Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 767: 1 **** crystal

A taxi stopped on a dirt road in the suburbs. The middle-aged woman took the old man out of the car, paid for it, and then went forward.

There is no village ahead and there is a river.

A battery car stopped far away, Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin got out of the car, and then quietly followed.

The middle-aged woman didn't go far on the dirt road with the old man. When she was near the river, she took the old man out of the dirt road and then let go of the old man's hand.

"Dad, go forward a little bit, and I'll release my hand," said the middle-aged woman.

The half-blind old man nodded, leaning on a cane, and proceeded cautiously. In front of him was a river, which was very wide, but because of the flat terrain, the river was not turbulent at all, it was flowing gently, and there was no sound at all.

That middle-aged woman really took off her pants and squatted on the ground to pee, and urinated again while urging "You old thing, you go faster, I'm peeing, do you want to pick up ashes, you come back, go I'll tell your son, I said you slept with me "

"You, you bullshit" The old man was stimulated, angrily, and his pace accelerated. Without taking a few steps, the crutch sounded, and he fell into the river with a puppet.

At that moment, the trace of evil energy on the woman who **** on the ground (shen) became extremely pure, and there was no impurity at all.

"Tian Yin, you go to save people." Ning Tao explained, rushed out of the place where she was, and rushed to the woman.

Soft Tianyin (body shen) swayed and plunged into the river.

She was a fairy from the sea, and it was not a problem to save people in a river.

"Hey old things that are not dead, you are finally dead" The middle-aged woman got up from the ground and tied her pants while talking to herself, "When I go back, I will call the police and say that you are lost, you fell into the river by yourself ,not my business"

Suddenly, a shadow came across her.

A middle-aged woman's face suddenly turned pale and nervous, "you"

Ning Tao didn't say anything, a stalker grabbed the Tianlinggai of the middle-aged woman. It was also at that instant that the harvesting technique in the yang yin tonic was started, and a vortex of invisible energy appeared in his palm, and that pure and evil energy instantly appeared. Sucked away by energy vortex.

As a result of mana, the woman's skull cracked instantly, and she died on the spot.

This is how the evil energy is collected, and if it is collected, it will be killed

The most evil energy is the energy of darkness, and the greatest fear of man is the fear of death, without adding factors of death.


Soft Tianyin came out of the river, holding an old man in his hand, which was the half-blind old man who fell into the river.

"He's not breathing." Soft Tianyin placed the old man on the ground, and pressed the old man's (chest) with his hand.

Suddenly, Ning Tao felt a new energy. He let go of his hand and looked at the soft sky sound. What he sensed was a trace of good energy, very pure, and no need to add any interaction, that trace of good energy had reached the standard of perfection.

The woman's body fell to the ground.

Ning Tao's feet a little, (shen) moved to the soft side sound's (shen) side.

That perfect energy was dragged by mana, and he flew to his body.

The energy to (love ai) needs to interact, the energy to evil needs to kill, and the collection is equal to the category of "movement". The energy of perfect faith and goodness does not need to be “moved”, and can be collected as soon as the mana is pulled, which is considered to be the category of “static”. This is actually in line with the characteristics of yin and yang, which are very mysterious.

Collecting the best energy from the soft tianyin (body shen), Ning Tao has collected four energy materials for refining a **** crystal. So it seems that the soft sky sound is really Wang Fu, and one person has contributed the most (love ai) energy.

This is actually normal. She is kind and gentle, and she has (love ai) in her heart. She saves the poor old man who drowns. It is not surprising that she (shen) produces the kind energy.

It now appears that the person who can produce the most wicked to believe in (shen) also exists. Some religious (sex) terrorists have both kinds of energies in (shen).

The old man took a sip of water, breathing and heartbeat recovered, but he didn't wake up.

Ning Tao squatted down, grabbed the old man's hand, and injected a hint of spirit into his body.

The old man's (qingqing) condition soon improved, and his eyelids moved, and he would wake up.

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and held the old man's carotid artery. After a sudden psychic shock ((dang) dang), the old man suddenly fell asleep again.

Soft Tianyin puzzled "Ning brother, you are"

Ning Tao said, "I killed his daughter-in-law. It's better not to let him know about this kind of thing. We will take the people and the corpses back before we talk about it."

There was a mist on the ground, and a door of convenience opened in the mist. Ning Tao took the body of the middle-aged woman, and Soft Tianyin returned to the Tianjia Reclamation Hospital with the sleeping old man.

Ning Tao opened another door of convenience and threw the body of the middle-aged woman directly to a moon where no one could find it.

In the future, when human astronauts and colonies came to the moon, they found the body. As soon as I checked that I was actually a Chinese, this showed that the Chinese had settled in the moon

This is also regarded as garbage reuse.

Soft Tianyin also followed, and for the first time on the moon, I was very excited. If it wasn't for time, she would definitely want to play a little more on it.

