Overturned Tower

Chapter 216 Zhongxiang (it’s the end of the month, please vote for me)

The barber doesn't even know how far he has come.

But he could only hear the tinkling and quenching sounds in his ears becoming more and more clear - it was only after he got closer that he heard that it was the quenching sound.

Finally, they saw a rock cave.

Surprisingly, there are no white fog clouds here... Entering here, the view becomes wider.

At least if you raise your head, you can see the top of the cave, which is at least seven or eight meters high. There are also bright red lines on the inside that are the same color as the "River of Anger". It is these bright red luminous lines that provide the light source.

"The mentor is right ahead."

Hangzhou lowered his voice subconsciously, and his back became more stooped.

A little frightened by his attitude, the barber also lowered his voice: "Are you the only disciple of the mentor?"

"There are only two including you..."

Hangsha defended in a low voice: "There are not many mages in the new generation."

"But there must be dozens of people on the seven empty islands combined."

"Two months ago, there were sixty or seventy people. Recently, the number has gradually increased."

None of the seventy people were from the same school.

It seems that the major of the Melting Pot School is really not very popular.

"Speaking of which, you haven't told me yet... what should I call my mentor?"

"Just call me mentor. My mentor never told me what his name is."

The two students whispered to each other while finally approaching the location of the instructor of the Crucible School.

He was an old man who looked quite short, only less than 1.5 meters tall.

He has completely lost his hair, even his eyebrows and other body hair.

He was naked from the waist up and had a dark yellow lizard tail behind him. The lower body wears very loose trousers that even touch the floor.

His skin was vaguely glowing with a metallic luster, and he was holding a huge hammer that was out of proportion to his body.

It was a ferocious hammer wrapped with metal thorns and full of needle pricks. The height of the hammer is one meter high, and the inside of the hammer, which is densely entangled with metal thorns, shines with dark red light.

Just looking at the hammer made the barber's heart feel stinging.

And the thing being beaten by the old man...

It was actually an extremely slow beating heart!

The heart was full of wrinkles and even looked a little ugly. It was covered with dark red luminous lines, and its body had turned almost carbon-like black.

The moment he saw this mentor, the barber's face froze slightly.

There was a pale flame under his pupils that crackled uncontrollably... but that was only for a moment.

Russell immediately took his place and forcibly suppressed the spiritual power induced by the God's Vessel.

He himself cannot use his own spiritual energy while transforming into someone else, but the container of God is not subject to this restriction. That's why he can transform again at will during his transformation process...

But the experiences of Xiao Liuli and Paradise Bird told Russell... When he resonates, the other person feels the same way.

Even the memories seen by both sides are exactly the same.

In order to avoid offending the other party, Russell immediately forced himself on the number and kicked the container of God down. It also interrupted the psychic energy that became uncontrollable and intense.

For some reason, Hangzhou suddenly felt a subtle change in the temperament of the barber next to him.

...like becoming a little more cautious?


I saw the old man reaching out his hand and holding the heart.

Then, he directly immersed it in the river of anger.

A violent quenching sound sounded, and white smoke evaporated and was drawn out to the outside world along the vertical passage.

Russell suddenly understood everything.

It turns out that the white mist outside that covers the entire world...is the waste gas evaporated when quenched by the River of Wrath?


Hangzhou bowed respectfully to the old man: "This is the junior brother I brought back. His name is Barber."

The old man ignored the strangulation.

He just pulled his heart out of the river of anger.

He opened his big eyes and squinted to look at his heart.

The heart, which was originally as dark as coal, became bright red again after being re-quenched.

The low pulsing sound was like a subwoofer, and could be heard clearly even ten meters away...even deafening.

Then, he grabbed his chest with his left hand and tore it open.

He put the heart back into his chest.

At that moment, Russell saw clearly...

His chest was completely empty!

In other words, he was blacksmithing without a heart!

After the heart was placed in the chest, the old man's skin suddenly turned red like heated metal.

Dark scales emerged.

Like blowing air, his whole body became huge, and the loose wrinkles on his body were completely filled with muscles, and even became bulging——

In the blink of an eye, the little old man, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, turned into a behemoth that was a head taller than Strangler.

But that's not exactly a human gesture...

His whole body was covered with black lizard scales, and his face turned into an anthropomorphic lizard face. There are bright red lines all over his skin, and there is a row of huge sharp protrusions on his back, which are suspected to be organs for heat dissipation, and they are constantly emitting white mist.

With a huge tail trailing behind him, he looked like a smaller version of Godzilla at the moment.

"New, apprentice..."

A sound with a metallic sound and a low echo sounded.

Just like cutting a blackboard with your fingernails, just hearing the sound makes you feel uncomfortable.

He came closer to Russell and looked at him with his emotionless dark golden pupils.

It was less than a punch away from Russell at the moment, and Russell could smell the smell of sulfur very clearly.

At that moment, Russell felt an intense fear of being stared at by a predator. His body was completely unable to control his spiritual instinct, and he couldn't help but stare.


A deep voice slowly sounded: "Fear is a good thing.

"Fear is the fuel, the key..."

As the huge lizard head left Russell, Russell's trembling gradually subsided.

But soon, the lizard's tail pushed Russell two steps from behind.

The young man with long blue ponytail staggered forward two steps before standing firmly in front of his "mentor".

"Why...are you angry?"

The instructor's dark golden vertical pupils stared at Russell and asked in a low voice.

"I'm angry at this unfair world."

This is the third time Russell has answered this question.

Hearing this, the head of the lizard got closer to Russell.

He asked another question.

A question Russell hadn't thought of before...

"Do you believe in God?"

"...I don't believe in God. But I believe in light."

Russell was so nervous and frightened that he could not think about the profound meaning of this question, so he could only answer with his inner thoughts.


Lizard asked in a low voice.

"Hope, love, and justice..."


Lizard looked at Russell carefully and turned his head away without interest.

"You are not fit for the ways of the Forge."


Strangulation couldn't help but speak.

The next moment, the lizard's tail flew out in an instant.

He was directly embedded in the wall of the cave, and the dark golden pupils of the lizard mentor were covered in dark red flames at some point.


He let out a high-pitched, mad roar.

The huge sound made Russell's mind go blank for a moment, and his body couldn't help but make unstable lines like water waves.

Following his anger, the surrounding ground cracks suddenly opened, and bright red lava burst out.

The violent roar caused the walls of the cave to crack and gradually disintegrate.

The river of anger also burst out several water columns, which solidified after falling on the ground to form a new dark red ground.

After getting angry without warning, the lizard suddenly calmed down again.

“But…I can teach you.

"My name is Zhong Xiang, you can call me Teacher Zhong..."

With that said, Zhongxiang grabbed Russell and pressed him on the anvil, which was still warm and like an iron plate.

His dark golden pupils stared at Russell, and he raised the thorn hammer that finally became normal proportions after he grew bigger.

"Want to come...for a workout?"

Zhongxiang laughed in a low voice and exhaled a sulfurous breath: "It feels so good... little kitten."

The blue-haired young man's pupils shrank slightly.

It’s the end of the month, please vote!

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