Overturned Tower

Chapter 567 Think about what Russell would do

Because Russell was originally going to Yongquan Island tonight to participate in the encirclement and suppression operation against the monkey-faced eagle.

So after hearing Lang Yan's request, Russell thought for a moment.

"Good strategy, but I want to make some adjustments."


"No, it's nothing. It's just that Delphinium and I have something to do now..."

Russell said with a chuckle, glancing at Delphinium sitting aside.

Delphinium noticed Russell's gaze. She smiled, lowered her head on the table, and tilted her head to look at Russell. One of her ears was upright and the other was drooping, and the upright ear trembled slightly.

Seeing her reaction, Lang Yan raised his brows slightly, but hesitated: "Are you... planning to meet your parents?"

"I'm an orphan."

Russell replied without hesitation: "There is no parent you can take Flotte to meet."

Although Sheath is not dead yet, it will be a matter of time. Therefore, it can also be counted as dead in advance.


Lang Yan was stunned for a moment before he realized he was referring to Delphinium.

His expression was a little subtle: "Have you all reached the point of exchanging real names?"

According to the custom on Happy Island, real names are basically exchanged between family members... because the code name symbolizes the other person's entire social identity, and calling them by their real names destroys this social identity. Therefore, calling each other by his or her real name is a very rude move... It can be used as a derogatory term, or as a term between close brothers, roughly similar to someone's nickname; while between lovers, calling each other by their real name , generally speaking, it is not much different from calling "wife" directly.

Although the delphinium is often called "Russell" instead of "ultramarine", this is the first time Russell calls the delphinium Flotte in front of an inferior person.

This represents a change in attitude - one that is more credible than their official announcement in front of the cameras.

"We have already planned to get married and get engaged tomorrow. This time we plan to meet Russell's mentor."

Delphinium explained: "For Russell, he is the closest to him among Russell's elders who are still alive in the world."

——I also have to confirm personally whether there is any threat to me.

She added in her mind.

After all, she is a quite famous elf beauty. With the blessing of immortality, the passing time can be turned into charm. Not to mention, when she came into contact with Russell, Russell had not awakened the memory of his previous life... For real young people, it is very difficult to forget such a beautiful, intimate and reliable elder.

And if she is not an enemy, then Delphinium must sincerely thank her.

It's not just the kindness of taking good care of Russell... The reason why Russell is the Russell today is also related to her decision to bring Russell into this world.

Delphinium now knows all of Russell's secrets. The Russell she fell in love with was the one who became mature, gentle and somewhat devilish after awakening the memories of his past life. Not exactly the naughty genius who still has animalistic characteristics and instincts, and is as alert as a cat.

If Director Sally Ruth had not pulled Russell into this world, then they would never have met in this life - no matter what fate they had, they would never have met again.

"...Oh, congratulations, you two."

Lang Yan looked uninterested: "If that instructor is an elf, I won't go."

"Do you still hate elves?"

Russell smiled and said: "What about Miss Lothar?"

"'For the sake of our names, can you call me mom?'"

Delphinium on the side held her hands in front of her chest and recited emotionally.

Lang Yan scratched his head hard and became angry: "Okay, I'll go with you guys!"

Amidst the laughter of Russell and Delphinium, the three of them got on the floating car that automatically parked at the door.

Soon, they arrived at Sogo University.

That was the very center of Sogo Island, clustered around the tower, and those three buildings were curved like claws.

Their shells are like mirrors, reflecting dazzling rainbow light to the outside. But after getting closer, the rainbow light will magically turn into an overwhelming, ocean-like white light. And let the white tower in the middle as the "core" shine with silver-white brilliance.

And these three continuously glowing buildings all belong to Sogo University.

"I thought this was a Sogo Group house."

Delphinium looked at this sacred and breathtaking beauty... and then couldn't help but rub her eyes: "I remember you said that they belong to the SOGO Group."

"That's true. Because Sogo Group and Sogo University are right next to each other... Sogo Group is relatively outside, while Sogo University is relatively inside. Although I think it's because it would be more troublesome for college students to go out... but it's still It has a moral meaning. That is, 'ignorant teenagers are closer to God than adults', because they have more possibilities."

Russell introduced his hometown with some nostalgia.

"Sogo Island is similar to Sun Island but different. Although Sun Island also values ​​education, what they actually need most are 'top scholars'. The school is just a screening and cultivation institution. But it is different in Sogo Island..."

The float vehicle began to slow down after approaching Sogo University, and the various temples and statues scattered below became clearly visible. Passers-by were praising the gods, and hymns echoed in the sky along with the sound of praise.

Russell’s deep voice, mixed in with the praise, was like a prayer:

"In Sogo Island, education itself is a kind of 'religion'. It is a ritual that 'turns people into gods'. It is a sacred way for people to obtain things they will have but never have, and to eradicate their own evil roots." Sacrifice.

