1t; /

"I ... I'll just forget it." Where did Li Biao dare to approach Ning Tao, he would not believe that Ning Tao really cared about his injury and wanted to see him. & 1t; /

Ning Tao took the blade of the eclipse out of the small medicine chest and waved it smoothly. The back of a teacher's chair beside him was cut in half. Then he looked at Li Biao. & 1t; /

"I, I came to see the doctor." Li Biao got up and tremblingly walked towards Ning Tao. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said coldly, "What's the use of your legs if you walk so slowly?" & 1t; /

When Li Biao heard these words, his legs almost paralyzed. After stabilizing his figure, he accelerated his pace and came to Ning Tao's. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "Sit down and stretch out your hand." & 1t; /

Li Biao sat down, held out his hand, and looked at Ning Tao nervously. He never imagined that there would be another day in his life. Everyday, he would run wild, and anyone who saw it would have to avoid it. Today, he is not only struck by a pig, but also teased as a fool! & 1t; /

Ning Tao grabbed Li Biao's hand, put it on the ledger bamboo slips, and gave Li Biao a pulse. The pulse is just a guise, and his purpose is to see what kind of diagnosis Li Zhuo gave to Bamboo. & 1t; /

A few seconds later, Ning Tao released Li Biao's wrist, and Li Biao quickly retracted his hand. & 1t; /

Ning Tao did not open the account book bamboo slips, but took out a sky needle: "Extend your face over, your face needs acupuncture." & 1t; /

"I ..." Li Biao was about torture and wept. & 1t; /

Ning Tao picked up the blade of the eclipse with another hand: "Acupuncture or surgery, you choose the same." & 1t; /

"Acupuncture." Li Biao stretched his face swollen into a pig waist. & 1t; /

Ning Tao pierced with a needle, and a little bit of bad gas penetrated into Li Biao's body through the needle at that moment. But it was just a faint trace of anger, which would not kill Li Biao, but would make him sick and painful. & 1t; /

Ning Tao pulled out the needle and said, "Okay, after the treatment is over, if you are uncomfortable, come to me. Of course, you can also go to the big hospital to see if they can't cure you, you can come to me again. . "& 1t; /

"Okay, okay, thank you Ning ... Doctor." Li Biao didn't want to stay beside Ning Tao for a second, and after getting this word, he got up and stepped back. & 1t; /

After Li Biao left, Ning Tao opened the ledger bamboo slips. & 1t; /

The account book bamboo slips emerged from the contents: Li Biao, March 12th (1975), black evil person, evil and disrespectful parents count 1o evil thoughts, and the second worst evil is 312 counts 156o evil thoughts , The three evils cause people to be disabled ... a sin of 1997 points, ten evils are not forgiven, you can prescribe evil to sin, to atone for death. & 1t; /

Ning Tao put together a book of bamboo slips without a prescription for evil thoughts. He would not open the door of convenience in front of so many people and take Li Biao back to Tianwai Clinic to atone for his sins. This is why he gave Li Biao "acupuncture". With his acupuncture diseases, he was tethering a rope to Li Biao. As soon as he pulled the rope, Li Biao would be arrested. & 1t; /

"Mr. Song, please come over and I'll show you." Ning Tao said that Li Biao was nothing more than a "wallet" full of consultation money, but Song Chengpeng was his real goal. & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng's expression was strange: "I have a doctor myself." & 1t; /

Ning Tao said lightly: "Do you have a doctor yourself? I don't know if I waste your Dantian Qihai, he can't heal well?" & 1t; /

There was a hint of hatred in Song Chengpeng's eyes: "Okay, you want to play, right, I will play with you, I hope you have fun, and will be fine in the future."

Ning Tao smiled: "Let's talk about future things in the future, happy now is the most important thing." & 1t; /

Then a girl came over: "I, I have finished reporting ~ ~ Where can I get my money?" & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "Li Biao, did you hear me? Report fees to others." & 1t; /

Li Biaozheng was tortured and crazy. Those girls reported him, but he still had to pay them! & 1t; /

Bullying too much! & 1t; /

Song Chengpeng came over and sat on the chair Li Biao once made. & 1t; /

Ning Tao grabbed his hand, put it on the bamboo slip of the ledger, and gave him a pulse. & 1t; /

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