Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 431: Tears and kisses

There was silence in the Tianwai Clinic, the good and the bad were in the midst of smoke, and the face on Ding showed a smile. & 1t; /

Su Ya is a kind girl. She was a thief for those children in the sunshine orphanage. Later, she also helped Ning Tao find good people and patients who needed help, and subsidized those patients. These were all kind acts, and she also accumulated a lot of good deeds. & 1t; /

If it was someone else, Ning Tao would not hesitate to prescribe a prescription, give a fine prescription to Dan, and send it out after curing it. But she was Su Ya, a girl whom he regarded as her sister. To cure her here is to cut off the relationship with her. He still remembers her, but she would never remember him again. & 1t; /

Ning Tao placed Su Ya on the open space in the middle of the clinic, then took off her Tianbao coat and put her on the back of her head. He has never done this to any patient, just because she is Su Ya, he doesn't want her to be a little more uncomfortable. & 1t; /

Ning Tao put a primary fine prescription Dan into Su Ya's mouth. & 1t; /

The junior boutique prescription Dan is almost a kind of solid Chinese energy, which melts at the entrance, and Su Ya slowly opens her eyes after a few seconds. She saw the light, the roof, and Ning Tao, and her emotions immediately agitated: "Brother ... I ..." & 1t; /

Ning Tao held her hand and Wen said, "Don't be excited, you are hurt." & 1t; /

This sentence seemed to evoke Su Ya's memories, and she became nervous again: "Those children ..." & 1t; /

Ning Tao said: "The children are all right, Qing Zhui is taking care of them, and those bad guys have been kicked out, so you don't need to worry." & 1t; /

He didn't say that he and Qing chased those people down. In such a moment, he didn't want to leave her with even a bad impression and a bad memory. & 1t; /

"Brother, where is this place?" & 1t; /

"This is my clinic." & 1t; /

"This is your clinic? What a weird place ... why didn't you take me to see it before?" Su Ya's tone was slightly dissatisfied. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "I didn't mean to hide from you. Some things you know less are safer for you." & 1t; /

This is actually the reason why he has not returned to the Sunshine Orphanage for such a long time. He is a natural middleman of good and evil, and is a "punisher" destined to stand in opposition to the evil and bad people in this world. His most important thing is his enemy. If he often goes to the Sunshine Orphanage, then the Sunshine Orphanage will be the target of being taken to him or even to avenge him. But tonight, what he was worried about was born. & 1t; /

Su Ya struggled to get up, but the movement involved the wound, and she suddenly opened her mouth in pain and inhaled. & 1t; /

Ning Tao pressed her shoulder: "Don't move, your injury is very serious." & 1t; /

Su Ya was suddenly afraid: "Brother, will I die? I am so young, I ... don't want to die." & 1t; /

Ning Tao comforted with a warm voice: "You won't die, your brother and I are divine doctors, and my brother can heal you." & 1t; /

Su Ya slightly raised her head and saw the terrible wound on her stomach. Tears burst into her eyes and she trembled, "Is my stomach ... Will there be scars? I do n’t want scars, how ugly ... "& 1t; /

"No scars will be left." Ning Tao said, and tears appeared in his eyes. He hurriedly turned around, he didn't want Su Ya to see his tears. He opened the small medicine chest, took out the ledger bamboo slip from the inside, and put it on Su Ya's thigh. & 1t; /

He had made a choice, although it was difficult, but he had to face it. & 1t; /

Not only for Su Ya's consideration in the second half of his life, but also for his own reasons, or consciousness. There is no end to the bitter sea, Yi Ping drifts alone. & 1t; /

This is the third sentence of "Your Scripture", isn't it about his natural middleman of good and evil? The kinship and friendship that ordinary people can have is a luxury for him. Those wicked and bad guys who stand on the opposite side of him cannot kill him, but can hurt his relatives and friends to avenge him. His opponents will become stronger and stronger, and the hostile forces will become larger and larger. If he wants to move forward, he must cut off the tie between the world and the world. & 1t; /

Jiang Hao and Qing Zhui are different because they are demon, not in the world, they are also practicing, and they have the ability to protect themselves, but ordinary people like Su Ya and Ge Ming do not. & 1t; /

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Su Ya asked. & 1t; /

Ning Tao just came back to him. He reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes. When he faced Su Ya again, a smile appeared on his face: "Nothing, I'm going to diagnose you." & 1t;

"I believe in you, my brother is a divine doctor." Su Ya said, adapted to the environment here, and Ning Tao was around, she was not as nervous as when she woke up, and gradually relaxed. & 1t; /

Ning Tao opened the ledger bamboo slips. & 1t; /

The ledger bamboo slips revealed the content of the diagnosis: Su Ya, 9th birthday (2ooo year) in the early September of the Gengchen year, a bitter person, good at caring for an orphan, non-mother but fulfilling the mother's responsibility. Some good ideas. Taking good care of the elderly three times counts fifteen points of good deeds. The three kindnesses help the good people, counted forty-two counted forty-two merit merits ... But there are hands and feet but thieves, forty-four stolen, counted forty-two evil thoughts, good and evil, and have good thoughts Merit One hundred and ten good thoughts can be cured by prescribing goodwill prescriptions. & 1t; /