"Through knowledge, education, wisdom and love, people are transformed from imperfections into perfections. This process itself is sacred... and people learn knowledge, cultivate friendships, and gain future possibilities from here. This process is also enough to move people. of.

"The 'light' respected by Chongguang Island is the light of truth, goodness, and beauty. Obtaining knowledge itself is true, and it is also good, and the order it has is beautiful. In other words, this is the light that Chongguang Island respects the most. The light...gain the possibility of the future, abandon ignorance, break the darkness, and bring light.”

"...However, this beacon that constantly sings the light is built right in the middle of a group of statues and temples."

Lang Yan sneered habitually: "I don't feel that there is anything bright about those beliefs. They are just self-deception. I only feel that this scene is ironic and ridiculous."

Although he has restrained himself now, he just can't stand this kind of thing. He always speaks his mind.


Russell nodded and sighed: “Because Sogo Island has always been a Sogo Island for a few people.

"'Light' is closely related to 'talent'. There are always very few people who can climb the Tower of Babel called 'talent' and walk step by step towards a higher light. Those who respect the purest light of truth, goodness and beauty, that is, At the same time, it means turning away from the majority who live in the shadows...those who cannot pursue the light.

"Everyone has their own world that they regard as truth and belongs only to them. They also have their own views of good and evil and personal aesthetics. In the final analysis, this is something that cannot be unified. To put it another way, it is obvious that in terms of data, everyone has been What most people regard as truth, goodness and beauty is not recognized by anyone because of the intermediary of the "Three Sages". This is a paradox.

"These idols are the lights revered by mortals. They are all different, coming from different ancient cultures, or may be the processing and imagination of purely modern culture. They do not have any holiness, and they cannot grant others the power of holy orders. ...just have some kind of simple morality.

"Those 'lights' that cannot be absorbed by Sogo Group and the Cyber ​​Church are scattered everywhere. They have become this ignorant, abstract, and half-baked thing."

Russell looked at the passers-by on the ground who were as small as ants, solemnly praising and worshiping the statue, and said softly: "But I still think this is a good thing.

"No matter how stupid the truth is, it is better than overflowing lies and deception; no matter how abstract the good is, it is better than the evil that cannot be restrained; no matter how half-hearted the beauty is, it is better than the ugliness that is respected. Compared with the pure and flawless, I would rather believe in the small, less glamorous, less shocking personal goodness that comes from every mortal being than the pure light that is beyond reproach.”

Just as Russell said about the conversations between popes.

Rather than saintly self-sacrifice, Russell was more willing to believe in the possibilities of mortals.

Because the good of "humanity as a whole" cannot be higher than the simple sum of the "goodness of each individual" - the ultimate, absolutely rational good is not higher than the universal good.

"...You still believe in this kind of thing."

Lang Yan's expression was a little complicated: "I have always felt that there is no possibility of salvation for human beings. Looking at it, everyone is ugly... Even the real God may not be able to save this sinful world. He may You can destroy this world, knock it down and start all over again, but you can't cleanse the sin in everyone's heart."

"How do you know that this world has not been destroyed by God?"

Russell sighed casually.

When he finished saying this, Mei Shen suddenly interrupted: "We're here, Russell. Do you want me to inform Sally Ruth?"

"Ah, then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Russell nodded in thanks.

This is Sally Ruth's laboratory—and she is used to calling this her workshop.

The decoration here is extremely luxurious. It's not just "everything you need", it's like a palace - it has a feudal atmosphere. Rather than a pure research institution, it is more like "a personal residence built by an extremely wealthy and well-established researcher as he pleases."

It is not a "research institute where people can live and eat", but a "luxury villa where all research work can be carried out."

There is no one here.

After they entered the house, a pixelated white arrow appeared on the black and transparent floor, guiding them to their destination.

As they progressed, the surrounding walls gradually displayed comical welcome special effects and canned applause, making them seem very lively. Delphinium and Lang Yan didn't react at all, but Russell couldn't stand it anymore.


He raised his head and shouted loudly: "Can you please stop being so embarrassed!"

After Russell finished speaking, those strange welcome effects disappeared immediately.

There was only a little pixel man in a red dress with a folding fan covering his face. He bowed to them and said "I'm sorry" like a middle-aged emoji.

When Russell reached the place, he saw Sally Ruth with a smile on her face.

Wearing a gorgeous crimson dress that can attend any party, and covered with expensive and gorgeous jewelry. But even those jewelry were suppressed by her beauty, giving people a feeling that they were "not worthy of her".

When they saw her for the first time, both Lang Yan and Delphinium were shocked by her beauty that surpassed human intelligence.

