Overturned Tower

Chapter 254 Giving someone a handle

Because the Inferior made no cover-up at all, Russell could easily determine the nature of the new psychic energy obtained by the Inferior.

That is not simply eliminating the sound, but swapping the inner and outer "vocal channels" while down-converting his own voice into infrasound waves.

Because the moment the inferior spoke his first words, the moment his mouth moved, both Russell and Strangler felt a strong feeling of nausea and dizziness. But the inferior one soon realized this, shut his mouth immediately, and used his psychic powers to speak completely.

At that time, his mouth was completely motionless, but there was sound coming from his body.

That is the voice of "the devil".

Originally, no one else could hear the conversation between the demon and the host. But in the realm of "empty silence", all sounds from the outside world are blocked, and only the voice of the devil can be heard.

It's like switching the sound channel and switching the original vocal song to the harmony channel.

After that, Russell tried speaking by himself, and found that there were no infrasound waves. He also asked the container to speak a few words, and tried talking to it at the same time or not at the same time, but there were no infrasound waves. So Russell can be sure that this silent field and infrasonic weapons are new abilities obtained by the inferior.

From a high-pitched voice that was intended to be heard by the whole world... it transformed into a voice that no one could hear.

...Of course, the only thing Russell didn't expect was that the two sentences spoken by God's Vessel would be so deserving of beating.

——You let it cancel the psychic power first, otherwise it will be inconvenient for me to talk to Strangled.

Russell said to the container of God in his heart.

[After paying homage to your god, then retreat]

The Vessel of God raised his voice.

"Isn't it rare that you can be heard by others when you speak, so you get excited..."

Russell complained in his mind.

The next moment, the sound returned to this area again.

Breathing, heartbeat, subtle noises in the environment, the creaking noise of the poor chair beneath him...all came back at once.

The God's Vessel waited specifically until the inferior's spiritual energy was withdrawn, and then responded in a more normal tone in his heart:

[That's true... Generally speaking, if the host doesn't lose control, we won't be able to get out in our lifetime]

[It is rare to be able to say a few words for outsiders to hear. Of course, it must be impressive. This is the meaning of life]

"Why does that 'empty' person speak in such a normal tone?"

[Because it hasn’t woken up yet, so it’s the man himself who speaks.]

The Vessel of God looked very disdainful.

[Otherwise, he will definitely act with me]

[You should know that if you look at that man’s dull look and doesn’t understand at all]

That's true...

"...I didn't expect that you actually mastered psychic powers."

Strangler looked back at the godfather in front of him and spoke slowly.

It was impossible for him to doubt his godfather - because he was the one who brought the godfather into the dream world and saw him having a happy conversation with his mentor Zhong Xiang.

Zhongang even had a better attitude towards his godfather than towards himself... When he was talking to his godfather, he was directly brought back to reality just when he wanted to interject a word.

He was just surprised by this situation: Could a wizard also be a psyker?

The godfather nodded calmly: "Although I was born as a uncensored person, my awakening of psychic powers was earlier than when I entered the dream world. To exaggerate a bit, it can be said that I am also a born psyker. "

——Every word in this sentence is true.

Although Strangler has a bad mind, his intuition is very accurate. But sometimes, the intuition that can distinguish betrayal and lies will make him believe in false things more firmly.

This is not the quick wit of the Godfather. It was something he had thought up a long time ago and was specifically used to prevaricate and strangle.

"What is your psychic power?"

Strangler asked.

The godfather slowly replied: "My spiritual power is my outstanding talent itself.

"The gift I was born with is exactly the same as my psychic ability."

What he was actually referring to was his ability to act as someone else's psychic ability.

But because the container of God was rustling, Strangler would definitely think that Russell meant that his "God's talent" was the spiritual energy itself.

Strangler exhaled slowly.

“I really envy you.

"It's so unfair...this world."

The white lion murmured softly.

Although he didn't know that normally psykers and mages should be incompatible with each other...

Because whether you are a psyker or a mage, you need to consume the same "resource".

Russell did not know the scientific name of this spiritual resource, but in short it was related to memory and manifested due to emotional turmoil. But it is not the turbulent emotion itself, like the "experience" in the game. After expending experience to increase the level of one occupation, you cannot increase another.

It can be understood that after becoming a psyker, the demon is constantly devouring this resource and giving back psychic energy - this is the symbiotic relationship between the demon and the psyker.

And if you become a mage...if your level is slightly lower, it is still possible to become a psyker.

But if you go too far, too deep into the dream world, strong emotions will not evoke psychic energy. Because before the devil came, this resource had already guided the mage to the corresponding area and obtained an equal amount of power from the dream world.

From this point of view, the devil is like a micro-business that provides one-to-one service and constantly persuades you to buy something; the dream world is like a self-service treasure, constantly using big data to push new products to you... no matter what Whichever one comes first, I don’t want you to have the “resources” to find the other one. If possible, they will find a way to drain you when you have any spare money.

