Panther Commando

Chapter 92: desert raid

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Be sure to stop them and relieve the captain and their burden! Wan Lin took out the small bow and the bow and arrow ammunition box from his backpack, and took out three timed high-explosive arrows and put them on the bow. Carefully ran back down the dune for a while, scattering the timed arrows to the front of the tank, then back to the back of the dune, took out the remote detonator, took the sniper rifle and bow from the back, and watched through the scope. Followed by the convoy coming from the side and front.

Four tanks lined up side by side, followed by two armored personnel carriers, followed by eight trucks.

Wan Lin was lying behind the dune, covering his body with floating sand, leaving only his head and sniper rifle outside. When he saw the tank drive to the position of the timing arrow, he pressed the button of the remote detonator hard with his hand. "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" three huge explosions, three tanks suddenly jumped up in the desert, followed by overturned to the ground.

The sand thrown up by the explosion was overwhelmingly scattered on the two armored vehicles behind and the trucks that followed. The convoy stopped quickly. Wan Lin blocked the enemy's sight with the raised sand. He quickly took out his bow and arrow and shot two bows and arrows with blasting bullets in the direction of the enemy's convoy. He turned and ran towards the enemy's base camp with Xiao Hua.

As he and Xiaohua ran fast, there was the sound of the explosion of bow and arrow bombs behind them. The two bow and arrow bombs passed through the sand fog and just shot on the carriages of the two trucks. The violent explosion blew up the entire carriages. The forty-odd people were pierced by dozens of steel needles and projectile fragments in the projectile, and the blood immediately dyed the raised sand and dust, forming a red sandstorm in the air. There was a scream of the wounded in the desert.

The enemies in the rest of the vehicles, armored vehicles, and tanks saw such a violent attack and thought they had encountered a large-scale ambush by the commandos, and immediately fired blindly at the sides and front with machine guns and automatic rifles. Jump out of the car and lay down on the ground to shoot around. The sound of light and heavy machine guns and automatic rifles was like a piece, and the bullets hit the sand dunes that were raised around them, raising a piece of sand and dust. After shooting for a few minutes, the enemy company commander Gu Jita, who felt that there was no counterattack, loudly ordered to stop shooting.

The violent gunshots stopped abruptly at Gujita's order. Gujita opened the back door of the armored personnel carrier and listened, only the whining of his wounded men. He jumped out of the car and kicked the **** of a subordinate who was lying on the ground. "Get up and call the medics to treat the wounded." He walked to the side of the tank that rolled over, and saw two of the four tanks rolled over on the ground. , the other track was broken and lay on the ground, the muzzle was bent and pointed to the ground. Only one car was intact, but it was also pushed by the huge explosion shock wave and moved 4 or 5 meters away. The sand was clearly marked with the track traverse. Mark of.

Gu Jita looked at the tragic state of the tank and the dozens of wounded who were crying and shouting, "What kind of army is this, how could it be possible to carry such a powerful weapon in the desert, doesn't it mean that there are only a dozen people?"

He turned on the communicator to contact the base camp in the desert, "battalion commander, I'm Gu Jita. We were attacked on the way to intercept. At present, all three American m441 tanks are paralyzed, and more than 40 soldiers were killed or injured. I didn’t see any one person. Didn’t it mean that the other party only had a dozen special forces? How could there be such a strong firepower configuration.”

"What? You lost three tanks, four or fifty casualties without even seeing a single person, what are you doing! I don't care what method you use, you must take the hostages back to me, or else Don't come back to see me alive" Mota, the base camp guard battalion commander who had just been scolded by the deputy commander, yelled into the microphone when he heard the loss was so heavy.

The commandos who were setting up fortifications in the stone forest clearly heard the sound of the explosion in the distance, felt the ground trembling under their feet, and stopped their shovels and looked forward. Three small mushroom clouds were rising towards the sky, Xiaoya shouted excitedly, "Wan Lin must be blocking the enemy, others don't have such powerful explosives!"

Li Dongsheng stood next to him with a smile on his face, "Good boy, it must be Wan Lin and the others who encountered an enemy who came to intercept them and gave it to the enemy." He turned around and shouted to the commandos, "You can see it all. All three of Wan Lin dared to fight the enemy. What are so many of us afraid of? I believe that everyone will successfully complete the task." He encouraged everyone at the right time.

At this time, Zhang Wahe Dali heard the explosion and immediately realized that Wan Lin had attacked the enemy convoy. The two climbed to a large sand dune nearby and pulled out binoculars to look forward. I saw that the enemy was busy rescuing the wounded. Zhang Wa said to Dali in a low voice, "I planted a few anti-tank mines in the enemy's forward direction, and then we bypassed the convoy and chased Wan Lin, what do you think?" Dali nodded, "There are too many enemies, if we Blocking on the spot will not only fail to intercept the enemy, but also the task of attacking the base camp cannot be completed.”

Seeing Dali's agreement, Zhang Wa took out two anti-tank mines from her backpack, crawls onto the sand in the direction of the enemy's convoy, carefully set them up, and then climbed back to the dunes, shouting "go" to Dali, the two cats Run low to the side.

After seeing a patch of wounded being simply bandaged by medics and soldiers, Gu Jita, the commander of the enemy convoy, ordered three trucks to be released to load the wounded back to Base Camp for treatment, and the rest of the people boarded the remaining five trucks and continued to move forward~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The remaining one tank headed, and the two armored vehicles advanced in the finished zigzag. He got into the cab of the penultimate truck.

He originally thought that the armored vehicle had steel plate protection to be the safest, but after being attacked, he realized that protected and powerful tanks and armored vehicles were the first targets of the enemy's attack.

Seeing the three trucks loaded with the wounded drive back, he ordered his convoy to continue searching.

Wan Lin flew through the desert with Xiao Hua, and the fiery desert exudes heat waves like a steamer. Wan Lin glanced at Xiao Hua running beside his feet while running, Xiao Hua stuck out her tongue while running and breathed evenly with her mouth open. Wan Lin knew that this kind of long-distance running was not a problem for Xiaohua, but the heat made it uncomfortable.

After running for several hours, Wan Lin looked at the sky. It was already afternoon, the sun had already set in the west, and the temperature had begun to drop. Wan Lin stopped Xiaohua, took off the kettle, opened the lid, dripped the last few drops of water into Xiaohua's mouth, touched Xiaohua's head and said, "It's almost here, let's take a break, it will be a battle for a while", Xiao Hua wagged her tail and rubbed Wan Lin's leg with her butt.

Wan Rin grinned with cracked lips, leaned over and patted Xiaohua's butt, "Go, find something to eat".

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