Overturned Tower

Chapter 616 The Church’s Conspiracy

"Now, are you satisfied?"

Horn crossed his arms and glanced at Wu Ming beside him.

Wu Ming sighed with satisfaction, lowered his head slightly, and closed his eyes again.

"Well, that's good. Now that her psychic powers have achieved the final breakthrough, she must have really figured it out. The language of self-deception can fool herself, but she can't fool psychic powers."

People's trust in the company has completely collapsed, the dragons are preparing to intervene in the world, the conventional "consensus" is completely abandoned, and even the Cyber ​​Church is ready to seize power. Chaos is coming, and no one can stop it...or rather, it has already arrived.

If the situation has developed to this point and you are not conscious enough to face it, it is best to withdraw from the increasingly intensified struggle as soon as possible.

Compared with things like "talent", "determination" that can persist until the end in the gradually rotating millstone of heaven and earth is a more important quality.

"I don't know how to deceive myself..."

After all the notifications from Delphinium were given, Paradise Bird breathed a sigh of relief.

She raised her head and looked at Delphinium with some worry: "I'm just worried that Sister Delphinium's spiritual power is fully awakened, will she hurt the child, and will she hurt herself..."

Birds of Paradise don't understand those ideals, determinations, flags and the like. Those things are too complicated.

She only cares about those she loves and the people who love her. For example, is there any danger on Russell's side? Or is Delphinium too tired?

Wu Ming sighed: "I can't help it, but the situation in front of me is not impressive.

"You still don't understand? Then let me explain it more clearly——

“In the near future, the rulers of this world will no longer be the ‘Big Seven’. The old order based on wealth, consensus and corporate law will completely withdraw from the world stage.”

"...Isn't this a good thing?"

Paradise Bird was a little confused: "The head office has been corrupted and fallen, causing so many tragedies. Shouldn't the fall of the Seven Giants be a good thing?"

"In fact, it's only going to get worse."

But the horn shook his head: "Because power cannot be absent forever. Just like Miss Malt Liquor said... If power is not in the hands of those who should have it, those who should not have it will have it." Power. The absence of power is more terrifying than the abuse of power.”

He has always understood what Wu Ming wants to do, but he doesn't quite approve of his means. Xiaojiao has always believed that ignorance is too radical. They also have a more moderate strategy, which can slowly and top-down change people's ideas and try to control the shock of social changes to the minimum range.

For example, believe in the church.

From the perspective of the horn, the Cyber ​​Church is absolutely trustworthy. Because their ultimate goal—cyber immortality without flesh and blood—is unattainable based on the current technical level. Therefore, the church will not conflict with any organization in terms of interests.

Precisely because any force must respect the church, and they will not directly conflict with the church, and the conflicts between these forces are much greater than the conflicts between them and the church. Therefore, the church can serve as a strong mediator and suppress the transformation of the entire society.

Isn't it time for angels like them to step forward at this time?

Rather than entering a battlefield like a meat grinder, fighting each other pointlessly with others of the same kind, using one's own authority to promote social progress - this is the future that the horn longs for in his heart.

"I still think we should trust the church."

The horn casually knocked on the head of the paradise bird, making a crisp sound.

But he did not look at the Paradise Bird, but looked at Wuming seriously: "This world cannot withstand a world war on that scale. It has become shaky, and people's rationality has long reached its limit.

"If the world was engulfed in fire, I don't think there would be a new civilization reborn from the fire - I think it would be a war that would destroy everyone. It would just go backwards, not reborn."

"I don't deny that."

Wu Ming didn't even look at the horn, he just closed his eyes, curled up into a ball and replied calmly: "I just don't believe in the church.

"I will never trust them when they squeeze the juice out of our sleeping brethren into the fountainhead of Holy Orders.

"Don't forget, Trumpet. From the beginning, we were not affiliated with the church - the church cannot make everyone become angels, nor can it create angels without the divine device.

"If you want to become an angel, the first thing you need is a different 'heart' for each of us, and this heart is determined by past life experiences and genes; the other part is the memory and corpses of the previous generations of saints. .We are angels now, not a gift from the church, but a cooperation of completely equal personalities.

"We became angels not to gain power, nor to become superiors to men. We all wanted to end the disaster and end the war that made everyone suffer, so we accepted the war that had not gone through safety procedures. Verified divine descent experiment.

"And after we became angels, we took risks and paid the price of our lives to fight on the front line. We never owe the church anything.

"——In this case, what authority does the church have to regard us as their property, subordinates and tools, freezing and sealing us at will, unsealing us at will, slaughtering and selling them, or deploying us to work?"

Wu Ming's tone was cold and calm. His tone was not angry, nor was his emotion intense.

But the horn could only remain silent, speechless. Because he is not a businessman or a politician, he cannot tell lies with his eyes open. It was precisely because what Wuming said was true that he could not say anything.

"--Wait a moment!"

Not long after the atmosphere started to become tense, Delphinium had not yet woken up again.

But Paradise Bird's expression suddenly changed: "There's something wrong with the Reconstruction Agency!"


Wu Ming stabbed lightly: "Is it so useless over there that even a group of unarmed civilians can't defend it with live ammunition? It's only been less than ten minutes now."

"...Maybe I really can't hold on anymore."

The expression of Paradise Bird is very complicated.

Wuming suddenly opened his eyes: "What?"

"Although I have just informed Peter Pan, he has already started destroying the demons..."

Paradise Bird's expression became extremely complicated: "But the angels still arrived.

"——And they didn't help the Reconstruction Agency destroy the demons. Instead, they attacked the execution department extremely fiercely and didn't hold back at all. In this case, the Reconstruction Agency couldn't defend it at all!"

"How can it be?"

Even the horn was shocked: "It takes time to fly from the 'Sacred Code' to the 'Happiness Island'! We flew for most of the time back then to get here!"

"——Unless the angels arrived at Happy Island silently first, and then the mob surrounded the reconstruction agency."

Wu Ming said coldly.

When he said these words, the bird of paradise and the trumpet became silent.

Because they all realize what ignorance means.

——This has been part of the church's conspiracy from the very beginning.

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