Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 392: Noire tribe

one day later.

Gender, Noire.

An African buffalo ran in panic in the forest, with several arrows tied on its back, and the blood flowing from the wound reddened its back and belly.

A group of indigenous crickets were drinking and chasing the injured African buffalo. They were bare-chested, their faces were painted in green, and they looked fierce one by one.


An arrow ejected from an indigenous bowstring and flew towards the buffalo's hind legs.

This aborigine is different from other aborigines. His skin is yellow skin. His face was not painted with messy oil, but a red flag with five golden pentagrams on it.

He is Fan Yeying.

"Medium!" Fan Yeying roared, watching the first arrow he shot with excitement.

The arrow flew to the back of the buffalo in a blink of an eye, and only needed a little distance to hit the target.

Suddenly, a figure flashed from the side, and the arrow pierced his chest. The man held the arrow, but did not fall to the ground.

The buffalo fled.

Fan Yeying stared at the figure with a stunned expression, and then screamed for a while before rushing up. At this moment his face was full of tension, worry, guilt and even fear.

Because he shot Ning Tao.

He asked Ning Tao to help heal the chieftain of the Black Horn tribe, but he did not expect Ning Tao to appear suddenly and hit him. What he was worried about now was not whether the chief of the Black Horn tribe could have children, but whether Ning Tao would be shot dead by him!

"Brother Ying Ying." Ning Tao suddenly said hello, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. "The way you meet and say hello is really special."

"Are you ... okay?" Fan Yeying drew near and looked at Ning Tao nervously.

Ning Tao dropped the arrow on her chest and said with a smile, "I caught your arrow, and you just hit me by just a little."

In fact, the arrow hit his chest and was blocked by Tianbao's vestment. He reached out and caught the falling arrow, pretending to be shot, and in this way gave the injured buffalo time to escape.

Now there are fewer and fewer wild animals, killing one is less, and the related population is more at risk of extermination. Saving buffalo is also a good deed.

The evil in the good and evil tripod is getting heavier and heavier, and every time he trains, he will be affected, and the Tao will be biased toward evil. However, if he does good deeds by himself, the goodness he has accumulated can offset a little influence. However, this is a matter of no means, not even a long-term solution, because the evil he absorbed from the good and evil tripod was released from thousands of evil thoughts and sins. He did not do this kind of good deeds at all. Faby.

In addition, the practice affects not only his Taoism, but also his inner Dan, and the influence on Nedan cannot be corrected by doing good deeds. A lot of good thoughts must be stored in the good and evil tripods. Merit can solve the problem. Therefore, there is only one way to cure the symptoms and cure the root cause, and that is to treat patients who have good merits. This seems to be incomprehensible, but it is a mechanism for self-balancing of the Tianwai Clinic. As a doctor at the Tianwai Clinic, only punishing evil and not Yang Shan will definitely not work. His natural middleman of good and evil, balance of good and evil is the foundation for him.

When Ning Tao put his arrow down, Fan Yeying let out a long sigh of relief this time, he smiled bitterly: "Brother Ning, you are really scared to death, why do you suddenly appear here?"

Ning Tao said: "I was flying to Sudan, and then came over by land. I didn't transfer to Jinsha Airport. The scenery in Gangde is beautiful. I also want to see the scenery. Play all the way to Noire. "

He couldn't tell Fan Yeying that I was driving all the way on a battery car. He estimated that Fan Yeying would think he was joking if he said so.

"Where's my sibling?" Fan Yeying looked back.

Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao came out from behind the two trees, respectively, a fallen fairy like the heavens and a beauty like an ice sculpture. The picture formed by the two women standing together suddenly made Fan Yeying and a large group of unknown hunters standing behind him straighten their eyes.

Ning Tao coughed.

Fan Yeying just came back to him. He reached in front of Ning Tao and lowered his voice: "Both are your girlfriends?"

Ning Tao nodded slightly.

Fan Yeying gave Ning Tao a thumbs up, and did not hide her envy. For men at his level, women are indispensable, but he ca n’t catch up with such great beauty as Qingzhui and Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was not as beautiful as she used to be, but her image and temperament have changed markedly since the demon lesions were cured in the Tianwai Clinic. She used to have a few white hairs on her head, but now she doesn't have any. None of the scars she left in the battle are gone, and these are all changes after becoming a new demon.

A large group of indigenous people gathered around, babbling and saying something.

Fan Yeying's group of indigenous people said something, and those indigenous people retreated.

Ning Tao said curiously: "Brother Yun Ying, did you just speak French?"

Fan Yeying said: "Yes, the official language in Gander is French and the native language is German, but this language is degrading. Even these indigenous people, when they speak German, they also add French words, sometimes He can even speak the whole sentence. "

Ning Tao said, "Take me to see that chief. When we communicate, you translate it."

