Overturned Tower

Chapter 252 I give her face

Now that Tovatus is on the scene, Russell's plans will change.

He didn't want Delphinium to contact Tokifat before because Tiansong was the scapegoat thrown out by Tokifat. Once Tiansong was touched, Tokifat would be alert.

This is the moment when the "hero" is consumed.

If Russell hadn't interfered, in a few days he would have heard that Tiansong had been exposed for his "bad personal ethics", and then after a few hot searches, he would have become Notorious.

When public opinion brews strong wine... Under the excitement of the public, Tokifat can logically tell Tian'en Daily that he wants to give up "God's gift".

Once the director behind Tiansong chooses to give up on him, the media can take action. In the blink of an eye, everyone will shout about Tiansong, and no one will regard him as a hero anymore. All the convenient things Tiansong did in the name of a hero will become iron crimes during the liquidation.

He doesn't even have to defend himself at all.

Under the ironclad evidence recorded by the media in the past, Tiansong could be directly exiled to the land without any excuse or trial.

——Because this is called "returning to everyone's expectations". Not even the dragon would refute it.

That's what the title "Hero" is for.

Since the Sky Age, one thing the elves have been trying to do is to stigmatize and commercialize the word "hero". When people think of "heroes", they first think of fame and fortune, idols and overturning. Then it is difficult for anyone in the crowd to have that kind of appeal.

Once someone's influence reaches a certain level, someone will definitely jump out to object - What, you want to be a "hero"?

At that time, people will naturally act like they are suddenly enlightened and flee in all directions.

At the same time, the elves will use heroes to do things they want to do but dare not do.

Because on the surface, the hero has nothing to do with these directors.

If the level is slightly higher, you can clearly know who is behind these heroes.

Precisely because the step of public opinion is included, and the results are obtained after the fermentation of public opinion, people think that they have their own part in the fame and abandonment of these heroes, and eventually it will naturally happen. There is a sense of satisfaction in having mastered great power.

——But in fact, whether a hero becomes famous or abandoned, it has nothing to do with these public opinions.

They become famous because directors rely on their strength to do something or take the blame.

The hero is treated so well, even too well, just to make people jealous.

Everyone has flaws, and there is no such thing as a perfect saint.

It is just through selective exposure that the good and bad things done by these "heroes" are exposed separately - if only the good ones are reported, then he becomes an idol; if only the bad ones are reported, he becomes a sinner.

This has never been the result of public opinion, let alone the power of the people.

This is the power of the media. And this power is held by the board of directors of the head office.

Originally, the positions of the fake director Tokifat and Tiansong were ambiguous.

Call it an enemy, Russell couldn't really kill him; call it an ally, they don't even know each other's existence.

——Since killing Camarse, Russell's first reaction when faced with the trap brought by the top management of the board of directors has become "Can I find an opportunity for Bad Sun to kill him?" Every time I find that this person cannot be killed or is not easy to kill, I can't help but sigh.

There is no friendship at all between Russell and Tokifat. If both parties knew the existence of the other party, they would be eager to kill the other party, but they are afraid of something and dare not take action; they also have similar positions and will be The same thing is destroyed, so they even have to cover each other in the general direction; but if there is a chance to kill each other without paying any price, they will do it without hesitation; before that, they all hope to hide themselves To expose the opponent's existence and shortcomings and weaken the opponent's strength as much as possible...

This feeling is generally not a juvenile-style title like "rival".

It would be better to use a more copper-smelling title...for example, "Friendly Businessman".

Now that Tovatus, the man who wants to overturn the table, has entered the scene, it is time to have a meeting with friends and businessmen.

Otherwise, if we are not united enough and Tovatus, a fun-loving man, overturns the table, then everyone will be defeated together... and the fight will become more intense.

So Russell asked Delphinium to dial Tokifat's phone again.

But it was different from what she first thought.

Russell did not let Delphinium contact "God's Delivery" through Tokifat.

He directly made an appointment with Director Tokifat.

It is not easy to make an appointment with a director of the head office. But fortunately, Russell has another identity...

"Just say that Amirus wants to see you for something."

