Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 553: Reopening day

In front of the Tiandao Medical Museum is a narrow aisle that can only allow people to walk past. On both sides of the aisle are old small buildings. Wires and fiber-optic cables pass overhead, and the walls are covered with various small advertisements, what specializes in dredging the sewers, and professional unlocking.

Ning Tao looked up at the sky, and at this time it was dark, and the night had just come down. In Beidu, it was almost dawn at this time.

Ning Tao glanced back. The Tiandao Medical Museum behind him was just a low-rise tiled house. The red brick walls were covered with moss and the door panels were quite worn.

Do you dare to say that you are a doctor of heaven?

Ning Tao shook her head with a bitter smile and walked towards the end of the aisle. The aisle was dim in this aisle, but there was a dazzling light over there. You could hear the noise from a long distance, obviously a street.

Out of the aisle, Ning Tao was indeed a street in front of him. The shops on both sides of the street are full of Chinese signboards, some authentic Sichuan dishes, blind massages, cupping for Xiaojuan, big hairdressing and beauty, and some English signboards, e-cigarettes, supermarkets and so on, giving a messy feeling. Pedestrians walking on the street have all skin tones, white, black, and yellow, and speak a variety of languages ​​and accents.

What is this place?

Just when Ning Tao wanted to ask someone for a question, a guide with a banner walked past him with a group of tourists.

The guide said as he walked: "Passengers friends, this is Chinatown in New York. Do n’t leave after me. Although there are many Chinese here, the environment is chaotic. Do n’t trust the products or services that strangers sell to you. Be careful. ... "

The answer has come out.

Tianwai Clinic has completed the original accumulation and upgrade to Tiandao Medical Museum, and the relocation is also a tall city like New York.

However, this result was not unexpected by Ning Tao, because before he moved, he predicted more than once that it was the United States and the place related to Nicholas Conti. Now the results are coming out, and it really is New York, USA. If he didn't expect it, it was just that Tiandao Yunqin gave him a natural bed, and a specific city and location.

Chinatown in New York is located in the Manhattan area. This is a wealthy area, but Chinatown is just the opposite. People living here are Chinese people who come to the United States to pursue their dreams. Some are illegal immigrants without green cards and work visas. Everyone here has three teachings and nine streams, and the environment must not be better.

Ning Tao walked along the street, familiar with the environment, and he was pondering a question: "Will Tanghai ’s overseas base camp be in this Chinatown? I have never seen Tang Tianfeng once. He and What is the relationship between Tang Zixian? "

Unconsciously, I walked to the torii in Chinatown and went out again. Ning Tao stopped and looked up. The plaque with the word "Chinatown" on it was clearly visible. He retracted his eyes and walked back, entered the keyword "black fire company" in Baidu, and started the search engine.

A bunch of information related to the "black fire company" popped up soon, but did not have the information he wanted. The first few items were all advertisements, and the latter ones were somewhat related to the "black fire", but It is also information in China.

Ning Tao frowned slightly: "So a well-known mercenary company, even if the input of Chinese characters should be a little reliable information, right?"

But at this time, a tall white fat man came face to face, but didn't wait for Ning Tao to get away, and ran straight over.

The white fat man was at least three hundred pounds, one head taller than Ning Tao, and weighed almost twice that of Ning Tao. He probably thought that Ning Tao, who was blocking his way, would be like a cardboard box. Hit it. However, when he hit Ning Tao without shaking, he seemed to hit a tree growing on the street, and he almost fell to the ground.

Ning Tao put away his mobile phone and asked a little familiar English: "Sir, are you all right?"

The expression of the white fat man with a disgusted expression: "Are you blind? When you look at your phone, you stand on the side of the street to see. The streets are people-walking, and the yellow-skinned people with no qualities should roll back to your country!"

If Ning Tao was knocked to the ground by him, he probably wouldn't swear, and would leave with a smile. Ke Ningtao was not knocked down by him, he was almost knocked to the ground, which is too much.

Ning Tao didn't return to God for a while, he didn't do anything, but this guy scolded him so badly.

The white fat man also has a companion, who is younger and looks in his twenties. He has tattoos on his neck and earrings on his ears. He watched Ning Tao stand there and stare at him, reaching out and pushing Ning Tao: "Apologize, you idiot."

Ning Tao suddenly laughed. From time to time, the problem of racial discrimination in the United States appeared on the Internet. Is n’t it great?

"Fack! Didn't you hear? Apologize!" The white fat man cursed, suddenly reaching for Ning Tao's collar.

Ning Tao ducked, and said angrily, "Go away, don't cause trouble!"

