Overturned Tower

Chapter 612 The proliferation of darkness

"--what did you just say?"

Delphinium suddenly turned around and looked behind her in astonishment, her pupils suddenly shrinking.

"The Reconstruction Agency is under attack."

Paradise Bird pursed his lips and repeated: "Their purpose should be to release those demons."

"Are they crazy?!"

An angry look appeared on Delphinium's face: "Do they really know what they are doing?!"

"-They obviously don't know."

The horn on the side's expression also darkened.

The earthy yellow halo on his head exuded an increasingly bright light, and his always smiling face had long since lost its smile.

There was a shallow scar on his face, carved diagonally on the left side of his cheek.

That was the wound he got scratched with a pen by a little girl when he was trying to stop the chaos not long ago.

It can be said that it is easy for an angel to heal this kind of wound. But compared to the physical injuries, what was really injured was his heart, his ideals and tenderness.

More and more people on Happy Island are starting to go crazy. The entire Happy Island is gradually falling into chaos.

People have become extreme, radical, and full of hatred. If there was a button, if you press it, the Happy Island will instantly fall and everyone will die together. I am afraid that at least 30 to 40% of people will press it.

The efforts of Fuji Society are meaningful.

Because more and more people are waking up these days... they are even afraid of their crazy selves and are doing their best to try to solve this chaos. But more people who were originally neutral or able to remain calm are now falling into chaos and madness.

As the number of sane people increases and their influence gradually equals those of the madmen, the madmen become more hysterical and want to "make a louder voice" at all costs.

Obviously at the beginning, they just wanted to find peace of mind - they wanted to know where they and their families should go in the future when resources were scarce. They snatch resources and hoard supplies. Aggressively attack others verbally, build a fortress, and even give up school and work. So far, it's been relatively normal.

But soon, madness, fear, jealousy, and hatred confused their minds.

Because not everyone is like them.

Many people believe that even if the end of the world comes, it will only happen in a long time. So after the initial chaos, they quickly returned to their normal routine. The efforts of the Fuji Society, the return of Bing Shui, and the mediation of Delphinium also played a large role in it.

But those who have given up a lot of things are not so easy to go back. They gave up their studies, quit their jobs, and even the teachers and bosses they attacked, leaving them with no way back.

If we follow the previous rules, they will all enter the Lower City and become Uncensored. Or find a job that is much worse than your previous job, or spend more money to attend tutoring classes. In short, it is impossible to return to the previous life - because as the initiators and main maintainers of chaos, they must pay a painful enough price before people will forgive others who have been coerced.

There are no companions with them anymore. Instead, they became a minority, and no one would obey their orders.

However, they did not admit defeat.

Extremely abnormal... They seemed to have gone crazy and chose more dangerous and radical strategies in unison.

——Destroy other people’s lives together, causing them to lose everything.

It's like a green grasshopper turning into a yellow locust.

That is a choice in which no matter what the final result is, they will not get any benefits and will definitely not end well.

And the scary thing is that they began to become unprecedentedly "unity". They are like zombies whose brains have been hollowed out, with only hatred and jealousy in their minds, trying to drag people down like water ghosts.

They began to destroy factories in the lower city, creating a shortage of supplies in the upper city.

That was something that the Uncoded would try to avoid when fighting each other. Even when the angels slaughtered the Uncoded, they carefully avoided those factories.

The sky above the island is already crowded, and these fully automated and unmanned chemical factories piled in the lower city are the key to maintaining the normal operation of the entire Happy Island. And they destroyed these factories not for any demands or threats - just for destruction.

By the time the executive team realized what they were doing, they had destroyed nearly a third of the factory.

With the support of Delphinium and Xia, the new executive director "Stack" ordered the lifting of all firepower restrictions and signed his first "murder license" - a killing certificate for a total of 8,500 people. All of them were deprived of their citizenship, and although their microchips were not removed, they became "uncoded persons."

All genuine prosthetics they used were remotely restricted and could not be used; everyone's location was accurately marked on the execution department's tactical map.

However, after the executive department arrived in Xiacheng District, they did not flee the scene and fight guerrillas with the executive department. Instead, they tried their best to continue to destroy the factory...as if they were not crazy civilians, but agents with a special mission.

As if infected by some virus, the pupils of these people turned into an almost dark gold color. Exuding a wolf-like threat in the middle of the night.

The execution department also had to worry about the factory and did not change its thinking immediately. This prevented them from launching a covering attack on those "crazy people" at the first moment of contact.

They didn't even turn around to attack the Executive Department.

Instead, after they dispersed, they continued to destroy the factory. Until their death, they just hope to drag down more people.

Just like those people who were red-eyed at the end of the Sharia War - they refused to accept the order that "the war is over", but continued to launch attacks that completely destroyed themselves.

In the end, when all 8,512 people were killed, no one in the execution department even died.

However, the extent of damage to the factory expanded from one-third to more than half.

Half of the factories were paralyzed and almost completely destroyed - this directly led to a serious shortage of material supplies in all areas except Tian'en District. Even in Tianen District, a large number of shops have been forced to close... because they can no longer obtain intermediate processed products and finished products from above-ground enterprises in other areas.

Even the inexhaustible "food" was in short supply for the first time.

A large number of synthetic food factories were destroyed, and the price of pork and chicken on the market suddenly reached twenty times that of beef. Eggs, milk, wheat, fruits and most vegetables are all out of stock.

The only vegetables that can be bought normally are potatoes and carrots, and the only meats that can be bought at normal prices are beef and duck. Onions, garlic, parsley, basil leaves and other condiments are completely cut off, and drinks such as cola are also out of stock. The price of flour has increased fivefold, and bread is three times more expensive than an equal weight of beef.

This directly led to a large number of factories producing intermediate products shutting down because they could not obtain raw materials. This directly caused the assembly lines of the factories that were finishing these intermediate products to idle, so they were forced to shut down.

Restaurants and convenience stores have closed one after another because they cannot buy materials, and companies and factories have announced indefinite suspensions. People wandered the streets confused, not knowing where they were going.

Hatred and anger, fear and confusion——

Those black things have begun to proliferate unstoppably.

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