Russell replied: "Send Russell to see you."

——He is about to start leveraging his strength.

After all, no matter what, he is still the "hero" awarded by Director Amirus.

The result was as Russell expected.

After Russell reported his name as "Amirus", his appointment went very smoothly. He could even make Tokifat put off some of his affairs, change his previous schedule, and meet directly in the afternoon of the same day - although Russell didn't know what other affairs this kind of person usually has.

On the way there, Russell made a trip back to downtown at noon.

The bad guy is still following him... Mainly because of his hatred in Xiacheng District. If he doesn't follow him and relies on the face fruit of strangulation for protection, he might be sniped to death one day when he goes out.

Safety issues that never needed to be considered before have now become the biggest problem for the inferior.

Faced with the godfather's inquiry, Strangler gave a very positive answer——

"That guy Tovatus, I haven't seen him for a long time. Even the activities of the Veil of Ignorance have become inactive."

"Have they agreed to join the family?"

"I can only say that I have no objection. They still gave us face."

Strangler said rigorously.

The inferior one stood quietly behind Hangsha, like a silent shadow.

Under the dim light, the White Lion sat in front of the godfather and made a dull and low voice with some echoes: "But I can't see their sincerity...their army of cyborgs didn't join at all. Everyone who came was Some trash.”

"Did we never see him again after we discussed changing the organization to a 'family' and turning the mercenaries into a platform?"

Russell asked more precisely.

And Strangler also gave an affirmative reply: "Yes. However, in the previous incident of sending people to death, they did not miss the number."

What he was talking about was the time when "Angels annihilated underground criminal organizations" was photographed by ice water.

Several organizations have sent out all their weakly controlled troops, and they have also brought in the smaller organizations - Thousands of people have come out of the Veil of Ignorance and the Reincarnation of Eternal Calamity, and you only have a dozen people in this business. ? Definitely not.

——So what should we do if there are only more than twenty of us?

——Then come all.

So after this battle, there was no other organization in Xiacheng District that could threaten the Veil of Ignorance, the Reincarnation of Eternal Calamity, and the White Lion Group. Because of this, the establishment of the "Family" was so smooth... Because in the eyes of the Uncoded, this is actually the new organization established after the annexation of the White Lion Group at the beginning of the Eternal Calamity Reincarnation, and the Veil of Ignorance does not seem to object to this organization. of establishment.

Because of this, the Godfather, who is also the second-in-command of the Eternal Calamity Reincarnation and the White Lion Group, is regarded as the de facto ruler of Xiacheng District.

Now, this de facto ruler gave a new order in an understatement in the basement of the White Lion Group:

"Tell her when Malt Liquor comes back. The Veil of Ignorance has betrayed Lower City, and Tovatus has returned to the company camp... to investigate and monitor all forces that are affiliated with or indirectly controlled by the Veil of Ignorance. The first big event after the founding of the 'family' is about to happen, so let's just say it was the godfather."

"Why don't you say it yourself?"

"When I told her, the nature changed. It was as if I was forcing her to do something... Our downtown area emphasizes personal freedom."

The godfather said slowly.

Hangzhou said sarcastically: "If I tell her, will she be free? Can she refuse you?"

"Of course, because it was you who she refused. I gave her the possibility of refusal - to be able to choose not to do anything. This is freedom. Refuting the orders of the godfather and refuting the orders conveyed by hanging are completely different in nature and consequences. The difference is... Malt Liquor, she seems to be able to do anything for profit, but she is essentially a proud and almost arrogant person. Since she wants face, I will give her face.

"If she chooses to do it, it's not because of my pressure, but because she thinks it needs to be done. I respect her personality, so that she can work for me honestly."

"...Your tone is becoming more and more like those annoying elf directors."

Strangler's eyes were filled with disgust: "Treating people as chess pieces or something..."

"Don't you also want to have such power?"

The godfather looked at him calmly, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Facing the godfather's words, Hangzhou fell silent.

The godfather said in a gentle tone: "Yes, I am also studying hard.

"Try to learn more about the essence the next time we meet."

Let’s go have a meal and continue writing when we come back~

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