Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 386: Really fierce

After walking so far, and collecting so much garbage in the ears, Ning Tao only wanted an answer-who killed Liu Shiba and the head of Qingfeng Road.

Hai Dongfang said after a moment of silence: "Before I speak again, I want to know why you followed Zeng Xunlong to enter the fairy tomb?"

Ning Tao paused for a moment before he said, "Why do you ask me this?"

Hai Dongfang said, "You want to know who killed Liu Shiba and Chief Qingsong. I want to know your passing through the tomb of the gods. You tell me what I want to know. I tell you what you want to know. This is not Is it fair? "

Ning Tao smiled and said, "It's nothing to tell you. I went to Sacred Mountain in Western Province. I was looking for a clue to find Dandan of Zudan, but I didn't expect to meet a group of Zeng Xunlong in the camp. My dog ​​hurt his dog and caused conflicts, and he wanted to kill me. I found a gun on him, he was suspicious, and then tracked him into the tomb of the gods. I have to say that he is an excellent touch gold school captain , He opened all the difficult tombs. "

"You killed him and his people?"

Ning Tao shook his head: "There is a legal formation in the tomb of the immortal. One person died, and all the people brought by Zeng Xunlong died on the institution along the way. In fact, there is the last institution in the tomb. The person who had been retained by Xun Xunlong never hired him to kill him. Therefore, I never shot him and his people, but he and his people died in the tomb of the gods. "

Hai Dongfang stared straight at Ning Tao, with suspicion hidden in his eyes: "Are you all telling the truth?"

Ning Tao said: "Every word I say is true. As for whether you believe it or not, that is your business."

"You seem to have forgotten the most important part."


"Opening the hall." Hai Dongfang said, "There is a fairy coffin in the tomb of the gods. That Xun Xun died in the best law organization. That is to say, the coffin of the gods is opened. What do you see after the museum is opened? ,what happened?"

Ning Tao said: "It turned out that you wanted to know the whereabouts of" Six Reincarnation Maps ", and I can tell you about this too. After opening the coffin, there was a female corpse. She was weathered on the spot, and no trace of hair was left. You must know that this is the "Six Reincarnation Map", it flew away, and the tomb of the immortal also collapsed. So if you want to know from me the whereabouts of the "Six Reincarnation Map", then I will regret to tell You, I don't know. "

Hai Dongfang still stared at Ning Tao, seemingly judging whether what Ning Tao said was true or false.

Ning Tao said, "I've told you what you want to know. Now it's your turn to tell me what I want to know. Who killed Liu Shiba and Mr. Qingsong?"

Hai Dongfang said after a moment of silence: "The" Six Reincarnation Map "is ranked seventh on the list of ten vicious instruments. It allows people to see the past life and find where the people in the previous life have reincarnated. But its device The spirit is transformed by thousands of yin spirits. It is extremely evil and cunning, and it is difficult to drive. "

Ning Tao frowned slightly, this was not the answer he wanted.

Haidong walked towards a cage that was exactly the cage where he strangled the concubine and hung up. He walked and said, "I know how to conquer the spirit of the" Six Reincarnation Map ", let It works for me. As long as I get the "Six Reincarnation Maps" in hand, I may know where my poor child has been reborn, and what it looks like now. And my Aunt Zaina, I may also find Her reincarnation. In this way, our family may be reunited and never be separated again. "

Ning Tao suddenly realized something, but didn't say anything.

Hai Dongfang opened the cage and walked in. He stood in front of the bone hanging on the beam, and after gazing for a few seconds, he reached out to untie the rope around the bone's neck. But the bone was so fragile that he didn't wait for him to untie the rope when he touched it. The bone suddenly fell apart and crashed to the ground. Some bones broke, and the skull rolled to the side.

"No--" Hai Dongfang's mood suddenly got out of control, hissing and roaring.

Ning Tao then said out loud: "You killed Liu Shiba and Qingsong Dao, didn't you?"

Hai Dongfang didn't seem to hear his voice. He hugged the skull and cried and said, "Did you, did you hurt? Don't be afraid, I hold you, we will reunite soon, you wait With me, you have to wait for me ... "

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "What are you crying for? Your feelings may be real, and you are indeed suffering for hundreds of years, but have you ever thought about that concubine, you put the rope around Around her neck, when you killed her, what was she thinking? "

Haifang suddenly yelled at Ning Tao: "Shut up!"

"You said you gave up, but you couldn't let it go. There are some sins. Once committed, it will eat your soul like a maggot, and you cannot be relieved unless you redeem it by death." Ning Tao said in this regard He represents authority.

Hai Dong carefully laid the skull on the ground, then he stood up, grabbed the rope, and yanked it.


