Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 791: How can you mess with me

She really danced, dancing gracefully, sometimes light as a bird, sometimes elegant as a butterfly. Sometimes it looks like a cheerful young girl who jumps among flowers and catches butterflies, sometimes it feels like an emotion that has been suppressed, and suddenly the spirit of wine suddenly bursts out, and all eyes are full of spring.

the drunken beauty.

Ning Tao suddenly remembered this allusion.

One night, Yang Guifei set up a banquet and waited for Li Longji to come, but Gao Lishi said that the emperor had gone to Wu Huifei's dormitory.


Yang Yuhuan froze, his boneless body was out of balance, and one planted in Ning Tao's arms.

Daxian was just thinking about the story of the drunken concubine, but he didn't want to come, he also became the taunted Collix.

Gao Lishi is an eunuch. He is a paper tiger, but he is a real tiger. As soon as the concubine gets into his arms, the tiger wakes up and the tiger is full of power.

But after all, Daxian was the one who tested. Immediately, he held Yang Yuhuan and politely said, "You are drunk, concubine, just sit back and relax."

However, Yang Yuhuan wasn't Qing Qing and soft Tianyin. Whatever he said, they listened and did nothing.

"Yes." Yang Yuhuan gently agreed, sitting on Daxian's thigh with his buttocks, and people snuggled in Daxian's arms.

Ning Tao was stiff all over her body, and her brain was slow to respond.

what's going on?

Play this game for the first time?

The woman in the palace is really different from ordinary women. She can marry Li Ye first and then Li Longji's father, Li Longji, and she doesn't care. Eunuchs can make fun of her, not to mention that he is from the future. Daisen?

He has too many things that attract her, his story, his strength, his young, his handsome and strong, how can he compare with the old man of Li Longji?

But Ning Tao can't do it. He has never been the kind of man who is very attractive.

"No concubine, it's not. It's not." He wanted to lift her up, but she just couldn't get up. He could beat her out with a single palm, but he couldn't do anything spectacular.

"Yes, I said yes to make it." Yang Yuhuan exhaled like a blue orchid, with winking eyes, "Daxian, you and I meet today is a timeless fate. This is a fate arranged by heaven. Why do you violate God's will and live up to it? My feelings? "

Is this Providence?

Ning Tao's mind was guided and thought along this line.

Yang Yuhuan poured a wine, bowed his head and raised it to Ning Tao's mouth.

With red lips and fine teeth and fine wine, the eternal beauty sits in her arms.

This matter is not God's will, is there any trace of Qingshi?

Do you drink this wine or not?

But just when Ning Tao was hesitant, he suddenly felt a trace of the energy of Zhixin released from her body.

It is strange that this trace of the energy of the letter is doped with a trace of the energy of the love, but does not conflict with each other.

This trace of energy surprised Ning Tao. This was the first time he had encountered the love energy blended into the letter energy. Faithful energy is the energy of faith. How can it happen simultaneously with the love between men and women? But this two-in-one energy appeared in her body, so harmonious, there was no conflict at all.

Such strange things happened to her but it was normal. She worshiped as a great immortal from the future, so she had the energy of faith. But at the same time she wanted to achieve an eternal fate with the gods, so she had a little energy of love. Of course, that love energy is much less than the love energy, and there are impurities, but as long as he interacts and guides, he can get a certain amount of love and love energy.

He can also resist the temptation of beauty and wine, but the energy of love and faith appears, and he cannot resist it.

That's all his life, the lifeline is short, even if there is a little energy of love, love and goodness, he wants to make money. These four soul energies are the easiest to earn from evil and can be killed, followed by the super-good energy, which can be generated by doing good deeds with good intentions, which is very similar to the previous plan for good people. Difficult is the love energy, because true love is rare, true love is precious, how much true love do people in the world have? But the hardest thing to do is to believe in energy. People in the world lack faith. In addition to money and power, who believes in that deity?

The harder it is, the harder it is for him to resist.

This is like a person who is poisoned and needs a certain amount of antidote. Suddenly a woman comes to understand the medicine. Should I take it or not?

The cauldron had been passed to the lips.

Yang Yuhuan's gloomy eyes were full of expectations.

With a sigh in Ning Tao's heart, she secretly said, "Isn't everything going to zero as soon as I leave it? She won't remember me, and what I did with her won't exist ..."

What people do best is to make excuses for the mistakes they have made or the mistakes they are about to make.

The cauldron pried open Ning Tao's mouth, and the fragrant Chang'an thick wine flowed into his mouth from the tilted cask, full of sweet and osmanthus.

This kind of thick wine is only a dozen degrees, and Ning Tao will not get drunk even if he drinks ten pounds, but he is drunk at the moment.


The cauldron fell to the ground.