Su Ya, she is really a good girl. & 1t; /

Looking at such a diagnosis, Ning Tao's eyes couldn't help getting wet again. & 1t; /

At this time, Su Ya began to say a word: "Brother, I have a strange feeling ... I seem to understand something ... you ..." & 1t; /

This is the reason for the upper body of the ledger bamboo slips. & 1t; /

Ning Tao held back her tears and tried to squeeze out a smile: "Don't think about it, I will give you a prescription, you sign a letter, and then I can treat you." & 1t; /

"Sign it? Why sign it?" & 1t; /

"Don't ask, this clinic has the rules of this clinic. Although we are brothers and sisters, the rules can not be chaotic." Ning Tao said, then turned around, took out the prescription sign and pen, the small medicine that was next to me On the box is written Su Ya's merit prescription contract. & 1t; /

"Brother, do you have anything to hide from me?" Su Ya's voice. & 1t; /

Ning Tao couldn't help tears anymore, two tears burst out. & 1t; /

"I ... will I forget you like the old dean?" Su Ya asked, and her mood was a little out of control. & 1t; /

Ning Tao did not dare to look back at her eyes, but just said, "No, you are my sister, so you will forget me?" & 1t; /

"But the old dean she ..." Su Ya stopped talking and she was not sure. & 1t; /

The goodwill merit prescription contract has been written. Ning Tao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned around, and put pen and prescription contract in Suya's hand. & 1t; /

Su Ya raised her head slightly, clutching her contract of goodwill merit prescription, the strange feeling in her heart was stronger. If there is a fog in her heart, then the fog is dissipating now. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said, "Sister, sign it, believe me, you won't forget me." & 1t; /

This is a good-faith lie, but it is also a promise. Someday, he will unravel the mystery of this clinic and take it as a magic weapon to take full control of it. At that time he had to change this rule and let Su Ya restore the memories related to him! & 1t; /

Suya's eyes rolled down with two lines of tears. & 1t; /

Ning Tao grabbed her hand and choked her voice: "Sister, I ... if I have other choices, I won't do this, believe me, this is the best for you, you ... sign it." & 1t ; /

Su Ya looked at Ning Tao: "You are lying to me." & 1t; /

Ning Tao was silent, and he could not admit it. & 1t; /

There was still tears in Su Ya's eyes, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Brother, I have a wish, and if you fulfill my wish, I will sign it." & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at her: "What wish, tell me, I will satisfy you." & 1t; /

"Kiss me," Su Ya said. & 1t; /

Ning Tao was suddenly spotted on the spot. & 1t; /

"I like you, but I know you don't like me, so you treat me as my sister. I don't want to be your sister, I don't know if I will forget you like the old dean ... Tell you a secret, I often dream of you. In the dream we are together, your kiss is so gentle ... "Her eyes were soft and her voice was soft:" Can you kiss me? "& 1t; /

Ning Tao didn't hesitate, kissed Su Ya's lips, and two tears rolled out of his eyes, dripping into Su Ya's eyes. & 1t; /

Tears merge with tears, lips meet lips. & 1t; /

There are always some emotions in the world that are as pure as mountains and springs. It is short-lived, but it is precious because it is short-lived. & 1t; /

"Remember me, okay?" Su Ya's voice was vague. & 1t; /

Ning Tao then raised her head and smiled, "How could I forget you?" & 1t; /

Su Yachong and Ning Tao smiled brightly: "The time with you was the most precious time in my life, thank you for appearing in my life, brother." & 1t; /

Ning Tao reached out and touched Su Ya's cheek, and said gently: "Sign it." & 1t; /

"Let me look at you one more time, I will remember you firmly." Su Ya said with a smile. & 1t; /

Ning Tao also laughed, but tears flowed more urgently. & 1t; /

Su Ya picked up the pen and signed her name on her contract of goodwill merit prescription. & 1t; /

The green smoke came, she was in the green smoke, close at hand, but Ke Ningtao never saw her again. & 1t; /

"Ah-" Ning Tao roared, his voice echoed in the clinic. & 1t; /

The green smoke dispersed, Su Ya lay quietly on the ground, closed her eyes, and slept peacefully. & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at her and muttered, "There is no end to the bitter sea, and Yi Ping is alone." & 1t; /

Although grief still exists, and the feeling of loneliness is also strong, but his heart is kept a tranquility, and his faith is more firm. & 1t; /

"Whether you are Nicholas Conti ~ ~ Lin Qinghua, you should start with unarmed children and innocent people. If you do n’t have a bottom line, then I do n’t have a bottom line. I want everyone to know, as long as the person who dares to touch me, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, I want your life! "Ning Tao's eyes were burning with anger. & 1t; /

A few minutes later, Ning Tao put Su Ya on her bed. & 1t; /

Qing Zhui reached out and wiped the tears on the corner of Ning Tao's eyes. She said nothing, because she knew that comfort was meaningless, and her man didn't need comfort. & 1t; /

Ning Tao took Sui Qing's hand and left Su Ya's room. & 1t; /

The door was closed and I never knew each other. & 1t; /

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