They all had a strange illusion - the long golden hair that was spread like the most beautiful satin, under the warm light, was like a living thing, as if it was constantly twitching and squirming. It's like an image of some kind of visual error. It's obviously static, but it gives the impression that it's slowly moving.

The two of them seemed to be petrified by Medusa in an instant. But Russell just sighed helplessly at this unusually familiar unfolding.

"Why don't you restrain yourself, mentor?"

"Rather than restraining yourself, wouldn't it be better for them?"

Sally Ruth showed a malicious and cheerful smile, put away her folding fan with a snap, and exposed her charming beauty without any concealment: "They should all be just one step away from crossing the Leviathan now. Wall?

"After seeing my face, it will be easier to strip away your own humanity. It will also be easier when you get promoted."

She stepped forward and gently tapped Delphinium's chin with the folded fan in her hand, causing her to raise her head slightly.

Delphinium's pupils were still filled with chaotic light, but this move made her move slightly. Behind her, the huge flower monster suddenly emerged from her shadow, but suddenly froze in place when it approached Sally Ruth.

——That's the "door".

There seemed to be a non-existent, isolating door between Delphinium and Sally Ruth. The demon behind Delphinium cannot reach her until the door is opened.

"……What's this?"

Delphinium took one step ahead of Langyin and slowly woke up.

She had a headache and asked intermittently while covering her forehead.

"There are some things you won't understand, and that's fate."

Sally Ruth said with a smile.

Russell glanced at her: "There are some things that you won't understand. But it doesn't matter if you don't understand... That is the love between humans."

"It's true that I don't understand love. But that doesn't rule out the fact that I'll feel excited watching it."

Sally Ruth opened the folding fan with a smile, covered the lower half of her face and narrowed her eyes: "Are you coming here to ask for my consent? Then I'm going to say it - I agree to your marriage."

"I'm telling you, I'm just informing you."

Russell crossed his arms and said unceremoniously: "You are not my mother."

"It is true that I am not Alice, but you can be regarded as being summoned to this world by me. From this perspective..."

Sally Ruth turned around and sat down again, crossing her legs gracefully: "Maybe you should call me Master."

"The correct term should be Summoner."

"That's not the same, because I have found the body that is most suitable for you. After all, you are my most cherished treasure... But because of this, I still care about it."

She looked at Delphinium's belly and made a generous promise: "You don't have to worry about your children. If one of your children inherits a certain trait from you in the future, you can give it to me."

"……how do you want to do it?"

"In short, it will never affect the world."

"Do you want to exile it to other worlds?" Russell asked.

"No, I'm not the kind of person who wastes natural resources. I've seen many mixed-races, but I've never seen 'Half Dusk'. How could he be thrown into another world directly?"

Sally Ruth looked innocent: "What's more, you are my treasure...and so are your children. Your Pokémon laid eggs, will you be angry about it? I just want to take a look, yes It's not just a flashback - I think you can understand this feeling, right?"

"...What Pokémon?"

Delphinium woke up and was confused.

Russell shook his head without explaining.

But he noticed another word: "You said... later?"

"Yeah, at least she's fine."

Sally Ruth smiled slightly: "Rather than asking her to come see me...you actually just want me to take a look at the child, right?"

"It is indeed part of the reason. I want to thank you for your kindness."

Russell said seriously: "Part of the reason is that I want to ask - if I defeat the monkey-faced eagle, how should I devour him? What will be my reaction after that? What I said to the Pope If you say... is it possible to succeed?"

"I don't know~"

Sally Ruth smiled mischievously, as if she were just a teenage girl: "I don't know anything."


Russell was a little helpless: "I'm very serious..."

"You're Russell, right."

Suddenly, Sally Ruth interrupted: "Then, just think about what Russell would do. So far, you have done a good job. I don't think there is anything more to say.

"And... remember to have more children after this is over."

After all, without waiting for Russell to ask further questions.

She opened the folding fan and fanned Russell and the three of them slightly.

The surrounding space shook for a moment, and Russell came to a store with a huge river. The rich moisture hit my face.

"——Reiko, let's start with five pounds of fried fish for appetizer!"

A cheerful voice came from behind Russell: "Hahaha...Eh? Isn't this Mr. Deer Head?

"Are you lost again? Or are you here to pick up your lost friends?"

Russell looked back and saw a giant who was at least three meters tall and had a huge head.

At this time, the "picture" in front of Russell's eyes shook slightly.

Only then did his chip realize that he was on Yongquan Island and not Sogo Island. Therefore, the positioning above, the weather, and the UI in front of you all suddenly changed.

But Russell didn't say hello to the giant immediately. He just held Delphinium's hand first to prevent her from panicking.

After it's all over...

Is this a response?

Five thousand words in two!

Please recommend my friend’s new book "Get Off Work and Become a Magical Girl"

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