Yang Yuhuan closed his eyes and slowly moved towards Ning Tao.

Close the moon and shame the flower, no one can resist.

"What am I doing? She's one of the four beauties. That's right, she's as beautiful as a fairy, but it's me. Is my Taoxin broken by her like this? My willpower is in front of her Is it so fragile, I have read so many sutras, and each sentence has gone through tribulations. If I ca n’t even pass this pass, what meaning do those sutras I read? ”At this moment, Ning Tao's heart issued The voice of introspection.

Yeah, if she falls under her pomegranate skirt because she is Yang Yuhuan, one of the four big beauties, then whoever meets Xishi and Diao Chan in the future, wouldn't he also fall under someone else's pomegranate skirt? What other words do he talk about? What kind of practice?

The small nirvana realm is like a diamond, the heart must be as firm as a rock, and the heaven and earth must naturally understand the Tao to enter the big nirvana realm.

Therefore, spiritual practitioners who enter the small nirvana realm are not the most important in spiritual practice. The most important thing is to sense the nature of the world to realize the Tao and cultivate the Tao heart to a rock. If not, how can you survive the calamity?

Yang Yuhuan's cherry lips were attached to the corresponding positions, and a snoring sound could melt the iron bones.

But Ning Tao had already come out, and at the moment of contact, his state of mind was clear and he had no desire at all. He tilted his head back, and his legs rose from the chair.

Yang Yuhuan slipped from his arms, and the double script could stand on the ground without falling.

"Daxian, you ..." Yang Yuhuan's eyes were full of disappointment and unwillingness. Three-point drunk with seven points of spring, tempted the individual.

Ning Tao said: "Kneel down, Ben Daxian will send you a good fortune to help you Jin Danhua Yuanying, and then we will say something else."

Yang Yuhuan was overjoyed, his legs fluttered and he knelt in front of Ning Tao, his palms were folded together, and he said respectfully and piously: "Xie Daxian nodded his disciples."

At this moment, the faithful energy emanating from her became extremely pure and considerable.

Ning Tao ran the Tianjia collection technique, reached out his hand, and that faint energy of the letter flew into his body.

Later, a little energy came out of Yang Yuhuan's body.

Yang Guifei is Yang Guifei. At this time, she was still thinking about such things.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly, and reached out and took that trace of favorite energy again.

This can be regarded as a major gain of this past time and space trip.

At the end of the collection, Ning Tao spread out the palm of her right hand, grabbed the top of Yang Guifei's head, injected special spiritual power, first entered her mud pill palace, and then flowed through her limbs and bones, with strange veins and eight veins ...

At first Chen Pingdao helped him to lay the foundation with a pill-washing pill, but that pill-washing pill was comparable to the spiritual power he has experienced now. His spiritual power is more effective for lower-level practitioners like Yang Yuhuan than any other panacea, and he directly helps her to wash the marrow and cleanse the classics, nourishes Jindan, and speeds up her baby growth.

About half an hour later, Yang Yuhuan collapsed to the ground softly, and she was soaked with sweat, and the sweat was black and smelly, all impurities cleaned up from her body ~ ~ Ning Tao also Tired of hands and feet, he sat on a chair and looked at Yang Yuhuan, who was sleeping on the ground, suddenly remembered something, and then patted his head: "I am confused ... As soon as I leave, this past time and space will be cleared. Zero, I helped cleanse the marrow and nourish the classics and nourish the babies. These are all useless work. What am I doing so seriously? "

He could actually flicker for a few minutes and then stun her directly, but he was really busy working for half an hour, tired enough.

But he thought about it and felt right, and should do it.

"The old saying is useful, and it ’s horrible to die. I said to give people a good fortune, even if they feel only half a day, or even for a while, that ’s true, and I will be happy. If I flicker, I lie to others, That's my character problem. "Thinking of this, Ning Tao's mind was relaxed and happy again.

He pushed the window open again.

Coincidentally, the woman across the window just opened the window and saw Ning Tao again.

The four eyes are opposite.

This time she did not immediately close the window to hide, but just avoided Ning Tao's eyes.

She is the person he wants to see the most.

The arrival of Yang Yuhuan can be regarded as an eternity, but after all, it is not the business, and the taste is not a problem. It is not true, but the woman on the opposite side is what he wants!

Ning Tao stood up, looked at the woman behind the opposite window, and said with a smile: "May I have your name?"


The opposite window closed in seconds.

Ning Tao snorted for a while before saying a word: "Why is her temper so bad?"

He stumbled down the street and found that no one was passing by this time. He didn't care anymore, stepped on the window sill, leaped forward, there was a ladder under his feet, and he stepped in two steps in the void, falling lightly on the roof of the attic opposite.


(m .. =)

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