Overturned Tower

Chapter 302: God sends disaster, you must not understand, right?

Seeing this absurd scene, Russell had no time to think about the danger in this sentence... He just felt like laughing.

Because not long ago, Director Tokifat was still discussing with Russell to kill Tiansheng.

As a result, God here is coercing Russell to kill Director Tokifat.

"You should understand."

Russell folded his right hand on his left arm and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "If I go to assassinate the elf director, you, as the murderer behind the scenes, will also pay the price.

"In other words, even if I am the one who does it, you still can't escape... Then why don't you go by yourself?"

"Of course I know."

Tiansong sneered: "You don't think that I still hope to live the same life as before, do you?

"The person who wants to kill me is the elf director. No matter how far I go to the end of the world, I can't escape...

"But since he wants to destroy my life, I must destroy everyone I don't like before I am killed."

"Including me?"


The boy with brilliant blond hair replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, that includes all the 'heroes'. You haven't offended me, I can spare you half your life."

"In any case, the culprit is Director Tokifat. Without him taking me away, I could have entered the Tianen Group...I could have entered the Special Execution Department. If I were not his hero, then I would not be included in the club. Other heroes crowd out...

"Obviously, I was the one who proposed the decision to 'counterattack the ancestors'. But when they implemented it, I was also excluded... There is no doubt that this is because I am not in the company to which Tianen Group belongs and am not affiliated. Yu Tianen Group's direct director. So they won't regard me as one of their own.

"As a result, I lost my exposure for a long time and naturally lost the right to speak as a hero. Because of this, Tokifat regarded me as an abandoned son.

"Why do you think he asked me to scare Bing Shui? Because his target is you... From the very beginning, he just wanted to get you.

"Now he has succeeded. So I am useless... After I am gone, I will not even be left with a way to survive. I will also have to bear the blame that does not belong to me."

Tiansong's eyes were bloodshot.

There were several iron rings on his golden dog ears.

His dark yellow pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, and the bottom of his pupils was burning and trembling with scarlet light.

It's like the flickering candlelight when walking with a candle.

He had thick dark circles under his eyes, and he probably hadn't slept well for a long time. His mental state was obviously not stable enough.

"Haha... Okay. Since he wants to kill me, then I will kill him first; since his goal is to get you, then I will destroy you."

Tiansheng's words were full of hatred.

A hot, throat-burning fire of resentment rose from the pit of his stomach, burning his throat and making his voice dry and hoarse.

The burning hatred was like black smoke, overflowing from the gaps between his clenched teeth: "Even if he treats me as an abandoned dog... Humph. Even if I am a dog, I will The moment he lets go of the rope, he will turn back and bite him hard. To bite off the meat on his thigh, it is best to bite off his neck.

"——Do you understand, Deputy Director Ultramarine? Go and kill him.

"He's just a disabled person without limbs. His prosthetic body is indeed very powerful, but as long as you operate it well, you should be fine."

"Then what?"

"...Then? Oh, after that, it's up to you whether you want to turn me in. After I confirm the news of his death, I will naturally give the bomb to the person who deserves it... In that case, these Innocent people would be safe.

"In this case, it will give you some reputation among the people. You accepted my threat and kidnapping before assassinating Director Tokifat... I think the other directors will definitely forgive you. After all, what you hold in your hands is the safety of the people.

"Or...are you going to go against me for the safety of Director Tokifat and for the power in your hands?"

Tiansong's face showed undisguised malice and hatred: "Even if hundreds of people are put in danger of being killed at any time?

"Speak, Lord Hero. Our great and respected Deputy Director Ultramarine.

"I will record your answers...and after I die, someone will play them on a loop on the Internet.

"What exactly is the mission of a so-called 'hero'? Is it to protect the people... or to protect the elf directors?

“Are you going to say that answer, or are you going to replace your words with actions?”

Russell looked at him steadily, but suddenly shook his head and laughed.

"...Speaking of which, the last time the Special Operations Department took new recruits on a mission, they encountered a similar situation."

The new guy at that time was still Russell. And it is the inferior ones who lead newcomers on missions.

The inferior also encountered a similar situation at that time——

Is it the people who choose a building, or is it your colleagues?

The answer God sent to Russell was higher than this.

