Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 683: Gaze of the Heads

Suddenly, a light came on in a cabin of the ghost ship. The faint green light shines out of the window, rendering a piece of lake water into a turquoise green, giving people an extremely ridiculous feeling.

It was through the light that Ning Tao discovered that the ghost ship had an energy shield and that the hull was not in contact with the water. This is more than a thousand meters deep, and the water pressure is extremely high. Even the energy shield of the ghost ship shows signs of squeezing deformation.

Two or three kilometers, is probably the limit of its dive.

This number does not seem to be good, but you must know that it is a sailboat, not a submarine. The deepest submarine in the world is the McGee nuclear submarine built by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It is a nuclear submarine made of titanium alloy. The deepest diving record is only 1250 meters. No one can break this record. It is conceivable how powerful a sailing boat can be for two to three kilometers.

Everything has a limit, even the ghost ship, which is sixth on the list of the ten most wicked artifacts. In fact, if it could dive more than 10,000 meters, Charles of the Vettel family would not have gone to the sea to hunt for treasure. Nicholas Conti can get it done by diving in a ghost boat. Why did he ask for his name?

One of the reasons Ning Tao was able to dive more than 10,000 meters without wearing a Tianbao vestment was that he was a thousand times smaller than a ghost ship and naturally suffered much less pressure. The second reason is that this Tianbao robe is a robe from Tiandao Medical Museum, and it is not surprising that it has better water-repellent properties.

However, the ghost ship can come to this inland lake from Manhattan thousands of kilometers away. It obviously also has a capability that Tianbao robe does not have, which is flying!

Aside from flying, Ning Tao couldn't figure out how it came to the bottom of this Yellowstone Lake.

While Ning Tao was observing, the energy shield of the ghost ship suddenly shook a bit, and the lake was pushed in layers. However, it was not very strong, and it was already weak when pushed to Ning Tao, and it did not affect him.

At that moment, a red light suddenly appeared under the ghost ship, and the scene was like the century-old crater suddenly lived, and magma was flowing.

"What is this ...?" Ning Tao's heart was surprised, a pair of eyes stared straight.

Nothing new had appeared under the ghost ship, but a figure appeared in the lighted cabin.

Although he couldn't see his face, Ning Tao could guess his identity. The man in the cabin was Nicholas Conti. Just after that figure appeared, a strong sense of crisis suddenly developed in his heart.

really. A series suddenly came in this direction. Under water, it doesn't move fast.

Ning Tao did not dare to stay for a long time. He could fight a war on land, but he had to suffer only under water. Can't run fast. Fly, can't fly. And Nicholas Conti not only built a higher level of him, but also a ghost ship with sixteen artillery cannons. How to fight?

The ghost ship didn't stop, the captive ship sneaking in the water swelled the sails, and the scene was really weird.

Ning Tao did not dare to stop, bit his finger and drew a blood lock on a stone. When the door of convenience opened, he stepped into the door of convenience. The door of convenience was closed, the energy shield propped up by the Tianbao robe instantly disappeared, and the lake was squeezed from all sides, and the blood lock just painted on the rock wall was washed away by the lake.

Tiandao Medical Museum is quiet.

Ning Tao looked at the blood lock that had disappeared instantly, and felt relieved. Washing off the bloodlock will certainly cause trouble for the next operation, but at least it will not give Nicholas Kandi the chance to find him at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake.

"The guy is hiding under water. I have a hard time killing him. I have to find a way to lead him to the land ..." Ning Tao pondered, and then he opened a door of convenience. When he came out again, he was already on the motor boat. When he was fishing, he had already painted the blood lock. In fact, he is very talented as an agent. If he is not a doctor or a doctor, he may become an excellent agent.

The motor boat sailed towards the town of Yellowstone, not fast or slow.

Ning Tao was driving a motor boat, but the light in the corner of his eyes stared underwater. He couldn't see the ghost ship underwater, but he could see the waves of the ghost ship sneaking up from the back. Although it is not obvious, the average person would also think that it was the wave caused by the wind blowing on the lake, but he knew that the ghost ship was sneaking underneath, and it was much faster than the exciting boat he drove.

"Did he find out?" Ning Tao's heart was a little tense, but he was a little puzzled. He thought he hadn't left any flaws. Unless Nicholas Conti has the ability of sharks, even a trace of water can be smelled a few kilometers away Bloody smell. But Nicholas Kandi is obviously not a shark, not even a shark essence like Yang Sheng. Why did he find the blood lock that disappeared instantly?

