The cute little white bear curled up in his arms is like a little furry meat ball, which reminds civilization of a game called "Mao" that he played when he was a child. Although civilization has seen Palos’ animal form countless times, even if Parson’s animal form is majestic and fierce and tall, it is also a cat. After getting close, it will subconsciously connect with the actions of the little black cat. stand up.

I'm a little embarrassed to say that civilization sometimes treats Palos' animal form as a big cat. Although the closeness is full, the sense of accomplishment (?) is not so much. But this little thing is different! Although I know that Leo’s animal is a giant bear, civilization has never seen it before, and now a group of little white bears nest in his arms, it feels like...excited--this is a bear, a bear.

Because he was going to find the patriarch with this little guy from an unknown source, Wenming temporarily changed the route to Parson's house, and planned to go to the patriarch's house again and then diverted to Parson's house.

Regardless of the little white bear that looks soft and soft, the weight is actually not light, let alone how hot it is to hold a hairy ball in this weather. Soon, the place where Wenming's silk shirt and the little white bear were touching each other was sweating. And the little white bear did not have the vigor at the beginning, and became a little ambush, just sticking out his little tongue to dissipate heat, although his round eyes are still watching the civilization and the surrounding environment. .

But even if the heat is like this, the little things still cling to civilization, if it weren't for the heat and seemed a little sluggish, it is estimated that they would have been clinging to civilization again. When I was near the patriarch’s home, I saw Kelly working outside and saw Civilization from a distance. Putting down the things in his hand, he greeted me with a smile: "So Xiao Ming? Is there anything you forgot?" After all, Civilization had just come here once, and Kelly was justified in asking.

"Oh...I want to ask if Uncle Hines is there?" Civilization lifted the little meatball in his arms and held him for such a long time, and his hands were a bit sore. This kid is so honest.

"Ah, he's here, but now there are guests coming," Kelly paused, without any concealment, "It's from the Northern Clan... well, it's from another tribe." When he said that, He glanced into the arms of Civilization. Although Civilization also wears white clothes, it is still different from the fluffy white of small things. Moreover, although the little white bear is said to be "small", it is still such a big body, the arched ball is still very easy to recognize.

"They're here so soon? Palos said there are still one or two days away..." Civilization is a little puzzled. Could it be that the preparations are done? So does it mean that Palos can come back earlier and not be so tired-╭(╯^╰)╮, I am just worried that he is tired, not because I miss him!

"Because the Northern tribes are far from our tribe, they generally depart earlier than other tribes, probably because the road goes smoothly, so this time they also arrived earlier than other tribes. But since this is the case, it is estimated People from other tribes will also come one after another-don't worry, with the help of Palos and the young and strong orcs, things are almost ready." Kelly looked at Civilization and smiled narrowly.

"Uncle Kelly!" Civilization always uses Kelly's ridicule, probably not only because the other party is an elder, but also because the other party is Palos's father. Although he doesn't hate what he said, but... Thin(?), shy or something, do you still have it occasionally. The little white bear in his arms seemed to feel the mood of civilization, and he kept twisting in the arms of civilization.

Civilization originally held a hairy dumpling and was a little hot, and was moved like this by the little white bear. Originally holding the little white bear and some soreness in his hands, he lost his strength, and the little white bear fell all of a sudden. But fortunately, the civilization is not high (Xiao Ming: (#‵') Protruding height is strictly forbidden to discuss!), so the little white bear touched the ground very lightly and ran into the house.

After a while, a clear male voice sounded in the room: "Bell, why are you here? Where have you been?"

Is the little white bear called "Bell"? So it’s not a beast or a pet and a cub of an orc? It turns out that I smelled an acquaintance, no wonder I jumped down. I thought he was helping me divert my attention. There is a black line in civilization.

Now that Little White Bear has found the "organization", there is nothing to do with him. Civilization has no plans to get to know each other, so he just tells Kelly and then turns around and leaves-also to see Parson. Well, listening to what Uncle Kelly said, it seems that Palos can have a good rest next, should he be back earlier today?

When the people in the room preached the little white bear who was naughty and running around, and prepared to thank the person who brought Bell back, the shadow of civilization was already gone. Alas, he still heard Bell say that the person who "saves his life from fire and water from being attacked by the devil's claws" is a gentle and cute sub-orc with black hair and white clothes (eh, probably white animal skins?). I originally wanted to take this opportunity to get to know and know... Well, it seems that this wishful thinking has failed.

However, I will live in this tribe for a period of time, and I will definitely meet that Orc again. If I don't say anything else, I should at least thank him. Well, it would be better if something could be developed. Originally, the communication activities between the tribes included the "emotional communication", right? I just followed the rules!

Kelly still didn't know that this orc from the Northern tribe had a bit of an idea to hit his "future daughter-in-law", otherwise, he wouldn't have been so amiable to him. Although the current Kelly is very gentle and tolerant, which sub-orc in this world has a temperament that is easy to provoke? Before he became "Daddy", Kelly's temperament was not simple-Xiao Ming? That's my Palos's, and mys's!

Palos had been back for a while when civilization arrived home. Before Civilization could say "You are back", Palos hugged him, his head buried in the neck of Civilization and sniffed. After a long while, I let go of civilization, seeming to ask casually: "Xiao Ming, have you met other orcs today?"

