Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 754: Those who committed me Huaxia, though far away, will be stingy!

Several Chevrolet Sabbans entered the embassy of a Lighthouse State.

Ning Tao was pushed out of the car and then taken into a basement. A cia agent removed the black hood from his head.

A bright beam of light hit Ning Tao's face, and he pretended not to be able to stand the strong light (she) and tilted his head away.

Agent Cia, still holding a black cloth hood, suddenly punched Ning Tao's abdomen.

Ning Tao didn't hurt at all, but he bent down in coordination. Even with the anger and killing thoughts in his heart, he also suppressed it with a sentence, "I breathe in the womb, I heard the sound of the road."

A white female (sexual) wearing a khaki trench coat walked down the entrance to the basement. About 50 years old, with brown hair and wind under her feet, gave people a feeling of extreme popularity. Her (shen) was followed by two loaded special-army special-forces guards. .

She came to Ning Tao and said, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Hapena, the director of cia. What's your name and what country do you work for?"

Ning Tao said lightly: "My name is Xingjun, and I work for the kingdom of heaven."

"It's not the sun ..." Happena frowned. It was not that Ning Tao's English level was limited, nor was it that she had a hearing error, but that the name (ri) star Jun was really difficult to translate.

Agent Cia, holding the hood, fists in Ning Tao's heart.

Ning Tao bent down in coordination again and inhaled exaggeratedly, giving people the illusion that they needed deep breathing to ease the pain.

"Asshole!" Agent Cia said fiercely: "You better be smart, if you don't cooperate, your end will be miserable!"

Ning Tao straightened her waist and said nothing, but a strange smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

The new director of cia is here, right in front of him, which is like receiving a special gift for him.

"You can still laugh? What are you laughing at?" Hapena asked.

Ning Tao said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that my heart is fine."

At this time, Superintendent Roger came in from the entrance of the passage, holding a projector in his hand.

A few minutes later, a photo appeared on a wall in the basement.

It was the interrogation room of the police station in Wenhua City, and three dead horrible bodies were lying on the ground.

"Do you remember them?" Luo Daiying asked, with a hate in his voice.

Ning Tao shook his head: "I don't remember, who are these three silly ((forced))?"

Roger was instantly irritated, reached out and pulled out his gun, his muzzle was facing Ning Tao's head, and roared, "You believe it or not, I shot you in the head!"

Ning Tao said lightly: "I don't believe you, try to shoot."

Roger eventually failed to pull the trigger of the pistol, and how to deal with Ning Tao was not something he could decide (qingqing). He has the courage to scare Ning Tao, but he has absolutely no courage to shoot.

Hapena reached down and pressed Roger's gun, and her sight never left Ning Tao's face. She said, "Whether you admit it or not, I know you are a special agent in China. You should be very clear In your current situation, I also believe that you have received professional training, but you have to believe me, that is useless. We have enough means for you to confess, the process is not what you can bear. So, I can give you A contract exempt from prosecution, as long as you tell us where Dragon Boat is. "

"Do you say the contract was signed by the president?" Ning Tao asked.

"If you tell us where the dragon boat is hiding, you want the president's signature page to be okay," Hapena said.

Ning Tao said: "I killed your people so that they can be pardoned? It seems your democracy and legal system is also a joke."

Hapena raised her hand.

An cia agent with a thin body and no expression (qing) came to Ning Tao with a suitcase. He put the suitcase on the table, opened it, and it contained a dozen types of torture ((force)) tools, as well as injections for shooting. Although he didn't know what the ingredients were, he didn't expect it. What could be good.

Hapena's voice turned cold: "I'm giving you one last chance, tell me, where have you hidden the dragon boat!"

Ning Tao smiled: "She is a very nice woman, she is very bright, she is righteous, she is probably sunbathing somewhere at this moment. She will return to her family (shen), no Will be harmed in any way. "

There seemed to be anger in Hapena's eyes: "I'll let you say it!"

Ning Tao said, "Well, let's tell me why you want to catch Ms. Long. If my heart is fine, I will tell you where she is."

Hapena said nothing.

There was no one in the basement who answered Ning Tao's question, only the cia agent who felt she was preparing for the torture. He picked up a syringe and took out the medicine in a glass container. He didn't say a word, and there was no expression on his face, which gave a very professional feeling.

