Overturned Tower

Chapter 401 I want to join the Tower of Babel

——The situation in front of me is the same as when the airship was hijacked.

Although Russell's red shift has reached level eight at this time, and he relies on the awakened demon to use psychic powers beyond his own limits...

Just like Russell who was beheaded by a saint and had extraordinary reflexes...

However, his enemy is stronger and more deadly.

The skull's halo of light hanging high in the sky is still gathering and growing.

It is expanding all the time, growing all the time——

Countless thoughts were infected and assimilated into the heads of the "group", flying from all over the island and piercing the sky.

Like a red meteor shower.

Blood spurted out from the gap, and bright red blood rain fell from the sky like divine punishment.

In other words, it is divine punishment.

——On this day, scarlet blood rain covered the entire steel forest.

Monsters comparable to Mammon are descending on the city and hanging high in the sky!

People at the bottom of the steel forest cannot see those heads at all. They could only see blood raining from the sky, so they either felt fear or excitement.

Thousands of people, indoors or outdoors, used shooting equipment to focus on the wonders, record them and post them online.

Only those who live at the top can capture the horrific truth.

If you don't zoom in on the black-red meteor shower, you can only see black dots dragging dim yellow light tails, forming dark lines in the sky.

The gray sky was instantly divided by these dense black lines.

They fly in groups, even blocking the little light coming from the sky.

The blood spurting out condenses into ice mist high in the sky and melts into raindrops when it reaches the ground.

The sky soon became gloomy...

But the sky was not dark, but showed a faint yellow color like a sandstorm, and the edges of the dark clouds were soaked in blood.

That's because the blood droplets and ice particles condensed in the sky scatter a large amount of blue-violet light with shorter wavelengths, leaving most of the yellow, orange, and red light with longer wavelengths.

But if you look up from Russell, you will feel that the dim yellow wheel of blood is spinning, reflecting the entire sky into its own color.

That is unbearable psychological pressure.

It seemed as if the power it released could change the entire world; as if it was slowly bringing the entire sky down with it.

Just by gazing at him, psykers would feel small murmurs in their hearts.

That was evidence of overly powerful psychic energy being co-perceived through vision and information received by other psychics.

For information creatures like demons, expanding their own information volume is the best proof of becoming stronger.

Drawing on the minds of others to strengthen the strength of the "group" - that is definitely not the psychic strength that normal individual psykers can possess.

To say the least, it's more like some kind of weapon.

The good news is... Russell won't be stuck in a moral dilemma anymore.

——Now that things have happened, no one cares about those people killed by Russell.

The witnesses are probably all dead... Their heads have been forcibly collected and integrated into the "group".

Even if they were not dead, they could still see their heads being suddenly ejected to form this wheel of skulls. Naturally, they would not think that Russell killed the wrong person...

The bad news is that Russell is in a life crisis.

This time, there was no bad day to save him.

It's really...so ironic.

When Russell wanted to be a good person and a hero, the monkey-faced eagle came to torture Russell's heart and force him to make a choice.

And when Russell gave up his morality, reputation, and all the old life, and made up his mind to abandon the name of hero...

But he had to stand in front of a powerful enemy again.

With people's unilateral expectations to become a "hero" again.

Even if Russell doesn't care about heroes at all...

It doesn’t matter if you become it, it doesn’t matter if you abandon it.

This honor always appeared as a gift to reward him when he was most tired.

"...It's really unnecessary."

Russell lowered his head and murmured in a low voice.

At this moment, the masks that had sunk into the black mire emerged one by one and formed a shield.

——This is the soul "intercepted" by Russell.

Their number is only about five percent of the heads controlled by the monkey-faced eagle.

At the last moment when the souls hidden in the skull are assimilated, before they merge into the "group consciousness", Russell puts on a mask for them.

Russell granted these blank, numb souls a "veneer of veneer."

He gave them all the masks he had collected so far.

So that they are no longer absorbed into a "group", but instead hide their own essence and exist in the world wearing masks.

To put it simply, Russell extracted the core, uninfected parts of their "data shells" infected by the monkey-faced eagle. And granted them new shells - those shells that Russell himself had previously constructed.

Each of these masks is like an amber.

Hidden in them is a free, awakened soul again.

At this moment, Russell did not order them.

They emerged independently... without any communication, they flew up silently, forming a fragile and thin shield.

The Skull Wheel in the sky is still spinning, growing bigger and accumulating energy.

The shield formed by many masks looked so powerless in front of that light.

The so-called mantis' arm is used as a cart——

"...Sorry, Ringo."

Russell murmured quietly.

His voice was so pale and weak, as dry and hoarse as a patient's.

Just controlling the "God's Vessel" was already exhausting him mentally.

Each mask hides a separate soul, and their souls all exist in Russell's container.

It was like there were dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people, all speaking seriously to Russell at the same time, and Russell could hear and understand everyone's voice clearly.

What to say...

...like a god.

But where can such a weak god exist?

"...Why do you need to apologize?"

But after hearing Russell's words, Ringo was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly.

"Bringing you to such a dangerous situation..."

"Ha, that's okay."

Ringo waved his hand lightly: "I'm a bodyguard.

"But Mr. Ultramarine. What I just said was serious."

"Which sentence?"

"Take me away."

She turned around and raised her head again to look at the scorching light wheel in the sky.

Ringo put his hands behind his back and said softly: "I want to join the Tower of Babel.

"——Because I want to live a valuable life and die clearly and with hope."

The next moment, he seemed to respond to her words.

The stream of light roared silently and shot down from the sky.

It easily penetrated the thin wall made of masks, easily penetrated the earth, and struck straight into the depths of the earth.

The earth shook and cracked, and the buildings broke and disintegrated.

The demon behind Russell dissipated, and the white spine disappeared like a phantom. Russell and Ringo, covered in blood, fell into the cracks of the high-rise building.

At that moment, Russell understood why the monkey-faced eagle dared to gather so many heads and who it planned to attack...

What he wanted to shoot down was not this tall building, these tens of thousands of civilians, nor this steel city.

But the island itself.

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