——Russell is an extremely rare exception.

It may also be the only special case in the world that first became a psyker and then a mage - because he was born with memories, he was born with twice as many resources as other people.

The existence of the chip can prohibit everyone from becoming a mage, and also greatly increases the possibility of psykers appearing. If you originally needed 100 talents to become a psyker, and 10 talents to become a mage; because of the chip ban, you only need 20 talents to become a psyker.

But Russell's own psychic power is not the psychic power "catalyzed" by the chip's ban, but the "natural psyker" he has awakened from the moment he was born - he is born with that 100% talent , is born perfect.

In the earthly era, his background was a "treasure of heaven and earth" that was hunted down by mages. It won't be a problem to get about three pieces of equipment, and there may be some left.

The innate spiritual treasure belongs to yes.

And his memory has been sealed for a long time, which has prevented his spiritual power from developing... Therefore, after he awakens his spiritual power, his spiritual power level is too low, but he still has a lot of "resources" to become a mage. This allowed him to transform into Blue Ge Yuan and enter the dream world.

Even so, entering the dream world and becoming a mage did dilute the development of his own psychic abilities.

If Russell had obtained level six to level seven psychic powers first, his remaining desires might not be enough for him to enter the dream world and become a mage.

And since Russell became a mage, the improvement of Russell's psychic level has begun to slow down. Considering that after the mage got on the right track, he did not consume much resources, so he considered continuing on this path.

——Until Teacher Zhong gave Russell a hard blow and raised his Blue Shift by nearly two levels. Even if this is the official return of the initial investment... the additional resources consumed by the mage's way are definitely not enough to allow him to upgrade his spiritual power by two levels.

And Russell telling Strangler this secret about himself was not out of interest.

After confirming that Tovatus betrayed them, Russell had such an idea... As for the inspiration, it was the "hostile but solid alliance" between the fake Tokiphat and the Tower of Babel.

Today there are only four leaders in Xiacheng District.

If you count the Veil of Ignorance, which has the largest number of people, then in order of influence, they are Tovatus, The Godfather, Ale, and Strangler.

Yes, Tovatus's influence is actually higher than that of the Godfather - because he has money.

He is really very rich.

As long as you follow him into the Veil of Ignorance, you can kill and set fire as you like, get extremely generous rewards, undergo high-intensity prosthetic transformations, and obtain automatic weapons that are very difficult to obtain.

For Shangcheng District, "prosthetic body modification" lacks natural beauty, and if the degree of modification is too high, it will lead to cyberpsychosis. Unless there is a professional need, they will try to keep the proportion of modification as low as possible. But it is the most generous reward for Xiacheng District... It means a significant increase in combat effectiveness, and it means that one can easily defeat ten.

——That means reaching the sky in one step. That is an extremely real "benefit".

The reason why the godfather became the leader was because Tovatus voluntarily retreated to the second line and promoted the godfather to the top.

Today, Tovatus, who stays in the lower city every day, has jumped back. Due to business needs, Godfather and Malt Liquor are often not in the downtown area...

This meant that without even noticing it, Strangler had unknowingly become the de facto controller of the Lower City.

Although he was not thinking clearly, he had not yet realized what Tovatus's defection meant.

But Russell was already thinking about it.

As mages from the school between him and Strangled, they were the most indestructible allies until either of them betrayed the Crucible School.

But according to Russell's judgment, Strangler will leave the Melting Pot School sooner or later. Because his anger had begun to fade.

So Russell needs to teach others.

A handle that allows strangulation to overthrow "The Godfather" instantly. With this handle, then Strangler will not seize an opportunity and rush to overthrow the godfather...

Because he knew that his strength was definitely not comparable to that of his godfather.

——This lion always yearns for the position of "leader", and he also has some abilities that belong to a king.

The real idea of ​​​​Strangler is to take the capable godfather under his command and become his most effective assistant and staff. Killing the godfather was the next best thing...and the godfather understood his desire.

So the godfather gave him a handle he could use.

A "secret" that he tried his best to find out...that is, the godfather's real name is "Blue Songbird". They are not people from Lower City, but people who were born in Upper City and were sent by the head office or some other force.

The reason why he became a mage was because of his psychic abilities, not because he was born uncoded.

Only by letting Zhuo Zhu find out the secret on his own, instead of Russell telling him the secret... can the suspicious Zhuo Zhu believe that the information is true. Even if he is just a part of a bigger secret, Strangler will never question the conclusions of his own investigation and thinking.

——This is the new thing Russell just learned from "Tokifat" this morning.

Even if the two of them haven't met yet, even if it's only been a few hours, Russell has been able to completely digest it and make use of it.

He did not lie about strangulation.

Russell's spiritual power is indeed his "divine talent" itself.

Go have a meal and come back to write the second chapter~

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