Ning Tao said by himself: "You ca n’t answer, okay, let me speak for you. A third world country has experienced the Opium War, experienced the Japanese aggression, and was hardworking. The Chinese set up a new country in the midst of ruins. For generations, they have almost no welfare, but they built the country with any grudges. No nation in this world can have the Chinese nation so united, so hardworking and hardworking. With today ’s achievements, it has brought new opportunities and new models to the world. But you robbers have tried every means to suppress it and suppress its development. One billion people have to eat, but you never consider these, you consider It ’s just your hegemony, your interests. So, when you see a Chinese company that surpasses you by its true ability, you ca n’t stand it, you have to kidnap the daughter of the old entrepreneur, what ’s so bad Can't you do it? "

Hapena sneered: "I knew you were a Chinese agent, your (shen) status would be announced, and your (re-re) (love ai) country would be severely sanctioned. You thought you Did you save Dragon Boat? No, your actions put her and her family in a more difficult position. "

Ning Tao also laughed: "No, because you will all die."

The skinny interrogation expert suddenly pierced the injection device into Ning Tao's (chest) cavity.

Ning Tao did not evade, and ignored the injection of the medicinal solution in the she-shooting device into his body. He (shen) has special spiritual power and is not poisonous. Even the saliva of Qingzhui and Bai Jing can be immune, not to mention the medicine used for torture.

All the medicine in the injection device was injected into the body of Ning Tao.

(Shen) The lean interrogation expert stepped back to the table and silently selected the tools used for torture ((force)). He first picked up a filling gas cutting knife, but he put it down again, and then picked up a scalpel from the box.

Ning Tao didn't even look at him, and then said, "I did save Ms. Long. This matter is actually over for me, but I am still back. Do you know why I came back, I tell You, that ’s because I think your **** thing (love qing) is too unreasonable, too embarrassing, if I do n’t kill you, I feel uncomfortable. If you do such a thing (love qing), if If no one pays enough, you will definitely think that Huaxia is unmanned in the future, and the Chinese are bullying, and you can act arrogantly. I have to come and send a message to the people behind you, that is, **** , Who ordered me to kill anyone, even your president. "

There was silence in the basement, and the atmosphere seemed strange.

A few seconds later, Henna Naha laughed: "Do you hear what he is doing?"

The interrogator spoke for the first time: "He said that if we do such a thing again, he will kill our president."

"Hahaha ..."

There was a mocking voice in the basement.

Ning Tao shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "I don't know who you know Nicholas Conte?"

Hapena's laughter stopped abruptly, and she raised her right arm.

The laughter in the basement suddenly stopped.

Ning Tao went on to say: "I killed Nicolas Conti of Blackfire. He killed me. The new headquarters of Blackstone's Yellowstone Lake was also destroyed by me. Charles and Zuobela of the Vettel family, too. I killed you. I tell you all this, because in my eyes, you are no different from the dead. If you want to laugh, just laugh, because you wo n’t have a chance to laugh again. "

No one laughed.

Hapena's face also changed: "Who the **** are you?"

Ning Tao's hands suddenly struck both sides of the body, and the plastic cable ties that bound his hands were suddenly broken by him. While moving his wrists, he said, "I'm the one you said ... Well, number one. The terrorist Ning Tao ~ ~ When the name Ning Tao appeared, the atmosphere in the basement suddenly changed, and it felt like a cold wave of Baidu blowing through everyone's body.

Ning Tao stretched out his hands and pulled on the crotch.

This action is really unsightly.

However, this cannot be avoided.

The face of the other person's youth also changes rapidly.

The deity returns.

Hapena roared: "Kill him!"

Except for her, everyone pulled out a gun.

Ning Tao's right arm suddenly waved, and an ink gun suddenly shot out from the palm of his right hand. It was also at that instant that a spear appeared out of thin air and penetrated Hapena's heart.

"I said to kill you, I will kill you." Ning Tao said, his eyes were as dark as ink, without a little white, and his voice was extremely cold, with no temperature.

Hapena looked down at the spear that ran through her heart. She grew up and wanted to say something, but she couldn't utter a voice. Her pupils spread quickly and she fell to the ground.

Bang bang ...

The sound of gunfire sounded.

The bullets flew towards Ning Tao, but when they hit the ink gun in the flesh, it suddenly slowed down. Even if it hit his body, it was even faster and more powerful No.

Ning Tao drew a shot and shot at the skinny interrogation expert.


(Meat rou) The shot is sprinkled like a net, and there is no fish missing.

He said killing, that is absolutely not alive!

Blood, corpses, like a snake's gun ...

Those who committed me Huaxia, though far away, will be stingy!

This is the message he wants to convey. Chapter content is in the process of being restored, please visit again later.

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