Overturned Tower

Chapter 149 Loyalty to the Godfather

That's the touch that asserts sovereignty.

Just like a parent stroking a child's hair, like a teacher stroking a student's hair...

——And, like an owner stroking the fur of a pet.

No matter what, the godfather's attitude towards his godson and goddaughter is the same.

The key is how the other person views the relationship.

If he respects his godfather as a father, then the godfather will also respect him as his own child;

If he respects and respects his godfather as his mentor, the godfather will guide him carefully and enlighten him;

But if he regards his godfather as his master, and he is his pet...

Then the godfather will no longer regard the other person as his equal, but as a beast tamed by himself.

The frightened mercenaries came over wagging their tails one after another, trying their best to please the godfather who they thought was weak and vulnerable at all costs...

This almost flattering attitude made Lone Wolf sneer disdainfully.

He crossed his arms and sighed: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

On the one hand, he felt lucky and happy that he was on the right team, but on the other hand, he was also a little scared - fortunately, he was the kind of person who believed in evil.

After hearing about the almost evil reputation of the Godfather, although he did not join any downtown organization, no one would punish him even if he disrespected the Godfather... However, Lone Wolf's beastly instinct told him that he could make these lawless and crazy people The person who is so awe and respected must be a great man.

Later, after receiving some guidance from his godfather, Lone Wolf became more determined in his thoughts.

In this downtown area where everyone is too confused...

While people are struggling to survive, they are harming others unscrupulously, and at the same time they are deceiving themselves... They constantly emphasize that we are a "free" lower town and draw a clear line from the "wage slaves" in the upper town.

——But is this really "freedom"?

Even though he is not allowed to step into the uptown area and bathe in the sunshine, he claims that he is different from those wage slaves and can live freely without being controlled by the company?

What's the difference?

Even if it is not controlled by the company, isn't it now controlled by these criminal organizations?

At least the wage slaves in Shangcheng District can still live a stable life... But every time they go on a mission and arrive in Shangcheng District, there is a high possibility that they will never come back.

Work in the company, work overtime - steal data, steal samples, assassinate executives with them... Or smash a reporter's car to threaten him, or fight with other mercenaries to protect the employer, this is another matter What's the difference?

Different from the casualness and casualness shown, Lone Wolf has already begun to regret it...

I regret my impulse back then.

Maybe it’s because I’ve suffered too much, or maybe I’m just approaching middle age. Although he now makes a living from these dirty jobs and has turned into a profession of dancing on the tip of a knife, his temper is much better than before. If it were put five years ago, he would not have been fighting with Bigger, but would have killed him without even listening. It would have been impossible for him to calm down and listen to his godfather's reasoning.

A life of pain and danger had changed him, erasing his shortcomings.

But everything he was tired of in the past and missed now can no longer come back.

—He would never return to Uptown.

But if there is a sufficiently sober and talented leader in Xiacheng District - perhaps all this can still be changed!

Although he himself doesn't know how to change all this...

But Lone Wolf is very stable.

Because if he could know, he wouldn't be so confused and in pain - that's something only a leader like the godfather who has brains, authority, strength and calmness can know how to do.

And he just needed to be convinced.

Although he has never obeyed any "master" in his life, the instinct from his canine spiritual relatives still makes him loyal.

——He has decided to dedicate his loyalty to the godfather.

That must be something more meaningful than living in confusion.

The lone wolf followed the dejected mercenaries with his head held high, and the big furry white tail behind him kept wagging happily.

Bigger followed the godfather, watching all this thoughtfully.

He thought for a long time, then suddenly leaned behind his godfather and whispered: "Thank you, godfather."

The godfather looked at him in surprise.

He asked softly and gently: "What's wrong?

"Why are you thanking me all of a sudden?"

"I guess that before you asked Hunting Bow to identify the person closest to the person behind the scenes... it was probably not for revenge on that person."

"Hunting Bow" should be the mercenary leader with leopard ears.

Big lowered his voice and whispered: "That's actually to let those idiots draw a clear line between them and the masterminds behind the scenes... right.

"No matter whether other people agree with the identification of Hunting Bow, or whether the person with the problem is other people, or Hunting Bow himself. As long as they make a positive identification and do not make trouble in this link, it can prove that they are not the same person as the mastermind behind the scenes. gang.

"In this way, the Hunting Bow group no longer became 'rebels of the Godfather', but became 'poor people who were used by conspirators and paid the price'. From the 'restless elements' of the organization, they became 'simple 'Idiot'..."

Just like what the godfather said to them before.

The root cause of all this is that these uncoded organizations in Xiacheng District urgently need to lower the status of mercenaries.

Organizations can obviously do these tasks of mercenaries...but they have a monopoly because of their first-mover advantage.

As the Uncoded Organization helps these mercenaries do more and more work, these mercenaries will become fatter and the price they pay will become lower and lower.

In this process, the only thing they paid was "human resources deployment."

Then their relationship is no longer "mercenaries attached to the organization" but becomes "mercenaries constantly sucking the blood of the organization".

They are originally a criminal organization, so naturally they cannot allow this kind of thing to happen.

Bigger learned and applied it flexibly, reasoning from this point...he guessed what the purpose of the Veil of Ignorance was.

He looked at the godfather with admiration: "Although there must be a 'mastermind' behind the scenes, at the end of the day, there are still people behind the mastermind who are fueling the flames... Through this incident, the sense of existence of the mercenaries will be weakened. Let us The mercenaries become 'others', so the organization has an excuse to take away the mercenaries' jobs.

"After being manipulated by you, this conspiracy was self-defeating! The problem was once again directed back to 'the middle-level leaders of certain organizations are dissatisfied with the godfather', and people's attention was shifted from us mercenaries back to The 'mastermind' on the upper level is involved. In this way, the mercenaries become tools to be used, and no one will be resentful of the tools..."

The godfather looked at him in surprise.

This cowardly and cowardly capitulationist... was actually the first person to realize what the Godfather's true purpose was?

The plan he came up with was even more careful and complete than the barber's own ideas!

He did realize that this was an attack on the mercenary group.

To be precise, this is a plan that kills two birds with one stone.

At the same time, it attacks the authority of the Godfather and alienates people from the mercenaries. A very simple and clumsy alienation plan... That's why the godfather couldn't kill them, but had to unite some of them and ask them to attack a "representative" in public.

It doesn't matter if the person is innocent or not - by doing this, they have made their stance known and thrown the blame.

The Godfather's idea is actually very simple.

Since the other party hopes to kill two birds with one stone, if he attacks the mercenary's authority, at least half of his goal will be accomplished.

In chess, this is called "the general draws the rook."

——Since that person stood up to be his enemy, he had to make that person's plan completely fail.

Chapter 2 will be a little later~

The training class is over! (tremor)

Let the cat rest, and I can add another chapter on Sunday~

Cat’s birthday is next Monday, let’s take a little rest, and it will be even better on May 4th~ (Write it down in a notebook)

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