——Do you choose to assassinate the elf director for the people of this street, or refuse to execute and give up the lives of the people of this street?

“At that time, I wanted to tell the bad guy.

"If someone's going to give you the trolley problem... you'd better kill the person who gave it to you.

"Because the one who is really malicious and wants to kill people is not you holding the pole, but the question maker who tied the person to the rails."

"Is that your answer?"

The corners of Tiansong's mouth rose slightly.


He had expected it... As a "hero", Ultramarine naturally knew the essence of the so-called "hero".

It's just the white gloves of the elf director. A group of domesticated dogs.

As long as the directors want to survive, no matter how loud the public opinion is, they can survive; conversely, as long as the directors are offended, it doesn't matter how many people complain.

But if this video spreads, the so-called "hero" will collapse.

Just wait and see, you scumbags from the Hero Club.

After I die, you will be dragged down one by one by me... No one can survive alone.

No one can stay out of it!

If you want to die, die together!

Everyone must die!

As Tiansong turned on the live broadcast switch, he posted the video he had recorded previously to his personal homepage, and began to continue recording everything he saw...

Ultramarine only looked at him with a condescending look of pity.

That look made him extremely angry - not looking at a person, but more like a compassionate person looking at a dog that was run over by a car.

But he's not a dog.

He is a jackal—a wolf that cannot be tamed and can never be raised.

"do you remember?"

Russell replied softly: "How did you become a hero...

"That was an explosion arranged by the Veil of Ignorance. They installed bombs inside the Skytrain, threatening the lives of hundreds of people...and you awakened your spiritual power, moved the bombs that were about to explode outside, and saved hundreds of people in the carriage.

"I don't believe you had any pride at that time."

"...What nonsense are you talking about?"

Tiansong sneered: "Have you read too many comics? Do you want to convince me with your talk?

"Do you think you can do it?"

"I just want you to recall the past and look at the present... What are you doing now?

"You're using your psychic powers to threaten ten times more people than you can save."

Russell closed his eyes.

"No matter how selfish, reckless, or petty Tiansong is... he cannot use his own abilities to control bombs and threaten others.

“Because that was the starting point for him to become a hero, and it’s what he misses the most.

"He is indeed a person who will risk everything when his passion rises. The emperor did not think that he owed God a favor at that time because although God saved Bing Shui in the end, his reckless behavior made it easier for Bing Shui to fall into In danger.

"But his careful cultivation of Tiansong is by no means false... because he appreciates Tiansong's courage, because he and Tiansong are the same kind of people. So he will arrange for Tiansong to be his secretary for five years. Then It was to take over his own class.

"Tiansong himself actually knew about this. Because of this, after that, Tiansong never took the initiative to conflict with the emperor... because he knew that he was in the wrong. So he wanted to propose to Bingshui, but When you were scolded by the emperor, you never had a direct conflict with the emperor. With the hatred and anger you are showing now, it is impossible to endure it... Tiansong was able to endure it at that time because he knew that he was the one who was in the wrong. one party.

“Because he is indeed a person who loves money and fame, and he is a person who cannot bear loneliness.

"But Tiansong is aware of his recklessness. Over the years, he has also tried hard to use reason to restrain his violent temper - the evidence is that after all these years after he obtained psychic power, he has never used it to hurt anyone at will. He Although his red shift has six levels, his blue shift also has six levels... This means that he has tempered his rationality to the limit of human beings.

"Tiansong does not have enough courage, but he did become a hero with courage and kindness.

"Although you have inherited all the anger, regret and hatred left by Tiansong, you have remembered every one of his anger, and every one of his enemies. But you have not inherited any of his sanity... and you have forgotten that he is the most insufferable person. No matter what he endures, he never knows what his bottom line is.

"What he awakened at that time was the spiritual energy that diverted the explosion away, not the spiritual energy that protected himself from the explosion... You should know what he was thinking at the time.

"At least at that moment, he didn't want anyone to get hurt..."

Russell slowly opened his eyes: "He doesn't want to hurt innocent people."

Gray-white firelight danced in his pupils, and his whole person's temperament became gloomy and strange.

"[Heaven sends disaster], you who have no heart...can't understand this kind of contradiction of human beings."

"...[Vessel of God]."

His expression of "God sends disaster" turned gloomy.

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