Overturned Tower

Chapter 259 The king explodes at the beginning!

"Actually, I really wanted to come to Sanzhi Heavy Industry back then."

Russell looked regretful: "But before my mother died, she asked me to come and join my uncle..."

"Who is your uncle?"

The blindfolded silver-haired boy sounded like he was curious from the bottom of his heart.

"It's Director Dodgson of Tian'en Group."

Russell explained patiently.

"Huh? It's actually him. I thought he would transfer you to the public relations department."

"This is indeed the case. But there is no way, who made me awaken my spiritual power... I can only go to the Special Execution Department."

"Those are just rules for ordinary people. If he really wants to, he can still forcefully transfer you to the public relations department... For example, I brought Tiansong with me."

"I think part of the reason... is that I really want to do something for other people."

Russell smiled gently: "It's rare that I have awakened my spiritual power."

"I remember...your psychic powers are the same as your mother Alice's?"

On the screen opposite Russell, the silver-haired boy also asked casually as if chatting: "Aren't you going to learn medical skills on your own? The spiritual power of the weapon of death is still very powerful if it can be developed to the later stage."

"No, I can also be used as a prosthetic doctor... Do you also know my mother?"

"Who wouldn't know that lovely little lady? She was even more famous on Happy Island back then than you are now... She would follow your father to Sogo Island. I don't know how many people didn't expect this."

During the chat between the two, Russell gradually relaxed and huddled in the chair.

——That’s what I said.

But he knew that he must have been thoroughly investigated before Tokifat called him.

Their current conversation was one of complete understanding - both parties knew that they were asking random questions, and they also knew that the other party must know that their questions and answers were not very valuable, but the topic could be maintained.

Although nominally, Russell's reason for coming to see Tokifat is "Amirus wants to see you." But neither of them mentioned that name even once, because both parties knew that this was just an excuse to convince outsiders to meet.

They chatted for a while, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

It felt like we could almost get to the point, so Russell sighed:

"To be honest, I thought the Tokifat Board of Directors was a scheming conspirator... When I came to see you, I was already prepared to never leave again. I didn't expect you to be Such a kind and good person. This made me understand a lot of things in an instant."


Tokifat asked with some interest: "Why do you think so?"

"Of course it's about Miss Icewater...you must know about it."

The smile on Russell's face gradually faded: "That's what you ordered Tiansong to do."

The corners of Tokifat's mouth that were always raised were also flattened again, giving off a sunny temperament like the brother next door, and gradually became serious, like a young and wise prince.

Because these words were not easy to answer, Russell directly refused to give Tokifat a chance to answer, and said to himself: "Based on my previous reasoning, I can basically confirm that you are directing this matter.

"Those unloading trucks just happened to block the road we must pass, and then the driverless heavy-duty trucks ran over... Afterwards, it was found that these trucks were all vehicles belonging to Shenzhi Heavy Industry. And they were hired to The person unloading the goods there is 'unknown'."

Russell brought it up deliberately.

Tokifat sighed slowly: "Although you may not believe it, this matter really has nothing to do with us."

——This is the first true thing he said today.

Of course Russell knew it, but he couldn't just accept it.

He just sighed softly: "I also hope it has nothing to do with you. But after the assassination failed, Bingshui's office was immediately blown up... This really makes me think too much.

"The surrounding surveillance shows that no one entered or left the office, and no missiles attacked the office from outside. In an office where no one has entered or exited for several days, an explosion of this magnitude can occur out of thin air. I only know that God can do it.

"The most important thing is... I also found evidence that it belongs to Shenzhen Heavy Industry. It is a sign that has not been completely distorted by the shock wave and has the trademark of Shenzhen Heavy Industry."

This was actually a trap set by Tokifat, and Russell stepped into it deliberately.

As expected, Tokifat shook his head and first drew a clear line with Tiansong: "I actually have a little hunch in my heart that this seems to be what Tiansong did... Regarding this, I am also a little disappointed, a little scared, and even have no idea. Go investigate. Because I’m worried that at the end of the investigation, I’ll find out that it was really him who did it.”

Immediately afterwards, Tokifat brought up the deliberately left loophole: "However, now that I heard what you said, I am not afraid anymore."


"Because I am now certain that Tiansong must have been framed. Tiansong's red shift intensity is level six. If he wanted to, he could only transmit the shock wave and high temperature, but not the projectile. In that case, even if it is true, He did it. Can you still find evidence?

