Overturned Tower

Chapter 144 The Godfather’s Words

They are the villains.

A thoroughly evil person, an unforgivable sinner.

There is no need to cover up with a "heart of justice", and there is no need to compete with Shangcheng District for the title of "justice"... because that is something they can't fight for anyway.

How can you tell others something you don't even believe in?

But from another perspective...

If they are from the upper city, rebuke them as unjust people. He will also be angry.

Because he would feel like he was being attacked by them as a member of the Lower Town.

Although what the other party said was correct, it did not prevent him from feeling angry because he was attacked.

Only the Godfather.

He was part of the downtown community.

And he is not a loser, and does not need to complain - he is the undoubted powerful one, the de facto king of the Lower City.

He openly stated that every move they made was evil.

Those words are like a clear spring in the desert. Quenched his thirst.

On the other side, Husky also felt very much in agreement.

Although he has not been beaten violently by the "new mercenary" yet, he has already realized this.

The mercenaries' lifestyle has been changed.

And it all started after the angels came.

...Although the angels said they wanted to destroy the criminal organizations in the lower city, it turned out that they, the mercenaries who fought alone, were the first to bear the brunt.

In the end, those organizations sucked the blood of the mercenaries and became stronger.

Why is this?

He raised his own questions.

The godfather crossed his hands on his knees and calmly answered his confusion: "This is not an accident."

"Are you saying...that this is inevitable?"

"This is an 'evolution'."

said the godfather.

There will definitely be a group in the Lower City area, the mercenaries will definitely be attacked by the angels, and they will definitely join the organization.

Once a mercenary joins an organization, they will inevitably bring some things to the organization that are inconvenient for them to obtain, and will bring other uncoded people with them on missions.

"Everything is doomed. Even without angels, we would end up like this... The only role angels play is to bring acceleration."

The godfather said slowly: "Because what determines all this is human nature."

"human nature?"

"That's right. The humanity of the uncensored, the humanity of the organization's top brass, the humanity of the mercenaries... the humanity of the residents in the upper city, the humanity of the company's top brass. Everything makes this ending inevitable.

“There’s oppression in uptown. And there’s bound to be it in downtown.

“Those without codes are not inferior to those with codes. In the same way, they are not nobler than those with codes.

“It’s not just uptown that there are ‘companies’ that exploit their employees, downtown is the promised land.

"Sooner or later, there will be companies belonging to them in Xiacheng District. There were none before, just because they couldn't find the way. The Uncoded organization, which is purely based on violence and authoritarianism, can cross this line more easily than companies.

"The company still needs to slowly test and eliminate employees' resistance step by step. But these uncoded organizations in the lower city do not need it - they only need to use death as a threat.

"Because they are barbaric. They are criminals in the first place. They are not 'civilized' enough and do not need the pretense of 'righteousness' and 'reason'. When they gathered people to harass Shangcheng District, they did not need any benefits or anything. Excuses; so now, they have united with you mercenaries to exploit ordinary uncoded people, and they also don’t need any excuses.

"The threat of the angels has actually become a boost for their growth - if you don't accept their terms, go out and fight the angels alone."

In front of Grandma Lan, in front of those two girls.

The godfather spoke these dangerous words without hesitation.

Regardless of whether they are people from uptown or downtown, they will find it dangerous and unacceptable to hear...the truth.

"...Didn't the angel help them in turn?"

The white-haired mercenary replied in disbelief.

"It's hard to understand, but it's true."

The godfather chuckled: "Because angels are also restrained.

"The church is not clean. They are also mortals, and they also have a desire for power... To say the least, even if they have no selfish motives, it does not mean that they will not make mistakes.

"Everyone is different. Their lives are different, their personalities are different, and their ideas are different. One person thinks it is good to do this, and another person thinks that is good... Both people are unselfish, but this does not mean that they are not There will be conflict. Greed has nothing to do with talent, and talent has nothing to do with achievement. Even temporary achievements have nothing to do with the final result...

"When the church froze the angels, this decision could be said to ensure the continuation of the church. It would not trigger a new war on the empty island.

"But now you have also seen that angels and the church have essentially become opposites.

"Angels are trying to get rid of the control of the church, and the church wants to use angels, but is afraid of angels."

The godfather looked at the two of them and said slowly: "The angels today are you in the future.