In a dull sound, at least a few hundred tons of boulder fell from the entrance and instantly sealed the only exit.


Suddenly, the four walls burst into the shadows, and even the birds don't want to avoid it!

In the enclosed space, there was nowhere to run, and Ning Tao did not escape. When Haidong pulled the rope violently, he pulled up the hood of Tianbao's vestment and put it on his head. The hood was large, covering his eyes and nose, lowering his head slightly, and hiding his chin in the neckline.

Puff puff……

Ning Tao had just put on his hood, and the unexplainable arrows and crossbows struck his head, chest, back and legs. At that instant, his body was shot a hundred times!

The lantern in the dungeon was also shot and extinguished, and fell into a dark place with no fingers.

"Hahaha! Do you know how I killed Liu Shiba and Mr. Qingsong? That will only make you die faster!" The sneer of Hai Dongfang came out of the prison cage, "Kill you, Cut off your head, and I will get the "Six Reincarnation Map"! My son, Nun, wait for me, I will find you soon, and we will be together soon. "

The sound of the cage opening, Hai Dongfang rushed out of the cage. He waved his hand, and a faint faint demon fire flew out of his hand. The extinguished lanterns were instantly charged by electricity, and the dark space was illuminated by the dim light.

Ning Tao was lying on the ground, with arrows and crossbows scattered around the ground. Those arrows and crossbows flickered green, apparently quenching the venom.

Hai Dongfang stopped suddenly, and the look on his face suddenly changed.

Ning Tao's body was free of arrows and crossbows, not even bleeding. He lay on the ground with his eyes wide open, but it felt like not a deadly horrible corpse, but a man lying on the ground who couldn't sleep counting sheep.

Suddenly, Ning Tao blinked.

Hai Dongfang suddenly rushed to Ning Tao, the man was still in control, and a sharp knife suddenly moved from his waist to his hands. He shook his hand, and stabbed into Ning Tao's heart!

Ning Tao rolled away to avoid it, a needle in the sky flew away at that instant, and pierced into Hai Dongfang's chest.

Hai Dongfang's wrist flipped, the blade was horizontal, blocking his chest.


The celestial needle hit the knife, then flew back, and returned to Ning Tao's hands.

"You ... why didn't you die!" Hai Dongfang exasperated.

Ning Tao glanced at the sharp knife in the hand of Hai Dongfang: "You just used this knife to kill Liu Shiba and Dao Qingsong? The Dao Qingsong's repair is not low. If he didn't trust you, you might not kill him. . "

"What is it?" Hai Dongfang said sharply, "No matter who it is, as long as I stand in the way of reunion with my wife and children, I will eradicate it!"

Ning Tao said: "I just heard you say that as long as you kill me and cut off my head, you will get the" Six Reincarnation Map ". Does anyone want my life?"

Hai Dongfang sneered, "Lend me your head and I will tell you."

Ning Tao's expression suddenly became cold. In fact, when Hai Dongfang avoided talking about who killed Liu Shiba and Mayor Qingsong but walked into the cage, he realized that something was wrong. His evil face awoke at that time, and now there was a rage under his evil face.

Hai Dongfang strangled the concubine who had been pregnant for him. He used the trust of Liu Shiba and Mr. Qingsong to kill him. The two evils were already unforgivable sins. Now he dares to punish him. The owner of Tianwai Clinic threatened to use his hand!

Ning Tao smiled angrily: "You are really bold, you want to borrow my head? You dare to be crazy in front of me! I give you one last chance and tell me who hired the group of Zeng Xunlong People go to steal the tomb of the gods, in that case, I will hide you and your woman and let you reunite in the underworld. "

In a word, whether you say it or not, I have to kill you!

"Hahaha! Mania! Do you think you have a vestment, can you leave here alive? I've been here for hundreds of years, and here is it how you think it is so simple?" A stroke in the palm of his hand, a sudden burst of blood poured out of the palm of his left hand, dripping onto the ground holding a thread. There was a string of murmuring spells in his mouth, and the speed of speech was strange.

Where would Ning Tao let him finish the mantra calmly, with a wave of his hand, a sky needle flew out, turning into a ray of cold light and piercing Hai Dongfang's mouth.

When you chant, I pierce your mouth.

Haifang once again erected the pole-knife, blocking the flight path of the sky needle.


The sky needle bounced back again ~ ~ But this time it did not fly back to Ning Tao's hands, but instead made a bend in the air and stuck it on Haidong's neck.

Hai Dongfang's neck stiffened suddenly, and a strange noise was made in his mouth.

He has finished the spell.

When Ning Tao beckoned, the sky needle tied to Hai Dongfang's neck flew back to his hand.

The ground suddenly trembled.

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