The white fat man smiled angrily, with an exaggerated expression: "Haha! What did this yellow-skinned fool just say? Bob, I didn't hear you clearly, did you hear me?"

A strange smile also appeared on the face of the white young man called Bob: "This guy is afraid of being a fool who has just sneaked in. I don't know who we are. I think we need to take him to the corner. Tell him and give him to the police. "

The white fat man said, "I'm sure this fool has no green card."

Many people on the street looked here, and many people showed sympathy, but no one came to help to say a word.

The white youth suddenly reached out and grabbed Ning Tao's collar. He was more flexible and faster than the white fat man.

If Ning Tao wanted to hide or fight back, he could avoid or even counteract without much effort, but this time he didn't hide or fight back.

The white youth grabbed Ning Tao's collar and dragged him out of the archway in Chinatown. Ning Tao did not resist along the way, and allowed the white youth to grab his collar and drag him out.

"What to see? Get away!" The white fat man growled.

See the lively people dispersed.

"Why did the guy provoke Donald's people? It's a crime for him now." Someone said.

"These two dogs are fighting against each other. They often eat for nothing in my shop, and they also charge protection fees ..."

"If the young man was beaten up, it would be okay, because he was afraid that he didn't have a green card. It would be bad if he was beaten and returned to the police."

How sensitive Ning Tao's hearing was. Those who watched the crowd stood far away and spoke quietly, but he could still hear clearly. The voice of these discussions also made him understand that he was "stuck." But the more he did, the more he wanted to laugh. At the Tiandao Medical Museum or the clinic, when he did not move, he was still thinking about whether it was a transfer, but he did not expect that the good weather on the first day of the move was just good weather, and it had nothing to do with his luck.

The white youth dragged Ning Tao out of Chinatown to a corner without lights.

The white fat man reached out and pulled out the small medicine box on Ning Tao's shoulder. He wanted to open it, but he couldn't open it. He was a little annoyed: "Asshole, why can't your box be opened without a lock?"

Ning Tao just looked at him and said nothing.

"Stupid! Let you look at me!" The white fat man hugged the small medicine chest and smashed on Ning Tao's head.

Ning Tao still did not fight back, but said to the white young man called Bob, "Do you want to hit me?"

The white youth froze, cursed, and fisted Ning Tao's face.


Ning Tao's face shifted slightly, but only slightly.

The white fat man stomped over and slapped on Ning Tao's ass, but Ning Tao didn't even shake it.

"Fack!" The white young man became irritated and fisted his fist into Ning Tao's nose again.

The nose is a place where the human body is very fragile. Such a heavy fist, even a professional boxer's nose, must rupture and bleed, but Kening Tao's nose is good, let alone a rupture, and even a trace of nosebleed does not flow.

Ning Tao said lightly, "You've hit enough, should it be me?"

"Stupid yellow man!" The white fat man cursed, reaching out his back.

He has a gun on his body.

At this moment Ning Tao moved, and a punch was drawn on the rib cage of the white fat man.


The sound of a broken bone suddenly came out of the white fat man's chest. Under severe pain, the fat man opened his mouth but couldn't scream. A burst of blood also poured from the corner of his mouth, apparently a broken rib stabbed his lungs!

"You ..." The young white man was frightened, but his response was quick, and he turned and ran.

Ning Tao's figure flickered, and another punch was drawn on the lumbar spine of the white youth.


The white youth also collapsed on the ground.

Ning Tao looked at his fist, and his heart was excited: "It's really useful to hit iron with your fist. The primitive refining method can really help me to practice King Kong!"

The white fat man tried to turn over and drew his gun, but the pain caused him to inhale and couldn't move at all.

Ning Tao grabbed a leg of the white young man, dragged him over, put the two together, and said, "You are injured. Would you like to see a doctor?"

"To ..." The white fat man said nervously, "Call an ambulance ... I feel like I am going to die ..."

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "What ambulance is it? I'm a doctor. I will treat you and promise to cure you. Will you accept my treatment?"

"I ... call myself an ambulance." Where can the white fat man believe that Ning Tao will cure his injury.

Ning Tao reached out and pressed on the place where the white fat man's ribs broke.

"I, I ... I will," the white fat man mourned.

Ning Tao looked at the paralyzed white youth again: "Will you accept my treatment?"

The young white man looked hesitant and didn't know how to answer.

Ning Tao extended his hand to the broken lumbar spine of the white youth

The young white man changed his voice and trembled, "I, I ... will ..."

Ning Tao slapped his palms together and patted them on the heads of two white men.

Such rotten people do not need to be fainted, and it is very suitable to slap.

A door of convenience opened, and Ning Tao dragged them in ...

Reopening day. (https :)

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