The water wave behind the motor boat caught up with the motor boat. Although the underwater ghost boat could not be seen, Kening Tao knew that it was under him. He put his left hand on his pants and was ready for battle. The battle preparation of other people is to pull out a gun or take out a weapon, but his battle preparation is to draw a charm.

A bright spot appeared in the sky, flying over the motor boat, this time flying at a very low altitude, just like 100 meters.

Ning Tao touched the bucket with a few fishes with his feet. The fishes were frightened, jumped in the buckets, and stirred up the blossoms.

That drone turned back, if it was filming, it just happened to take a picture of the fish that stirred the water. It flew over the motor boat and continued to fly in the direction of the small island in the center of the lake.

After about ten seconds, the chasing water wave stopped.

The motor boat continued to move forward, and Ning Tao's hand was taken off his pants.

Back at the port, Ning Tao returned the rented motor boat to the merchant who leased the ship, and then walked towards the town carrying a bucket with a few fish. He found a lakeside hotel and walked in.

The hotel owner was an Indian, in his early fifties, with a braid and a tall figure. He smiled at Ning Tao: "My friend, welcome to the Buck Hotel. My name is also Buck. What would you like to order? Can I get you something to eat, or a warm and clean room? "

I don't know if it is precious due to the low number of guests during the off-season or because of his natural hospitality. In short, he gives a very kind and friendly feeling.

Ning Tao also smiled: "I need a room. I want to rent it for a month, can I?"

The Bucks smiled and said, "Of course, I will give you a discount."

"I came here to do research. I would come back to live from time to time. I usually don't need to clean my room or leave me a meal, can I?" Ning Tao said.

"Of course there is no problem. I'll calculate it for you ... $ 2100. May I ask for cash or credit card?" The Buck's face was always smiling.

"Cash." Ning Tao pulled out his wallet and paid $ 2,100.

A young man came down the stairs and greeted Ning Tao. The Bucks introduced him as his son, called a shotgun.

My dad is a stag, and my son is a shotgun. The Indians are so casual. But this is Indian culture, one of the few ethnic groups that believes in nature and ancestry.

"Mr. Johnny, did you fish these fish? Good luck." The shotgun looked at Ning Tao still holding the bucket in his hand and asked with a smile: "Need we cook for you? I will bake fish."

Johnny, this is the fake name used by Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said, "No, I like fishing, but I don't like eating fish. Please help me release it."

"Of course you can, you are a kind person." The shotgun took Ning Tao's hand from the small bucket with a few fish.

At this time, several people came into the hotel, all of whom were white and of different ages. The youngest were only in their teens and had tall and fat hands.

Ning Tao's gaze fell on one of them, and his gaze could no longer be moved.

That man was the heavyweight he saw in the video left by Ramsay—Adolf Hitler!

Ramsay suggested that he go to Germany to see, but he did n’t go. First, he did n’t have time, and then he thought that the heads and his followers who overturned the coffin board would soon die, just like Han Xin had. Han entrepreneurial.

But the head of state was standing in front of him at this moment, but his complexion was a bit poor, and he did not have the symptoms that Han Chuangye had.

In Ramsay's information, he was a farmer named Munich, a suburb of Munich. The clothes he wears are very ordinary, and none of them is valuable. His body is also slightly blessed. As far as his image is concerned, he is exactly the image of a German farmer who drank too much beer and ate pork sausages. But when he stood there, the momentum was the momentum of the eternal emperor, who arrogantly stood out from the crowds, and made people reluctant to be in awe and afraid to offend.

Some people, even if reduced to beggars, have the contempt of emperor and parade of emperors. Some people wear gold and silver, but they also make people look down, temperament is really not something that money can buy.

But ~ ~ How did the head of state come here?

Ning Tao awakened the state of sight and smell of the eyes and nose, and the first weather field of these people entered his sight without hiding.

Without exception, the living weather of these living dead was bleak and deadly.

Ning Tao's mind was confused and said secretly: "This vitality, they should not stay in bed until they die, how can they come here? Is it related to Nicholas Conti and the ghost ship?"

The image of the ghost ship in the abyss at the bottom of the lake emerged from his mind, the strange red light, such as magma surging ...

However, no matter what way he thinks, he can't find any basis to associate the heads here with the ghost ship, but this is obviously not a coincidence.

While he was pondering this, the head of the farmer moved to look at him, and the look in that moment felt like a cold wind whizzing on his face. It was also at this time that he found something abnormal in the dead body of the head of the weather field.

That is……

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