"When the lower city becomes stable, they have credibility with the middlemen. Then do they really need you mercenaries?"

Hearing this, the two mercenaries suddenly felt cold in their hearts.

no doubt……

At that point, they will either be fully integrated into the organization. Or they will be removed by the organization and replaced.

"...So, do you want us to refuse the cooperation of those organizations?"

The Beagle mercenary asked quickly.

He was also vaguely aware of this future, but it wasn't until the godfather said it that he truly realized how big the problem was.

"Why refuse?"

the godfather asked rhetorically.

The two were stunned.

The blue-haired young man sighed: "You still don't have your own thoughts.

"I said above... there is no relationship between temporary achievements and the final result. At this time, the entire plan and the entire future they have conceived are based on what they have seen and been exposed to.

"But what if... the situation changes in the future?"

The two were not asked to answer any questions.

The Godfather continued: "To this day, we humans still retain the nature of animals. The weak will be preyed upon and killed mercilessly by the ferocious. The laws of nature are not completely inapplicable just because we have two arms.

"They will do this because the current pressure from angels is not strong enough; if the church is using angels, it is also because the pressure from the company is not strong enough. There are no eternal enemies and no eternal allies... as long as the strong When weak ties change, old social relationships will also change.

"In the final analysis... does it matter whether you are in the upper city or the lower city, whether you have an identification code, and whether the power you control is Holy Order or psionic power? What difference does it make?

“In the beginning, the residents of Uptown thought the church was good because the church helped them and did not want anything in return.

“Right now, residents in uptown think the church is bad. Because the church has really made their prices rise, muddied the situation, and made their lives more dangerous.

"In less than a month, attitudes will change drastically. It's just because the church is helping or harming them.

"So, what about angels? After being frozen by the church for so long, can they really still stand together with the church?"

The godfather sighed.

He spread his hands and said slowly: "What we have to do is not just to let Xiacheng District survive... After all, who does it mean to let Xiacheng District survive?

"The largest number of people in the lower city? Then they are in criminal organizations.

"Are they the wise men and strong men in Xiacheng District? Then they are the top leaders of the organization.

"Innocent people from the lower city? Then they don't belong to any organization, they are all free people or mutual aid organizations.

"Are they the most persecuted people in Xiacheng District? Then they are already dead, killed by other uncoded people.

"Those who are willing to take revenge in Uptown are the ignorant ones; those who hope to seize profits from the rich are the ones who will be reincarnated forever; those who don't want to hang out with those criminals and want to return to live in Uptown are you mercenaries; it's just you mercenaries; The hope of living a safe life comes from those who are born without an identity code.”

The godfather's eyes were profound, even compassionate.

"Who will unite you?

"Can you be integrated?"

The answer is self-evident.

Not all uncensored people have the same purpose.

Since they have different purposes, they naturally cannot unite together.

"...Then what exactly went wrong, Godfather?"

"It's this world."

The godfather said softly: "Our enemy has never been uptown. It's not the company. It's not the angels. It's this twisted world.

"I'm not trying to be their enemy. We're trying to make the world our enemy—"

His voice was low and warm, like the sunshine in winter. It is ethereal and nihilistic, but it gives people a kind of convincing power.

That's great work indeed.

The mercenaries were excited about this, but then frustrated.

Husky sighed: "But in that case...even if we can change the world, no one will know the achievements of us uncoded people.

"The ultimate credit must go to the company or the church. It belongs to the 'heroes' or 'angels'."

"After our death, we will definitely receive a fair evaluation."

Another mercenary comforted his old friend.

In the face of this greater shock, their relationship healed.

But the white-haired mercenary asked, "But aren't we already 'dead'?"

The other man was speechless.

These uncoded people are strictly speaking "dead people". They are people who do not exist in this world.

"——Then let's fight back from the world after death."

The godfather showed a gentle smile from the bottom of his heart, stood up, walked over and patted the two of them on the shoulders: "Let those who are still confused while alive see the sobriety of the deceased.

"I will accompany you back and tell this matter to the senior management of Eternal Calamity Reincarnation in person... You assign the best tasks to him first. And if you... if you feel you are in danger, come to your brother for help.

"But no more quarreling, do you understand? You are life-and-death friends, and you should not turn against each other because of other people's mistakes and greed."

"Yes, Godfather."

The two of them answered in unison.

Not out of fear... but out of loyalty and admiration.

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