Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 784: I am your god

Early the next morning, a battery car arrived at the office building of Shenzhou Charity Company.

Many people look at the young man riding the bicycle and the two beautiful women with special eyes, especially those successful people who have open-air parking spaces. Each one's eyes are full of doubts about life. They are driving millions or even millions of luxury cars. In this office building, they are also big names, but have they ever sat in such a luxury car?

And two more!

The two men and women are Ning Tao, Soft Tianyin, and newcomer Lin Qingyu who came from home.

Although it is uncertain whether Lin Qinghua is dead or where the soul coffin has gone, the crisis of the living dead is temporarily lifted. The most important thing for Ning Tao (Qing Qing) is not to find the evil leader of Chang'an, but to earn the energy of the most good and the most evil, the most love (ai).

The plan for good people has become history, and Ning Tao needs a new plan.

This plan is the divine plan.

"Plan of God?"

"What company is our company?"

"It used to be charity, but now it is god-making, can't our company be serious?"

"This is for us to pretend to be a ghost ..."

"The man next to Rongzhu is the boyfriend of Mr. Bai and Mr. Qing. He's here."

"It's so handsome and good-tempered."

"Who is the woman standing next to him?"

"I don't know, who knows?"

"You whisper, he is Ning Tao. The United States is still looking for him, saying he is the number one terrorist."

In the large conference room, after Tiantian announced the God-Creation plan, the employees muttered and murmured. Men have the subject of men, women have the subject of women. Men mainly talk about the so-called God-making plan, while women talk about Ning Tao.

This time he came without using Guzhen Lingfu, and it was difficult for him not to become the focus. However, there is no other way (Qing Qing), because he is the protagonist of the God-building plan-to collect a lot of faithful energy, he must shape a god.

This **** can only be himself, not (ri) Xingjun.

Soft Tianyin wants to make employees quiet.

Ning Tao said: "It's okay, let them discuss it, or let them speak freely. I want to hear what they think."

His god-making plan is only a rough framework, it can be said that it is only a direction, without actual steps. Overnight, he could not work out a perfect plan. These employees may be able to give him some advice or give him inspiration.

Soft Tianyin responded softly and said to the microphone: "You can speak freely and talk about your views on the God-building plan. If anyone has a good idea, the company rewards it."

"Soft help, when is President Bai coming back?" An old employee asked.

Soft Tianyin said: "It's not clear yet, this matter will be discussed later, this morning meeting will mainly discuss the God-building plan."

"I am a master's degree in physics from Beidu University. I myself don't believe in the existence of gods in this world. Can we create a **** to convince others?" A middle-aged man wearing very thick glasses said With a questioning tone in his tone.

Soft Tianyin didn't know how to answer, and gave a subconscious glance at Ning Tao.

Ning Tao said, "Let them speak."

Soft Tianyin said, "You go on."

A fat girl stood up and said timidly, "I want to ask, can this god-making plan bring profit to our company?"

"Yes, before charity was about throwing money. When Mr. Bai was still there, he could sell some beauty balm and make some money back. Mr. Bai did n’t make a penny in the company and kept throwing money out. ? "Someone murmured.

"In the beginning, we joined this company. President Bai said that as long as we work hard, our company can develop into a multinational company. Each of us has his own stage. I am a graduate of the Youth University Finance Department. ... "

There was another murmur in the big conference room.

It is not difficult to see that the learning plan arranged by Soft Tianyin earlier was not successful.

Soft Tianyin glanced at Ning Tao again for help.

Ning Tao simply took the microphone and said, "I know you have doubts. You are all excellent talents, but you are here to do work that is not related to your specialty. Although you also get paid, the company There is no stage for you to show your strength. "

The conference room was quiet.

The number one terrorist in the world, coupled with the common boyfriend of Mr. Bai and Mr. Qing, both of these (shen) have given Ning Tao a prestige far beyond the soft sky. In fact, many people here don't take soft sky sound seriously, at most they only deal with it on the surface. Few people in the back really regard her as the boss.

Ke Ningtao is different. Someone inside this company has been saying that he is the gold master behind the scenes, but he doesn't come often and doesn't know.

However, although the scene was calmed down, what should be said next and how to implement the God-Creation Plan, Ning Tao still did not have a specific idea.