Fan Yingying said: "This is not necessary. The chief of the Black Horn tribe is called the eagle. He knows English and is a very knowledgeable chief. He travels once a year to see the outside world. I met him in Dubai. He became a friend. He speaks many languages, English is very good, and he can speak a few Chinese. "

Ning Tao smiled: "It's much more convenient, let's go and take me to see your eagle friend."

Led by a group of indigenous people and Fan Yeying, the three of them passed through a forest and came to a valley.

There are hundreds of humble houses in the valley. There are hundreds of humble houses, some are wooden houses, and some are shacks made of shrubs, rattan and leaves. At the center of the tribe stands a mushroom-shaped building that looks like a tent, but it is larger, with walls made of rocks and roofs made of grass, neatly groomed. It is also the most popular building in the Black Horn tribe. Don't guess it is the residence of the eagle chief, and the center of politics and rights of this tribe. It is equivalent to the existence of an imperial palace.

Behind the tribe, at the end of the valley is a mountain peak, not very high, but very steep. There is a natural cave on the rocky wall halfway up the mountain. Water from the river flows out of the cave, forming a waterfall with a drop of hundreds of meters. When the sun shone, the icy water of the underground river evaporated, the mountain peak was shrouded in a white water vapor, and a rainbow appeared on the waterfall, giving the tribe a flavor like a fairyland.

A movement in Ning Tao's heart awakened the state of eyesight and nose's observation and smell, which made him suddenly surprised. There is a trace of free aura in the air of this place, and the source is the cave on the cliff of that mountain peak.

"Brother Yingying, where is the source of that waterfall?" Ning Tao asked tentatively.

Fan Yeying said as he walked, "It's a ground river in the cave. The cave is called the gate of hell. The ground river is also called the Styx River. But the waterfall was baptized by the sun **** and turned into a rainbow. The waterfalls nourished the Black Horned People. Therefore, the Black Horned people dared to take a bath in the waterfall, but did not dare to climb into the cave. These are what the eagle chief told me. "

"Have no one ever been?" Ning Tao had a strong curiosity about the cave.

Fan Yeying said, "People in the Black Horn tribe will definitely not go because they think that they will be cursed from **** by bringing them back to the cave. They will bring plagues and disasters back to the tribe. They also prohibit outsiders from entering, whoever comes near That cave, they will attack. Once there was an expedition from the west who parachuted to the mountain by plane, then dropped the rope from the top of the mountain and went to the cave to explore, but no one came out alive.

Ning Tao glanced up at the cave on the mountainside again. He guessed that if he took out the earthworm, the earthworm would point to that place.

Fan Yeying said: "Brother Ning, don't go in. Although I don't believe in any curse, it's the forbidden area of ​​the Black Horns. If you go, they will attack you."

Ning Tao smiled: "I'm not so boring, I just like the scenery here and just ask curiously."

Enter the tribe, follow the mud road across the tribe to the center, and before reaching the mushroom-shaped building, a large group of people appear on the other side of the road. Headed by a black man in his early forties, with a fat build, he was wearing a tiger skin mule in a hot day, and a long string of bone necklaces hung on his neck. When he was with a group of tribes beside him, he was a bit holding primitive bows and arrows, and some were holding AK assault rifles and old-fashioned rifles of the Second World War. There was a strong sense of fusion between primitive and modern.

Fan Yeying said: "He is the chief eagle of the Black Horn tribe."

In fact, without Fan Yeying's introduction, Ning Tao also guessed that the leading black man was the eagle chief, and he followed Fan Yeying to welcome him.

Fan Yeying said in French: "Eagle Chief, this is my friend, the Chinese doctor, Ning Tao."

The eagle glanced at Ning Tao and came up with a Chinese sentence: "Good!"

Ning Tao offered to extend his hand: "Good, chief of the eagle."

The eagle chief took Ning Tao's hand ~ ~ and gave Ning Tao a hug: "Can mud cure the nest?"

Ning Tao said: "Take me to your house, I will check you. Your illness, minor problems."

I don't know if the chief of the eagle did not hear it either, but after Ning Tao said this, he let go of Ning Tao, babbled and talked, and pulled Ning Tao's hand toward the mushroom-shaped building.

Fan Yeying, who was about to introduce Ning Tao's two girlfriends to the eagle chief, shrugged awkwardly and said to Qingzhui and Jiang Hao: "The eagle chief is in a hurry. Please don't mind the two siblings."

Qing Zhui and Jiang Hao just nodded their heads slightly, and walked past Fan Yeying's side.

Fan Yeying smiled bitterly and sighed: "It's so cold."

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