"And at the end of the day, if he was going to kill Miss Icewater, then this act makes no sense at all.

"If this is the work of God's psychic power, he can wait for you to enter and then send the bomb in. If Miss Bingshui comes to the office and then activates the bomb... With all due respect, even you can do it. There's no way to get out alive. Both of you will die inside. But the explosion happened before you arrived, which shows that the attackers didn't want anything to happen to you, or they couldn't control the specific time of the explosion... because you were delayed by the car accident. , but avoided the accident.

"Based on this point, if the attack is really a godsend, then the motivations of 'hoping to hit you to death' and 'not wanting you to be blown up' are in conflict; and if it is considered that this is due to time delay, the timed explosion When the objects were released, it proves that this matter has nothing to do with God's gift. Instead, explosives were placed in the office in advance, pretending to be God's gift to kill you - if there really is a killer, then it should be The side that plants the explosives and dispatches the trucks.”

Tokifat cleverly pulled Tiansong out through the pulling of "motivation" and "optimal solution", treating "destroy evidence" as "I don't want you to be bombed".

"...That's true."

There was a look of hesitation and confusion on Russell's face, and he continued his analysis along the lines of Tokifat: "So, it seems unreasonable for an explosion that can completely destroy an office to leave that metal mark. And it just so happens that an explosion can completely destroy an office. It’s the trademark of Shenzhi Heavy Industries.”

Having said this, he brought back some more: "But this is indeed the explosive of Shenzhi Heavy Industry, and it did appear out of thin air."

"I will launch an investigation into Tiansong and the local factory."

Tokifat responded sincerely: “Please believe in my sincerity.

"Miss Bingshui is a brave reporter, and her father is an amazing hero. There was no investigation before, partly because there was still some hesitation about heaven's sending, and partly because your Tianen Group blocked the information. But now, I have more confidence in God's gift... I believe that the more I investigate, the clearer it becomes. If he has done nothing, he must be able to withstand the investigation. If he really did something, I will ask him when the time comes. Just be clear.”

Tokifa left no trace, while continuing to cut with Tiansong in advance, he threw part of the pot to Tianen Group, and then took the matter of the explosives away.

So far, Russell has been "fooled" by him.

If Russell just wanted to get this over with, this would be it.

But no.

Russell also had to get Tovatus involved.

So Russell was "reluctant" and like a keen detective, he further opened up another topic: "Then I have to ask you about another thing.

"——Do you know the 'Dust Gap'?"

Hearing this, Tokifat truly fell silent.

From "Russell's" perspective, he shouldn't know Morgan, so he shouldn't know that Kamaltha is chasing Dust Gap.

But he could find the kidnapping case seven years ago through Miss Bai Xue's previous investigation.

The news of Miss Bai Xue's death has been widely circulated. Even among the people, some people speculate that she may have died because of the kidnapping case seven years ago. Because Tianen Group did not hide anything about this matter.

After a while, Tokifat responded ambiguously: "I guess this is the name you got when you investigated the kidnapping case that Miss Bingshui was originally planning to take over."

Both sides realized that the real confrontation had begun.

And Russell's plan was launched.

The moment of real danger has arrived.

He looked at Tokifat "seriously" and said slowly: "I think Dust Gap should have arrived at Tongshen Island by now, right.

"But it's not because of how powerful and important his skills are... Maybe he doesn't know it himself, he is just a cover.

"——Just like the kidnapping case seven years ago."

Russell began to distort some of the details and reconstruct a new "truth" for Tokifat.

A truth that can be accepted by both parties, a truth that prevents him from being silenced by Tokifat.

A man-made fact that could involve Tovatus without touching on information that Russell shouldn't know.

Russell mentioned word for word: "Because what Sanzhi Heavy Industry really wants to get is the technology of his father's 'Monkey Faced Eagle'."

A great start.

At the moment when the last arc of the corner of Tokifat's mouth disappeared, the uncontrollable Shen Ning murderous intention penetrated through the screen.

Russell felt as if he was not sitting at the end of the corridor in front of a screen.

His chair seemed to be between the cliffs on both sides, above the abyss, precariously supported on a thin steel cable.

And Russell just sat on it calmly, watching the mountain wind coming from the distance.

Another 3,000 words, updated to 6,000 words today——

Don't mess with me, my health is really bad, I have a headache, I can't turn on the air conditioner to blow cold air, the heat is so uncomfortable...

I will take a day off tomorrow to adjust myself and take a rest. I will update at noon the day after tomorrow!

Cat fell down——

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