Overturned Tower

Chapter 633 The Meaning of Heroes

Russell is back.

After missing for several months, he finally returned with news of victory and hope for the future.

He was awakened by the loud cry of new life being born into the world and the hope that sprouted from the bottom of people's hearts.

Through the prophecies and plans of the deer-headed statue, the people who already knew the truth cheered and celebrated their hero's victory over the illusion. But Russell's return did not cause any ripples, enthusiasm or doubts among the crowd.

Because people are no longer confused.

They already know the road ahead, how they will move forward and where they will go.

"Heroes" are no longer a necessity for them.

Under the eternal night and in the city, everyone who has survived until now has become a hero.

A hero to his family, a hero to his loved ones. He is his own hero.

They did not choose to save the world for the "inheritance of civilization" or "the future of mankind", but to protect the people around them; nor did they trust Russell because of the "Twilight Species" or "Hero" - just Just because they don't want to give up hope.

They still want to live. I want to live with the people I care about.

Because this desire is so clear and united. Origin, gender, spiritual relatives, age, talent, education, appearance, character... Human beings who are not the same as others in any field can be united.

Not a lofty ideal.

Just to live together.

This is a disaster. But at the same time it is an opportunity.

Russell lamented the growth of people. Wearing a white robe, he squatted at the highest point of the hospital building, quietly looking at the city in the eternal night.

Compared with the brilliant night view on the empty island in the past, this city in the eternal night seems so silent. Only a few key facilities still have their lights on through the night. An extremely cold wind mixed with ice blew in the city, and thick frost formed on the window lattice.

Russell only stayed for a short while, and a layer of frost formed on his clothes. It looks like a statue covered in snow.

"Aren't you going to see your child?"

Bad Day's lazy voice came from behind Russell: "She's a cute little girl. Her eyes follow you."

"I've seen it. I went there right after I returned to the present world. I even gave her a good name..."

Russell did not look back and replied softly: "You underestimate me now. I am everywhere."

"Our new god..."

Bad Day sighed and walked over from behind Russell. With his arms on the railing, the cold wind could not reach him at all. When he passed by, the wind and snow avoided him. Even though they were only an inch apart, they seemed to be thousands of meters away.

"What's the little girl's name?"

"Call Anna."

"Does it have any special meaning?"

"I had a friend in my previous life, and his name was this."

Russell smiled and said: "I told Delphinium. If it is a girl, it will be called Anna; if it is a boy, it will be called Annan.

"To commemorate... I lived in another world. And I can never go back."

"Even if you become a god, can you never go back?"

Bad Sun suddenly said: "Is this the future you want? Use a world-wide disaster, a catastrophe that is closely related to everyone, to unite people."

"If I really were a 'god', maybe I could really go back. But what's the point of bringing disaster back to my hometown? It's better to stay here and be the warden for eternity.

Russell glanced at Bad Sun and pointed out Bad Sun's thoughts casually: "You are wondering whether this disaster is bound to happen. You are wondering whether I have a way to eliminate the disaster before it happens."

Hearing this, Bad Ri shook his head slightly.

Bad Day didn't answer, but said softly: "Actually, I quite like that thing you did... I mean, Fuji Society.

"The Fuji Society uses everyone to help everyone, which is equivalent to teaching humans to help themselves. This is good. Only those who help themselves will be helped by God."

Russell didn't answer the call either. Because he knows what Bad Day wants to say.

He didn't even want to tell or ask anything. I just want to vent my confused emotions.

"When I was very young, I dreamed of joining such a group. Looking at the busy children sweating profusely trying to help others, I thought of myself back then. There was nothing special about it. The reason is just that I think this kind of job is extremely wonderful...or maybe it’s because I, who was born in the Nan family and am a genius, don’t feel how difficult and painful life is.”

Bad Day said softly: “Until that man shows up.

"——My life and death don't matter. As small as I am, I will be just a grain of sand in the times. If I can make a small wave, I think it will be my honor."

When he said this, he took a deep breath.

Turning to look at Russell: "This is what your father, my teacher... said to me.

"I was shocked by the vastness and greatness that can be felt when looking directly at the torrent of the times. For the first time, I realized... maybe I am not the center of the world. I am just a tiny grain of sand. One day, I will Washed away and lost by time. I carry that sense of awe in my heart.

"That year, when I was fourteen years old, I fell into 'thinking' instead of 'delusion' for the first time when I imagined the future.

"What I'm thinking about is - what can I do to make this era remember me?"

"Become a 'great big shot'."

"Well, I want to become a 'great big shot'. That's what Alice told me back then. I was very strange at the time... I am a candidate for the Name-Elf. What big shot can be greater than the Name-Elf?"

Bad Sun stares at the dark sky.

He could no longer tell whether it was day or night outside at this time.

But there was a bright light in his eyes.

"That's what I asked Alice."

Bad Day said: “Alice gave me a different answer than Sheath.

"She said... If you set your sights infinitely higher and farther, there is no point in becoming any big shot. One day, the company will be wiped out, just like the former kingdom has also died. The directors will be forgotten by people, Just like we have forgotten those kings and nobles. In the infinite future, perhaps civilization will disappear and mankind will also perish. By then, any shining star in history will also lose its meaning.

"-But even if you only help one person. Change his destiny, save him from the quagmire, pull him back to the right path, and send him back to the world. You will become a hero who will be remembered by him for the rest of his life. To him For me, there is no one greater than you in this world. You are his 'hero'.

"And being willing to help others, and having the ability to help others, so that others can live happily and die cleanly, is the most amazing person in their hearts. He is greater than any director or any elf.

"——'Become a hero and save others, Nanliu Jing'."

Bad Sun said softly: "That's what she said. It was only at that time that I understood... Not only those who set off a torrent in the era and are engraved by the era can be called great people."

Russell chuckled: "This is probably my mother's favoritism...she never said that she wanted me to become a hero one day."

"She prefers you and doesn't want you to sacrifice. This is the greatness of mother. It is precisely because of this... that I wanted to follow you on that airship because I was afraid that one day you would go the wrong way. So, I That’s why he went against the doctor’s wishes and dragged you to the Tower of Babel, and that’s why he beheaded the saint and said those words to you.”

"'-Be a hero, Russell'."

Russell and Bad Sun answered in unison.

He smiled heartily and stood up from the ground. He flicked the frost and snow on his body easily.

He turned back to look at Bad Sun, his pupils were clear emerald green. Just the same color as the newborn girl.

Bad Day looked at Russell and smiled.

He stretched out his right hand, and Russell grasped it firmly.

"I have one last question. Our warden, the guardian of civilization, the greatest hero, the brave man who saves the world——

"Can you tell me that I still failed to become a hero in the end..."

Bad Day solemnly asked Russell: "You who are most worthy of being called a hero, how do you define the word 'hero'?"

"——Since I am a hero, I am also a pioneer."

Russell said without hesitation: "Dare to be the first for others. Dare to be the first for the world."


Bad Day chewed on the word and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It's like letting go of something.

He suddenly smiled: "Then this time, it's not your turn to be the hero. After all, you have to appear last.

"This time, let us be the pioneers."

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