Overturned Tower

Chapter 627 The Overturned Tower

Without a network, this means that aerial vehicles that rely on real-time maps are completely scrapped; pilots cannot operate multiple trucks at the same time, and factories in Xiacheng District can no longer report their output in real time and seamlessly dispatch freight fleets.

The street lights on both sides of the street do not have light-sensing devices. They are simply connected to the network and provide the appropriate brightness at the right time and in the right weather through the weather data provided by the annealing device. At the moment when the Internet is paralyzed, all street lights and indicator lights in the streets and alleys are turned off.

In the city, which is darker than the night, only the shops in the streets and alleys leak out a little light.

At this moment, the upper city seemed to have turned into the lower city - the people there had long adapted to this lifestyle of relying on the light source of factory machines to identify the streets.

Losing the Internet means losing the ability to communicate and obtain information and news through the Internet.

The cars on the road were mixed together and jammed together. Some people want to go home and some want to go out. Unable to contact their relatives, they were distraught.

For the few aerocars that were forcibly driven, the owners almost never mastered the real driving skills and were unable to control the direction and speed of the aeroplanes. Moreover, the car owner's line of sight is also limited to the front of the car, and cannot obtain the usual 360-degree spherical viewing angle.

Unless they are directly raised to a high enough level, most of them will be like downed bombers, crashing into high-rise buildings, overpasses or advertising bridges in the air with a decisive attitude, or they will collide with each other and then fall to the streets.

People cursed each other at the top of their lungs and covered their faces with tears. Attacking each other and running around pointlessly. Like insects and ants emerging from the ground before a heavy rain, and rats and beasts running anxiously before an earthquake.

When order collapsed, robbery did not happen. It’s not that people have become rational, and it’s not entirely because this disaster has befallen everyone equally…

The main reason is that cities come to a complete standstill due to congestion. Every place visible to the naked eye is already crowded with people - anyone who dares to act recklessly at this time will become a minority, and the fearful and anxious crowd will vent their uneasiness and anger.

And the result of everyone wanting to move is that no one can move.

Traffic had been almost motionless for the past two or three hours. The smart man had already abandoned the car, kicked off his high heels, and was running quickly on the sidewalk.

People raised their heads anxiously and tried to identify everyone's face in the crowd. If they saw someone they knew, they would yell their name with all their strength. They would squeeze in to recognize each other as if they saw the owner's pet, and then Hug my head and cry.

On the first day of eternal night, people did nothing.

They ran around until they were dizzy, thirsty, sweating profusely, and shouted one after another in the crowd, looking for the people they cared about but couldn't contact. Those who could still maintain their composure were gradually driven by this atmosphere and became uneasy.

There was a huge crowd of people coming and going, and people tried their best to swim upstream and missed it again and again. The first people to reunite organized the most primitive order - finding people separately and meeting at the agreed place. Through this method, the extremely crowded streets passed for more than ten hours before they gradually became sparsely populated again.

People gradually gathered.

Husbands and wives, relatives, friends, colleagues, classmates, neighbors, teachers and students... people gathered according to their respective social relationships, constantly confirming who else the new joiners needed to take over.

They have completely lost light and the Internet, and the city they were originally familiar with seems to have turned into a dark primitive forest. But even if you go out to inquire about news, you may never come back.

Communication between people has returned to more than a hundred years ago, and all news spread like a plague through word of mouth. Because of panic, I add fuel to the fire, and because of confusion, I feel inadequate.

It was sluggish and imprecise, but fortunately it wasn't complicated at the moment.

It has only been the second day since the eternal night fell, and the people of Happy Island gradually realized one thing——

There is no doubt that the Cyber ​​Church is the initiator of all the conspiracies these days. At the same time, he was the culprit who stole their dragon and broke the sky.

The boiling blood instantly turned into a bone-chilling cold.

Admitting a mistake is difficult. Especially when the mistake is so huge that it cannot be made up for, even if it costs one's own life, it becomes so difficult to just raise one's head and look directly at what one has done.

Fear, regret, panic, hysteria... It's like a flame burning out the color, leaving only black or white ashes. The restless heart cooled down, and the neck supporting the head became weak. Words and feelings fall into the abyss of nothingness.

I can't open my mouth, let alone speak. The brain went completely blank, and everyone gradually turned into a puppet drifting with the crowd.

People can no longer be seen gathering together on the streets, enthusiastically expressing their opinions and preaching about the utopia they imagine. Only those who have lost their loved ones are shouting someone's name in the street like a cold bird, in vain.

Crimson fallen angels protect the bishops of the Cyber ​​Church, running on the streets and preaching the doctrines of the "New World."

They were completely different from the angels they had seen and come into contact with before - these angels were full of desire to attack. In other words, they are not bound by ethics... Just like players treat NPCs, they do whatever they want and attack and kill anyone who disrespects them.

The bishops, on the other hand, were full of smiles and compassion. In front of the corpses and the sea of ​​blood, they patiently told the future of this world to everyone who had lost the Internet.

——The world is about to be destroyed.

In five years, the world will come to an eternal standstill. After hundreds of years, the world will finally be reborn in the spring, and all the filth of the old world will become clean. And they will gain eternal electronic life, and after spending hundreds of years of hedonistic life in another virtual world, they will wake up again - resurrected from the new world.

In that world, there were no companies or schools, no need to work or study.

No annoying bosses, no endless quotas, no overtime every day and every night. There is no poverty or disease, no separation or death. There will be no misunderstandings and everyone will be as close as one family and like brothers.

They don't have to do anything, no labor has to be done - just have fun!

For hundreds of years, there were endless supplies for them to squander at will. In another world, there will be no more hatred and death of any kind. There will no longer be any pressure in everyone's life, and everyone will become an angel and bathe in the warm sunshine of another world again.

These bishops spoke with certainty, their pupils burning with hope and fire. Their agitation was neither violent nor fanatical. It was as if they had all actually seen that world before, and it was just the possibility of this future being revealed to them.

Because they firmly believe that the despair of the world's destruction will eventually overwhelm the self-esteem and delusions of all die-hards.

Sooner or later, those who do not understand them and curse them will just kneel in front of them and beg them to be baptized with tears streaming down their faces.

That's pretty quick. Soon.

Wait for the cold wind to freeze the sea, wait for the clusters of flames to go out, and wait for the lights to go out.

When the famine and plague that were wiped out the year before last spread across the world again like a prairie fire... the determination to persist in living in this world where not a single blade of grass can grow will also be wiped out.

——Because they have no choice.

The tower collapsed and people left. Without the means to connect each other, everyone will become an island.

In contrast to them, the Church still retains means of communication. All Crimson Angels are receivers and transmitting stations, connecting a new network and covering the sky island to replace it.

As society collapses, the money and power of the old society will become worthless—even all individuals will lose their own value.

This is the future they chose.

And the future is already here.

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