Civilization doesn’t understand Palos’s words, but still honestly said: “Uh, besides Uncle Hines, I also met Cyrus and Gerald twins... uh, what’s wrong?” Could it be that Palos saw it? ? Since I saw that I didn't yell so much at the time.

"...Well, apart from these, is there no one else? For example...strangers? Don't you know?" Palos is trying to build himself psychologically-no, it still can't be suppressed, who is it? Xiao Ming, who is so close to me, still left him with a smell... No, no, no, be calm and calm. After I find out who you are, I didn’t say anything, duel! absolute!

It must be that guy who tempted his innocent (?) Innocent Xiao Ming, who actually dared to take advantage of my Palos Xiao Ming, he must be hit hard!

"Stranger...?" Civilization looked at Palos and didn't know why his complexion didn't seem so good. He didn't understand why he became so strange. Is his current expression in a bad mood? Thinking about it this way, civilization can't help but feel a little distressed. Palos was tired outside (Civilization firmly believes in this), but now something has happened that makes him feel bad... Thinking of this, civilization's mind came up with a weird idea-could it be that he made him angry? NS?

Can't it? Did you make him angry? !

When Civilization thought this way, his tone became a little dissatisfied: "...There is no stranger, but there is a strange bear."

"Bear?" Civilization swears, the expression on Palos's face definitely drifted a little earlier, "The little white bear has always been very small and cute."

Palos was already prepared, as soon as Civilization said the characteristics of that guy, he would rush out to a duel with him. After all, this is not an ordinary contact. He can smell the other person's taste on his chest, and the smell is not weak, which means that the guy must have come into contact with his own Xiao Ming very close. Maybe he even hugged his own Xiao Ming-oh oh, thinking of this, Palos, who has always been calm, can't calmly, wishing to whip the opponent three hundred times or three hundred times.

As a result, the warrior is ready, the horn of battle has been sounded, and the lurking enemy is finally about to show its true colors-there has appeared... little white bear? A very small and cute little white bear? !

The raging jealous fire in Palos's heart seemed to be extinguished by a big wave, and the "chih--" did not even come out of the blue smoke: "Little white bear?"

Civilization nodded, and his current attitude towards Palos was even more strange. Wouldn't Palos be too tired to cause emotional confusion? Poor Palos, I'm going to make Palos something to replenish his body later: "Well, I was met by Cyrus and Gerald by chance. Because I have never seen that in the tribe. Little thing, so I went to Uncle Kelly, and it turned out that it seemed to be a little orc from the Northern tribe who hadn’t been transformed... But Palos, it’s really strange to you, why isn’t the little orc without transformation? Staying in his tribe, what are you doing on the long journey... Uh, Palos, what are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?"

What can Palos say? It's almost spring blooming, and he picked up the civilization and circled it all of a sudden: "It's nothing, little white bear, little white bear is very good, you said that it is from the Northern Clan...Uh, from the Northern Clan? ! Xiaoming, have you met other people from the Northern tribe besides the little white bear?"

Civilization feels that Palos really feels like a new person today, but he knows in his heart that this kind of thing is impossible. It’s just that Palos, who just smiled lightly just now, looks nervous again, making civilization really feel a little unacceptable — ah ah, calm and steady Palos, come back soon: "I’m in a hurry. Send things to Parson, and come back to prepare for the things that will be exchanged at that time. Where can I go to meet the people of the Northern people?"

Palos couldn’t help but circled around with civilization, and finally he kissed civilization’s soft lips contentedly: "I’m so happy, Xiao Ming. By the way, I’m back early today. You didn’t mean to be ready to exchange. I’m here to help you!” The fantasy rivals are now gone, and there are no more scum left. Palos is very happy now, just thinking about absolutely, absolutely, to put himself and Xiao Mingzhi before the other tribes are here. Reconnect the relationship between the two.

Although Palos is definitely one of the most advanced orcs in other tribes, in the face of civilization, Palos always has a kind of worry that he can't grasp-after all, he has never seen such a petite and cute sub-orc since he was a child. I have never seen a sub-orc who is so smart and knows so much. Such an unparalleled Orc, anyone would like it-Palos is now completely in the eyes of his lover.

During this period of time, civilization was neglected because of being busy with tribal affairs. Although civilization did not say anything and supported him, Palos still felt very guilty. You know, if you count it carefully, it hasn't been half a year since this tribe has been civilized, so I really shouldn't. Therefore, Palos made up his mind and decided to start from today, not only to make the relationship between himself and Xiao Ming go up a few floors, but also to guard against the coveting of his Xiao Ming by the orcs from other tribes-hum, what a duel? Yes, in order to defend their sovereignty, everything is floating clouds.

The author has something to say: the steamed stuffed buns, the sand is looking forward to it... Don’t worry, everyone, according to Sand’s plan, it can be steamed in ten chapters——huhu, hot little buns (~o~)~

Similarly, Shao will publish a new article in the near future, about ancient Egypt, passion and JQ will fly together, when the time comes, let's come and join us. O(∩_∩)O~

Cousin's college entrance examination tomorrow... I wish him a blessing here

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