Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 516: Ledger bamboo slips have the spirit?

A dark staircase stretched down. Due to the lack of air circulation, the stairwell was very stuffy, and sputum and garbage were everywhere on the staircase. The environment was very bad.

"This is the place, he lives here." Bai Jing led Ning Tao down and introduced the situation to Ning Tao. "His name is Zeng Shancai. The old parents are safe. They dig coal in a coal mine for their children. Prosperity, the mine resigned him, he came to the north to find work, but unfortunately he got sick soon, went to the hospital for a check, the doctor told him that pneumoconiosis, has reached the second stage. He has no money Healing, it happened that the time you healed Meng Bo and he told the media that he had incurable diseases, he went to China Charity Company, and he came up with a name. "

Ning Tao's brows frowned slightly, and the patients with stage 3 pneumoconiosis were not saved. Any treatment is equivalent to lingering asthma, just to give the patient some time. This patient has entered the second stage. If he is accompanied by complications such as lung cancer, he is worried that the book of bamboo slips will give a diagnosis of "a man of good harvest." At that time, no matter how much thoughtfulness the patient has, he will rule it. No, you can only give the patient some time.

Bai Jing watched Ning Tao frown, and said, "Is it okay? If not, I'll change another patient. There are a lot of registrations, so you don't need to see him."

Ning Tao said, "Everyone has come, it is also a kind of fate. Let ’s take a look first, then, why did you choose him?"

Bai Jing said, "I asked him what he had done. He said his hometown was in the mountains. The children need to cross a river. The river is not deep, but it is very urgent. He thinks it is dangerous for the children to cross the river. I felled a tree and built a simple wooden bridge. It has been three years. I think he has a certain good deeds, so I chose him. "

"Bridge repairs and paving are all benevolent acts. I even want to see him." Ning Tao said.

The two talked about coming to a door, Bai Jing reached out and knocked on the door.

"Who ... kekekeke!" A loud cough came from the room.

Bai Jing said, "I'm Mrs. Ning who I talked to. I took my husband Dr. Ning to see you."

Married, identity changed, and title changed.

There was the sound of walking on slippers in the room, and then a man with a bleak face, in his early thirties, had messy hair, and no eyes. As soon as he opened the door, a smell of mildew and Chinese medicine floated out of the room, and Bai Jing frowned.

Ning Tao awakened his eyes to look at the state of art, and this look suddenly smiled. In the former weather field of Zeng Shancai, there was obvious kindness. Based on his experience, he rarely said that he had two or three hundred points of good deeds. However, the situation of Zeng Shancai was really bad. The two parts of his lungs that corresponded to the lungs were already dark and lifeless.

Zeng Shancai recognized Bai Jing, hurriedly wiped his hands on his clothes, and carefully stretched out his hand to Ning Tao. "Ning ... Dr. Ning ... Hello."

Ning Tao ended his diagnosis and took Zeng Shancai's hand, expressing concern. "Mr. Zeng, you have pneumoconiosis, and your lung function is already poor. Why do you still live in this place? The lack of air circulation here will worsen your condition."

"It's cheap here." Zeng Shancai's face showed a distress, and then he said, "Don't call me Mr. Zeng, I'm not used to it. My nickname is Stone, just call me Stone ... But I, I have no money to cure ... "

Ning Tao smiled and said, "You're older, I'll call you Brother Zeng. I won't charge you money for your illness, let's talk in the house, I will give you a diagnosis."

"Please come in, please." Zeng Shancai hurriedly opened the door, and said embarrassedly, "Here is dirty, I ..."

Ning Tao has gone in.

Bai Jing followed in, and she just frowned when she first heard the unpleasant smell. By this time, her look was very natural. Marry a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog. What Ning Tao does, she does. If she hadn't married Ning Tao, she would definitely not have come in such a place.

Zeng Shancai's house was only ten square meters, full of debris, and there was only one bed, a small table, and a plastic stool. Ning Tao and Bai Jing entered the room. He wanted to invite Ning Tao and Bai Jing to sit, but he lost a stool, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

Ning Tao sat on the dirty bed with a butt, and then said, "Brother Zeng, come and sit down, I will give you a diagnosis."

Zeng Shancai sat next to Ning Tao and put a hand on the quilt. He thought that Ning Tao was going to give him a pulse, but Ning Tao put a bamboo slip into his hand. He was curious and said, "Dr. Ning, this is ... "

Ning Tao pressed his hand with bamboo slips, while waiting for the results, said, "Don't be nervous, I see a doctor differently than other doctors."

"That's, Dr. Ning, you are a sacred doctor ... cough!" Without saying a word, Zeng Shancai coughed violently again.

Ning Tao picked up the bamboo slips of the ledger and opened a diagnosis to see what.

Ledger bamboo slips emerged with the contents of Zeng Shancai, Ding Yinian, born in early April (1987), bitter and kind person. The first kindness to honor the parents counts 10 good points of merit, and the charity bridges and pavements together count 276 good points of merit. . However, in the past life, evil was created by the people of heaven.

