Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 441: Dog biting dog

The white mercenary stopped and chewed gum to watch Ning Tao walking towards him. He is two meters tall, one head taller than Ning Tao, and his weight is almost twice that of Ning Tao, so he looks at Ning Tao with a little sense of condescending, and a bit of inexplicable superiority unique to white people. & 1t; /

Ning Tao handed Dan Fang to the white mercenary, and said to the mobile phone: "I've given it to you, let it go." & 1t; /

"Let him go." Lin Qinghua's voice. & 1t; /

Ning Tao said to the white mercenary: "Go back." & 1t; /

"Well." The white mercenary spit out the gum in his mouth, and it stuck to Ning Tao's shoe. & 1t; /

Ning Tao glanced down at the gum on the instep and looked up at the white mercenary again. & 1t; /

The white mercenary gave Ning Tao a thumbs up, then turned his wrists with his thumbs facing down to the ground. & 1t; /

Ning Tao looked at him blankly, and was indifferent to this provocative action. This is undoubtedly a provocation by a cricket ant. If it wasn't for Ge Ming still in Lin Qinghua's hands, he would be able to take this stupid life with a single shot. & 1t; /

The white mercenary turned away and waved from the helicopter hovering in the air. & 1t; /

The helicopter hovering in the air descended slowly. & 1t; /

Lin Qinghua's voice came from the mobile phone: "You better not move your head in a crooked way, or Ge Ming will die." & 1t; /

"Let people go," Ning Tao said coldly, and he had nothing to say about Lin Qinghua. & 1t; /

The helicopter descended and hovered at a height of about two meters from the ground. Ge Ming was pushed down and fell on the snow. His hands were tied with a rope, and he couldn't get up from the snow for a while. & 1t; /

Lin Qinghua appeared from the cabin, but did not get off the helicopter. He just stood by the door waiting for the white mercenary to bring Dan Fang over. & 1t; /

Ning Tao's mind suddenly heard the voice of Xiao Tian Dog: "Daddy, they are coming!" & 1t; /

Ning Tao nodded. & 1t; /

As soon as his voice fell, several white figures rushed out from behind and rushed towards the white mercenary. One by one is like a glider, with a distance of several meters and ten meters! & 1t; /

These people are the dead cultivators brought by Sun Pingchuan. They flew past Ning Tao and Xiaotian Dog in an instant. They did not shoot Ning Tao and Xiaotian Dog. Their goal was Dan Fang in the hand of the white mercenary! & 1t; /

Bang Bang! & 1t; /

Blackfire's mercenaries fired directly, but the figures of several practitioners did not pause. & 1t; /

噔 噔 噔 …… & 1t; /

The dull gunshot suddenly sounded from the side. It was the sound of a machine gun firing. Machine gun bullets whistled, and Blackfire's mercenaries were knocked down in a flash. Although they were wearing bullet-proof vests, they were unable to defend against machine gun bullets. The mercenary who was shot was beaten by machine gun bullets, his head was broken and his hands were broken. & 1t; /

The couple of dead dead monks continued to pounce on the white man with fire cover and complicated terrain. & 1t; /

In the scuffle, the white man rushed towards the helicopter hovering behind the position. & 1t; /

Huh! & 1t; /

A short spear suddenly flew down from a high ground behind, and flickered in the void, disappearing from a distance of hundreds of meters, piercing the spear from the back of the white mercenary, and piercing it from the front of the chest, alive him. Nailed to the ground! & 1t; /

Sun Pingchuan also shot. & 1t; /

Sure enough, another figure flew past Ning Tao's head, not who Sun Pingchuan was! & 1t; /

Lin Qinghua's voice came out from Ning Tao's mobile phone: "Asshole! You dare to overcast me!" & 1t; /

Ning Tao picked up the phone and said quietly: "It's not my & 1t; /

It ’s not just your family who wants Danfang. "& 1t; /

Lin Qinghua roared, "Aren't you afraid I killed the hostage?" & 1t; /

"You still ask for blessing." After speaking, Ning Tao raised his left arm and waved forward. & 1t; /

Everest. & 1t; /

Jiang Hao saw Ning Tao's waving movement through the optical sight, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and at that moment she pulled the trigger. & 1t; /

A specially-made bullet flew out of the muzzle of the chasing gun and hit the cockpit of the helicopter the next second. & 1t; /

Bang! & 1t; /

With a loud noise, the helicopter hovering in the air suddenly turned into a huge fireball, and then it broke apart in a series of squeals. A burning body fell from the air, but it was not known whether it was the pilot of the helicopter or the mercenary of the Blackfire Company, or Lin Qinghua. & 1t; /

Lin Qinghua's voice was no longer heard on Ning Tao's phone. & 1t; /

Sun Pingchuan had flung to the body of the white mercenary who had been nailed to the ground. His body stopped abruptly. He grabbed the hand of the white mercenary Dan Fang. & 1t; /

Suddenly, a ghostly figure rushed down from the direction of the hillside. Before a person arrived, a disc-shaped object had flown over. & 1t; /

A dead cultist intercepted it, and a long sword in his hand stabbed at the disc-shaped object without hesitation. & 1t; /

Ning Tao just saw what it was at that moment, and at that moment he slammed into Xiaotian Dog. & 1t; /

That is a mine! & 1t; /

Rumble! & 1t; /

The explosion shook the sky, and the Daoist with a sword and a mine was torn to pieces instantly, dying so much that there was not even a slap of flesh. & 1t; /

The exploding air waves rushed into the mountains and hit the sea. The snow and ice on the hillside melted more than half of the instant. That heat wave was enough to cook steak! & 1t; /

