Overturned Tower

Chapter 213 The Lion King

Among the whistling snow-capped mountains, countless green eyes appeared looming under the cover of heavy snow.

It was different from the fact that the Shadow of Anger immediately attacked them in the form of a beast as soon as it appeared.

The Shadow of Contemplation has another behavioral logic.

That means you can't think about what they are -

If you think this is a group of wolves, then they really will become wolves; if you think this is a group of robbers, they will really become robbers.

That is the human fear of "contemplation"...that is, "difficulties imagined by oneself."

The more uncertain humans are about what kind of crisis they will encounter and the more they exaggerate their difficulties, the more difficult it becomes to act. In the end, you may have been defeated by the predicament you imagined before you even took action. You may have become dejected and lost your momentum without doing anything, or even suffered a spiritual blow from nothingness.

The so-called mature readers can already cut their own swords to eat for themselves, and mature players can already borrow money to eat shit, and directly predict that they may suffer in future versions... This is also a shadow of contemplation.

This kind of negative emotion brewing in the collective subconscious formed these indescribable things in the dream world.

Its essence is actually fear of the "future". Contemplation is only a means of getting in touch with this future.

“But why should the path of temperance be shadowed by the path of contemplation?”

The barber asked softly, fearing to disturb the shadows.

Strangler didn't even look back, and his deep voice could be vaguely heard behind him in the blizzard: "This is the characteristic of the way of temperance.

"'Controlling' one's own desires, this emotion itself should not have a shadow. Because when restraint fails, it is just the originally suppressed emotions leaking out; or you are angry because of your own incompetence, or you are frustrated because of your failure. Sad. But that has nothing to do with moderation.

"In other words, human beings' fear of 'moderation' is mainly focused on the emotions of 'losing the chain at the critical moment' and 'I have clearly lost sight of it'..."

"So, the shadow of Temperance is a copy of the shadow of other roads?"

the barber asked curiously.

Strangler turned his back to the barber and nodded slowly: "The path of temperance is originally the most painful path. As long as you abide by its rules, you can stay for a long time without triggering the shadow easily..."

——So, why did you trigger the shadow?

The corners of the barber's mouth raised slightly.

He didn't ask the question directly because the answer was already obvious.

Not even his self-control, the blizzard outside, or the bitter cold beneath his feet could restrain his "random thoughts."

Even Strangler should have realized it, and the barber got his answer from this sentence.

He didn't run away.

Instead, after a brief silence, he ignored the green shadows that were almost approaching him and said directly to the barber without looking back:

"You should take this as a warning."



Strangler sneered: "Look at my ugly appearance, with eyes blinded by the desire for power. You don't think... I can't see it myself, do you?"

"I really didn't expect that you would dare to say it."

The barber had a faint smile on his lips: "I have already planned to tacitly pretend that I didn't see it."

"That's not okay."

The low and dull voice of strangulation sounded.

His white mane flew with the blizzard, but his body stood in front of the barber, shielding him from most of the blizzard: "Don't forget what you promised me.

"If one day I make you feel strange...just kill me."

"You are actually serious..."

The barber was speechless.

Strangler chuckled: "I never joke."

"Then let's talk about it."

The barber said quietly: "In the dream world, no one can deceive the world.

"Let's talk here...what exactly do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Sha turned around and looked at him in surprise.

The white lion praised: "You look good now.

"You were as elegant as a bird in a cage before."

"I am a bird," corrected the barber, "and the species is the bluebird."


The white lion grinned: "I feel more like you are like a hungry tiger now.

“Only large predators like us, close to cats, can have such light footsteps and aggressive majesty.

"Just having you behind me sends shivers down my spine. My instincts are always warning me of your danger, as if someone is putting a gun behind me and forcing me to move forward."

[In a sense, his feeling is quite accurate]

Russell commented in the barber's mind.

Desert cats are indeed small predators.

It's just that when Strangling thought of "threat", he subconsciously excluded small and medium-sized cat breeds-maybe this can also be regarded as a kind of spiritual discrimination?

It can make him clearly feel the threat of predators, but they are not the same kind... maybe only tigers, which are also the top of the cat family.

"It seems that the experience of assassinating the elf director has made you mature."

Hangzhou smiled lowly: "The bookishness about me has faded a lot."

The laughter of the white lion is the real roar of a lion.

Like a low-pitched cannon broadcast from a huge speaker at a street event, it can easily shake the heart.

"So, what exactly do you think?"

"If we go one area further, we'll reach the 'Burn Furnace of Pain.'"

Strangler still didn't answer the barber's words and changed the subject again without any logic.

"Remember, the answer to the door is 'become stronger'. If you answer incorrectly, you will be sent to the Crazy Mountains and have to go around again to get there.

"Our mentor is inside. He looks normal, but he is also a madman."

"You look like a lunatic too."

"I'm crazy."

Hangsha said without hesitation: "Maybe I have already gone crazy. I will eventually become even crazier in the future.

"You have a responsibility here too, barber. You made me see something I shouldn't have seen."



Although the barber did not see the face of the strangulation.

But he seemed to be able to directly see Strangler's ferocious face from these words.

"Scum like us don't deserve a future. Let alone a bright future, even just living to old age and death is a luxury.

"But don't let me see... don't let me see the slightest hope.

"We are all sinners sinking into the mire. We are selfish villains and lunatics without reason. Do you think you can rescue us one by one to the shore with a rope in your hand?

"Don't be so naive! That's a delusion only seen by people from the civilized world.

"The moment I see the rope in your hand, the endless fight will begin...

"Because everyone knows it. Only one person can go up through this rope."

The sound of strangulation was low, and his clenched fist was strong.

"Only one person."

He repeated: “For when he is the first to come ashore, he is destined to be king.

"He will take away the rope from that man's hand and dominate the remaining lives of the remaining scum sinking in the mud."

When he said this, he turned around for the first time and looked at Russell.

I saw orange-red flames dancing in his pupils.

It was no longer the abnormal blood-red poisonous fire.

It is the most common flame, like firewood being ignited.

"You're the one holding the rope."

The white lion roared: "And I want to be that king."

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