Ning Tao's heart sank immediately. Zeng Shancai, who was only 31 years old, had already worked fifteen years of hard labor for his family. He not only obeyed his parents, but also repaired the bridge and paved the way, but such a kind person was a natural harvester and could not be cured!

The iniquity created in previous lives is still alive today. Is this the reason why so many wicked and bad people in this world live very moisturized, but many good and honest people have suffered or even tortured?

"At home ... who else is there?" Ning Tao felt a little uncomfortable.

Zeng Shancai said, "My parents, my mother, and children."

"Where's your wife?" Ning Tao asked.

Zeng Shancai's lips trembled, hesitated a bit, and said, "Leave, it's been over a year."

"Why?" Ning Tao felt a little curious. In his opinion, Zeng Shan was a kind person, and he looked OK, and worked hard for his family. This is a good man. Why did his wife divorce him?

"In the past when I was making money on mines, my salary was okay. She didn't say anything, but then the coal mine was in a slump, she ... hated me and didn't want to live with me ... I quarreled with me every day for my children. She didn't say anything, she just wanted to put up with it ... but she was so determined to leave, I couldn't help it, and I agreed ... She only had 3,000 yuan in her savings and she took it away ... "said At this point, Zeng Shancai's emotions collapsed, tears rolled down from his eyes, and his voice choked. "Dr. Ning, the doctor in the hospital said I was not saved ... I ... am I going to die? I Not afraid of death, but I'm dead, what should my child do? She's still so young ... "

Ning Tao's heart was also very uncomfortable. He rescued the bitter northwest man, but the bamboo slips in the account gave the invincible person the power to cure him.

What evil did Zeng Shancai make in his life? The ledger bamboo slip may be clear, but it will not be displayed. No wonder those old people always say more about virtue, and they will be better in the next life. Do less evil, otherwise you will suffer in the next life. Ning Tao never believed this before, but now I know it is true.

What kind of existence is the heaven? It can take control of all beings, and even arrange the past and present life clearly?

"Fu Jun?" Bai Jing called Ning Tao gently.

Ning Tao came back to God. He knew that although Bai Jing didn't say anything, she was asking about his decision. However, Zeng Shan is a natural harvester. What decision can he make?

But at this time, new content emerged on the ledger bamboo slips. This month's rent collection is completed. The clinic will be upgraded next month. The rent will be 16,000 points for good and evil. 1228 points.

Seeing this content, Ning Tao remembered that today is the day when the clinic rents. During this time, he was busy promoting spiritual cultivation, tempering Yuan Ying in the body world, and forgotten the rent collection day.

There will be 16,000 good and evil rents next month, a figure that has brought him unprecedented pressure.

However, just when Ning Tao thought that the ledger bamboo slip has ended the rent collection and delivery and no more content will be displayed, a new content suddenly appeared on the bamboo slip, and now it can wake up the ledger bamboo slipper to make it Magic weapon. Of course, a spiritual tool is equal to a living thing, and it needs to be fed daily with good and evil consultation funds, and 300 monthly good and evil consultation funds are needed. Your ex hasn't awakened, and you only have one chance. If you want to awaken, sign your blood to confirm it.

Ning Tao looked stunned.

Ledger bamboo slips still have the skill? Once awakened, do you need 10 points of good and bad consultation money to feed each day? This is an unheard-of miracle, and it is even more necessary to pit people to death! What's even more irritating is that it also poses such a high attitude, with only one chance to wake up, do you think you are who you are!

"Doctor Ning? Am I ... really helpless?" Zeng Shancai's voice was begging. No one can accept death calmly, even dying people will survive.

Ning Tao said, "A Jing, take Mr. Zeng out and wait for me, and I will prepare."

"Well." Bai Jing answered, then said, "Mr. Zeng, please go out with me."

Zeng Shancai followed Bai Jing's door, Bai Jing reached out and closed the door.

The small, messy room suddenly became quiet.

Ning Tao looked at the contents of the bamboo slips on the ledger ~ ~ hesitated for a moment, and suddenly hated and said, "Tiandao rewards diligence? I see you are seeing the money open?" See if you can hang me! My ex was never awakened, but it was also hanged by you. They never awakened. I want to try! "

Having said this, Ning Tao bit his finger and signed his name on the ledger bamboo slip with a **** finger.

The text and bloodstains disappeared quickly.

A black and white brilliance suddenly bloomed from the ledger bamboo slips, although it was faint, but the light in this room was already dim, but it looked bright.

Suddenly a series of rapidly decreasing numbers 1227, 1226, 1226 ... 1220 ... 928 appeared on the ledger bamboo slips.

The beating number stopped at "928" and the account balance was 300 points less.

Ning Tao was surprised and confused, didn't she mean daily feeding? But what happened just now, the account book bamboo slip ate 300 points of good and bad consultation money all at once!

Just then, a little black and white thing crawled out of a piece of bamboo ...

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