Sun Pingchuan was lifted up, and before he landed, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. & 1t; /

Ning Tao hugged the dog and rolled it twice in the melted snowdrift, then released it: "Go up to find your mother, let her withdraw!" & 1t; /

Xiaotian dog rushed towards the peak. In a series of raw battles that have gone beyond its capabilities, its stay here will only become a burden to Ning Tao. It knows this well, so there isn't even a superfluous word, how fast you run. & 1t; /

No one will chase a dog at this time. & 1t; /

Ning Tao also stood up from the ground and sprinted towards the side of the hillside. & 1t; /

There is a ladder at his feet, and the rocky hillside is as flat as he is, and he is faster than the legged dog. & 1t; /

"Ning Tao! Do you still want to run?" A loud voice came. & 1t; /

Ning Tao kept at his feet and glanced back. & 1t; /

On the hillside, the ghostly figure was chasing here. It was a giant about three meters high. His skin was a little cyan, his head was bald, and his eyes were green and faint. His body is extremely strong, comparable to flesh and blood King Kong. His left arm was not a flesh arm, but a silver robotic arm with a firearm weapon, huge and weird. & 1t; /

Here comes Nicholas Conti. & 1t; /

When he was still in the mountain city, Ning Tao heard the description of Nicholas Kandi from Wang Yaoyang's mouth, which is roughly the same. At that time, Ning Tao didn't feel anything, but it was obvious that the real person was shocked. Where the **** is a man, it's an orc in World of Warcraft! & 1t; /

But for such a huge person, Nicholas Conti was not slower than Ning Tao. He ran and jumped, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the body of the white mercenary. & 1t; /

The white corpse has been blown up with flesh and blood, and that one caught & 1t; /

Dan Fang's hand fell on a rock. A clenched fist revealed a piece of red paper, which did not seem to be destroyed. & 1t; /

Nicholas Kande saw the hand, stopped abruptly, reached out and grabbed the fist holding Dan Fang. & 1t; /

But at this moment, a cold light suddenly came through the sky, piercing Nicholas Conte's chest. & 1t; /

That's a flying sword! & 1t; /

No one saw the sword, but the sword has arrived. & 1t; /

"Low level!" Nicholas Conti-Conti's mechanical arm smashed in the past. & 1t; /

Mars splattered in the sound of the golden iron crash. & 1t; /

Fei Jian flew back, and in the direction it came from, a woman wearing a black bucket hat and a black veil appeared on a rock high up the hillside. & 1t; /

During the flight, Ning Tao looked at the woman, and at that moment he couldn't help thinking of what Yin Molan had said. That was after he killed Bai Sheng. Yin Molan followed Wu Xiaolin and Liu Xianer, and met a woman in Yinshan. Wu Xiaolin and Liu Xianer were also taken away by that woman. In Yin Molan's description, the woman also wore a dipper, covered with a veil, and her body was unpredictable. & 1t; /

This woman fits perfectly with Yin Molan's description. & 1t; /

Ning Tao was surprised and said secretly: "If she is the woman who took away Liu Xianer and Wu Xiaolin, then she is also related to Bai Sheng. She should be the helm of the cultivation forces behind Chuangshi Biotechnology. Will she send two disciples to be a disciple for Bai Sheng? Also, will she be a fairy? "& 1t; /

A lot of questions, Ning Tao could not understand, could not figure it out. & 1t; /

Dai Douyi's woman suddenly pointed her sword at Ning Tao. & 1t; /

Huh! & 1t; /

The flying sword repelled by Nicholas Kandi turned into a stream of light, a flash of void, and when he stopped, he was already on Ning Tao's right leg. & 1t; /

The huge impact force came from the right leg, and Ning Tao's body during the high running suddenly lost balance, and one fell to the ground, and then rolled against the hillside. & 1t; /

"Want to run? Can you run it!" The woman's voice, Taotao River, generally rolled over, with supreme coercion. & 1t; /

The flying sword that hit Ning Tao's thigh rushed to Ning Tao again, but Ning Tao who rolled into a pile of snow suddenly disappeared. There were no half footprints on the snow, and no blood left after being stabbed by Fei Jian, so he disappeared out of thin air, as if steamed. & 1t; /

In fact, Ge Ming also disappeared, but who cares about a hostage that loses value at this time? & 1t; /

Although Dai Douyi's woman is not in this place, the flying sword hovering in the void seems to be her eyes. Ning Tao suddenly disappeared out of thin air, she seemed to realize something, and immediately yelled, "Ning Tao! You can't keep that Danfang, please give it to me if you want to survive!" & 1t; /

Give me-give me-give me-& 1t; /

In the void, on the hillside, the valley was full of her echoes. & 1t; /

Ke Ningtao did not respond with a word. & 1t; /

Still the hillside ~ ~ the snow. & 1t; /

The two women reached out and grabbed Ning Tao's arm, pulling him out of the snow. & 1t; /

These two women are Bai Jing and Qing Zhui, and Bai Jing also carried her magic lantern Lantern in his hands. A fat man was lying behind the two women. It was Ge Ming. He was unconscious, and his body was covered with blood. Obviously the injuries were not minor. & 1t; /

Ge Ming's disappearance was also caused by Bai Jing and Qing Zhui. After the scuffle started, they lurked on the hillside and launched a rescue operation. Bai Jing created a snow mountain illusion with a bitter sea lantern, and together with Qing Zhui sneaked into Ge Ming's side and took him away. & 1t; /

This is a textbook-level rescue operation. & 1t; /

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