In today's world, beliefs are lacking. People in this land worship the God of Wealth if they want to get rich, worship the Goddess of Mercy if they want to beg, and worship the Manjushri Bodhisattva if they want to do well. Even the faith is utilitarian. The power of faith?

Although there is no lack of faithful energy in the Middle East, it is another god, not his. Even if he goes to the Middle East, it is difficult for him to encounter pure and pure energy without impurities, which is useless.

To (love ai) to the letter, a word is the key.

Just then, Lin Qingyu, who had been silent, came to Ning Tao's (shen) side and whispered, "Can I say a few words?"

Ning Tao nodded slightly, then nodded, and passed her the microphone.

Lin Qingyu said, "I am the legal person of Blueprint Biotech and the CEO of Blueprint Biotech. I now announce the merger of Blueprint Biotech and China Charity. All employees of Blueprint Biotech, including me, will be all future employees. Follow Mr. Ning Tao's instructions. "

As soon as this remark was made, there was no sound in the large conference room.

Ning Tao was also a little hesitant. He did not expect that Lin Qingye would announce such a big event at this time, and he did not feel any warning in advance.

If this is a dowry, isn't it too big?

Already someone is underneath Baidu Blueprint Biotech.

"It's really her, Lin Qingyu, the boss of Blueprint Biotech!"

"Blueprint Biotech is a biotechnology company in Shancheng. It mainly produces basic drugs and biological science research. It has not been listed, but its asset valuation is more than two billion yuan!"

"Don't you listen to what she just said, her Blueprint Biotech company merged with our company, and she and Blueprint Biotech's employees all listened to General Ning's instructions."

"I'm dizzy ... doesn't our president Ning capture another goddess after President Bai and Qing Zong?"

Everything is said in the conference room. It is commendable that it is very reliable.

Lin Qingxuan also said: "I fully agree with the Shenzhou Charity's God-Creation Plan, and I and Blueprint Biotech will also fully support it. I will now talk about my views."

The meeting room was quiet again.

Lin Qingyi went on to say: "Other companies produce products or technology research and development and set industry standards, but we are different. We make beliefs. You do n’t think that there is no suitable stage for making beliefs. I assure you that everybody present here Everyone will have a stage suitable for their own development. Let us unite around Mr. Ning Tao and strive to build the greatest company! "

Soft Tianyin applauded, and a (hot re) applause rang out in the conference room.

What kind of ghost is God planning, they still do not know, but this does not prevent them from worshiping Ning Tao. They can soak them together as the goddess Bai Zong and Qing Zong, which is already a miracle in their eyes. Now it seems that the goddess of Blueprint Biotechnology has also become the woman of Ning Tao. If not, soft help is also His woman, so godly man leads himself, then why not applaud?

But Ke Ningtao couldn't say anything. He was really not a fancy man. Moreover, Lin Qingyi suddenly announced that Blueprint Biotech Co., Ltd. was incorporated into the Shenzhou Charity Company ~ ~ and announced in public that he would listen to him from now on. Isn't this directly pushing him from behind the scenes?

Lin Qingyun passed the topic to Ning Tao: "I'm done, let's talk."

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and said quietly, "Why don't you talk to me about such a big matter beforehand?"

Lin Qingyi got to his ear and whispered, "I told you in advance, would you agree? My life is yours, and what else is not yours?"

These words are implicit, but the meaning is clear at first hearing, that is, including herself.

The moment she left from his ear, Ning Tao made a decision in her heart.

Just before the curtain!

Previously limited by the laws of clinics and hospitals, they could not be economically related to patients. Now the good and evil diagnosis has become history, and he is no longer restricted by that law. Since this is God's intention, play with a big one. Even if there is one (ri) flying to the fairyland in the future, it will leave a strong stroke in this world!

"I'll just say a few words." Putting away his thoughts, Ning Tao held the microphone and said, "Since China Charity Corporation and Blueprint Biotechnology Corporation merged into one company, I decided to rename the company ... New God Company, we will build God is called the new god. "

"New God?" The fat girl asked, "What does our **** care about?"

Ning Tao stood up: "Our God does everything and he cares. And I, I am the God you want to create. Don't you want a stage for your special use, start your brains, make A plan to make my reputation transcend everything! "

Now that you've decided to stand in front of the curtain, why not be more direct!

Everyone's eyes are focused on his (shen).

The meeting room was silent.

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