Overturned Tower

Chapter 533 Prayer Device

If it were said that Russell was still taking a chance on the Bishop's words.

When Russell realized that the bishop had led him to the prayer device... he understood everything completely.

He and Delphinium stood among the nuns. Other people in the church who came to listen to hymns and pray silently looked at Russell and Delphinium with some curiosity, who were attracted by the bishop himself.

But they were not curious enough to come over and ask what happened, they just took a look. Only a few people looked at Russell and felt that he looked familiar, but they did not dare to confirm.

While the symphonic hymn was playing, Russell sighed and whispered to the Delphinium behind him: "Don't be so nervous, Flotte. Go find a free device, pray and give it a try... What did you do yesterday? Aren’t you curious about those nuns?”

"Don't I have to look at you?"

Delphinium held her right shoulder with her left hand, keeping one hand across her chest, and raised her eyebrows: "Is this really okay?"

"Nothing goes wrong in church."

Russell said with certainty: "Don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

"Oh well……"

Delphinium nodded slightly, and a faint blue light flashed in her eyes - she had just quietly sent a message to Russell: "If there is any danger, notify me as soon as possible."

"Don't worry. Didn't I introduce you to you before? Look, let me show you..."

Russell comforted her again and stepped forward first.

As if to show Delphinium how to use the prayer device, he picked up one of the blindfolds hanging in the air and put it on his face.

It's not strong, just a very pure, quiet and peaceful feeling, coming from the depths of consciousness.

His memory is like a book that is blown by the wind and turns the pages on its own. Those beautiful memories that I had in the past, but were suppressed and forgotten, spring up on their own like pages of a book that have been opened. A warm, welcoming and sweet bright light came into his heart.

The next moment, Russell suddenly opened his mouth and sang a melodious hymn in a low voice.

The indicator light on the side of his eye mask suddenly lit up, and the transparent data cable directly connected to the giant honeycomb-like network center above suddenly lit up with brilliant light.

The golden-green light that flows intermittently from the goggles worn by the nuns is always bright and stable in the data line to which Russell belongs. The difference is like the difference between using a straw to suck out the milk in the carton and sucking out a full carton of milk.

According to what Russell previously introduced to Delphinium...these golden-green radiances are the "trace power of holy order" that naturally emerges from the depths of the soul when recalling beautiful things.

Everyone has someone they love, and everyone has dreams and ideals. This light bursting from the depths of the soul may not be strong enough and cohesive enough to make them saints, but it is indeed the power of holy order. It is the "moment of beauty" that everyone and every individual has.

This kind of prayer can actually be regarded as a win-win transaction.

Heal others' tired hearts and spirits by reminding them of beautiful things and mobilizing the good qualities at the bottom of their souls. During this process, people's consciousness will subconsciously relax, just like soaking in a flower-scented hot spring or being gently massaged in the fragrance, and they may even fall asleep peacefully.

After losing guard, the beauty brewed in the soul will naturally overflow and be extracted and uploaded by the prayer device. Although it is not enough for an individual to awaken the power of the Holy Order, these "bulk power of the Holy Order" can be turned into materials for making angels after being purified by some means.

Delphinium watched Russell's expression gradually become peaceful and calm, and then she picked the eyepatch closest to Russell and put it on her head.

Delphinium heard invisible and silent "music" resounding in his ears - or in other words, it was a kind of information.

When the delphinium's brain wants to interpret this "information," it turns it into a kind of music.

As a result, the delphinium, which was not good at singing, suddenly spoke on its own and sang a hymn with a somewhat unfamiliar voice.

That feeling is close to "hearing a song you like very much and having a strange sense of familiarity." Even if it's just the first time you listen to it, you can sing along without even knowing the melody behind it.

It's just that the song itself has its own correction mechanism, allowing Delphinium to sing with confidence without going out of tune; and the "music" it pours in isolates her own voice, allowing her to sing at will without feeling shy.

Through the immersion of sympathetic perception, as Delphinium gradually indulges in her own singing and gradually adapts to the feeling of "the body begins to sing on its own", the depths of her soul are gradually dyed with beautiful colors.

When she "opened her eyes" again, she finally couldn't hear her own singing at all.

Just like the virtual illusion reflected by the game glasses... Delphinium feels as if it is in a grassland. But this feeling is more real than any game, and at the same time more illusory than any game.

The warm spring breeze and the endless wet grass after the rain, but there were no mosquitoes or anyone around except myself. She just stared at the not dazzling sun in the sky, felt the spring breeze blowing on her cheek, and felt a kind of tranquility.

She just watched the sun change from morning sun to noon, then to afternoon and evening without thinking or worrying about anything.

The sun sets and the moon rises. She still maintained that posture without moving, the fresh air and the faint sound of birdsong ringing around her, and the cool night wind made her close her eyes comfortably.

For a day like this, she doesn't have to think about anything, worry about anything, or worry about anything... Just like that, someone can help her manually empty her mind and waste time leisurely in the most peaceful time. It feels so good.

Delphinium closed her eyes again, leaned back slightly, and lay down on the grass. She seemed to have fallen asleep, but she seemed to have just closed her eyes and rested. Following her subconscious desires, the sound of waterfalls and birdsong became closer in the world as she wished. Night turned into morning in the blink of an eye, and the moonlight turned into warm sunlight.

Of course she knew that all of this was illusion, everything was just a dream that could end at any time... But even so, she did feel healed.

Among other things, it allows her to stop thinking about those complicated, heavy, and distant work matters...to completely withdraw from the busy daily life and relax her mind by doing nothing. It's just a few minutes of prayer, but it's like having a few extra hours of vacation time out of thin air - just like the best virtual game, which can make people indulge in the virtual world and stay away from many distractions.

This is the same reason why driving a lawnmower to weed, or using a high-pressure water gun to wash away graffiti, or sorting out belongings after moving can relax people's minds and become a healing game. Completely devote yourself to the game, don't have to think about anything, just complete the simple goal in front of you. Time disappears in the blink of an eye, and with it, stress and depression.

Church prayer is an enhanced version of this game - immersion and healing are enhanced, but the time required is greatly reduced.

As long as Delphinium has a thought, she can directly exit this "dream" and take over her body again. Therefore, she can also clearly realize that she has experienced a sunrise and sunset in the virtual world, but she in the outside world has not even finished singing a three-minute hymn.

- Delphinium finally understood why Russell had been strongly recommending her to try the church's prayer device, and why Russell came to work part-time when she was in school.

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