Returning to the Tianjia Pickup House again, Ning Tao couldn't even care about the old man, went straight to the side of good and evil, and went to look at the situation inside.

There are two more energy crystals in the Good and Evil Ding, one is as dark as ink, and the other is slightly golden with sunlight. There is no need to sense anything. Ning Tao also knows that the energy crystal that is as dark as ink is the evil energy, and the one that is slightly golden with a little sunlight is the energy crystal that is the best.

Kindness can make people feel the warmth of the sun, which is probably the reason why its crystals have a sun-like color.

There are four pure energy crystals, and one **** crystal can be made by hand.

"Brother Ning, what is that?" Soft Tianyin pointed at the crystal of the most good energy in the good and evil tripod.

Ning Tao said, "The perfect energy crystallizes."

"Where did you pick it?" Soft Tianyin still doesn't know what happened.

Ning Tao smiled and said, "When you rescued the old man, I picked it from your (body shen). You are really a vengeance. With luck, you can not only give me the energy of (love ai), but also Gives me the energy of the best. "

A "Wangfuxiang" said soft Tianyin with a smile.

Ning Tao didn't say much. He couldn't wait to sit cross-legged next to the tripod of good and evil, put his palms on the tripod wall, and run the Tianjia (yin yin) Yang Cai tonic method to refine the **** crystal.

This process of refining is actually the process of practicing his spiritual power.

This was the first time he had used good and evil to make something. It felt very novel and nervous.

The black and white flames were released, and a burst of black and white flames suddenly burst out from the good and evil, and the four energy crystals of (love ai) to the letter slowly merged in the flame.

Soft Tianyin looked back, afraid to affect Ning Tao.

With Ning Tao's refining, a line of four-color energy light emerged from the black and white black flames. There was ice and snow white, ink-like black, rose color, and sunlight gold. These are the four energy crystals. Energy light. They were entangled, slowly fused, and finally formed a black energy light beam.

Ice and snow white, like ink black, rose color, sunlight gold, these four kinds of pigments will produce xuanhuang Ning Tao. I do n’t know, and I ’m not interested in color research. He withdrew Dan Huo and stood up, and turned his head to see Dingzhong again.

Soft Tianyin also ran over and looked around.

There is a large energy crystal of peas lying quietly among the good and evil dingers. The crystal is generally crystal clear, but it exudes a yellowish luster.

Xuanhuang, that's the color of the emperor's house, but also the color of the heavenly house.

Ancient emperors called themselves "the emperor", and the beginning of the imperial edict was "carrying along the sky", and heaven is above all else.

This **** crystal is just the energy light of the yellow, which has already demonstrated the supremacy of the heavenly family, and the **** (Xing) above all others.

"Is this the **** crystal?" Soft Tianyin said curiously.

Ning Tao nodded his head. "It is the **** crystal. I have to earn this kind of thing to survive."

Soft Tianyin happily said, "It's also easy. I think it's much easier to make good and evil consultations than before, at least there is no need to spend money and effort to carry out good person planning."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly. "Did you see it, it would be like a grain of rice in the granary in the tripod, and I would fill the tripod with the **** crystal."

His gaze moved to the lifeline of Dingzhong, and its shortening speed slowed down a bit.

Filling this good and evil tripod can save your life and get freedom. How can a **** crystal be enough?

Soft Tianyin looked at the good and evil ding of empty ((dang) dang) ((dangdang) dang) ~ ~ mouth opened and could not be closed again.

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged again and ran the tonic method of yang mining (yin yin). This time, instead of refining Shenjing, she practiced spiritual power.

There is no good gas or bad gas to inhale, but once the Tianjia (yin yin) Yang Cai supplement method is running, he becomes aware of the existence of that **** crystal, and a trace of pure and mysterious energy is released from the **** crystal, which absorb.

An unprecedented training feeling emerges spontaneously, it feels like being in the vast sea of ​​stars, shrouded in golden light, standing high, overlooking sentient beings

"This feeling" Ning Tao was surprised, he didn't say it, because even he couldn't believe that it was like he was God.

However, this weird feeling quickly disappeared, and no more crystal energy was absorbed. After all, there is only one **** crystal in the tripod of good and evil, too few and too few. Except for that weird feeling, Ning Tao couldn't feel any change in her spiritual power.

Next, he had to think of earning more energy materials to refine Shenjing.

He got up (shen) and walked towards the old man. He fed the old man with a human prescription Dan, and then used the spiritual force to open the old man's blocked blood vessels to nourish his eyes.

There will be blessings if you do not die. The old man's human-grade prescription Dan will not only prolong life but also restore eyesight. But he would not know what happened.

After treating the old man, Ning Tao carried him out of the Tianjia Reclamation Hospital, came to a bench on the street, put him down, and left.

"Brother Ning, where shall we go next" asked Soft Tianyin.

"Go to the Emperor Qin Mausoleum." Ning Tao said.

This is another week. If Lin Qinghua and Wu Yan have any plans, they should start.

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