
The mighty team lined up quietly one after another. In the front row were the leaders of the hospital and even the school leaders who came to Gasse later.

"Brothers, follow me." "Brothers, follow me!"

The effect is really different. In today's Chasu Hospital, if Zhang Fan shouted, "Brothers, give it to me, is there anyone?" There will definitely be people, and there will even be a lot of people, with the salary level of Chasu Hospital! There are many people who are willing to be wronged.

But the human heart cannot withstand temptation. Like a lama who eats vegetarian food and recites Buddhism, Zhang Fan took off one sleeve, bare his arms, and looked at the colleagues who joined him with a smile on his face.

The doctors in the front row all looked unhappy, and they had a kind of resistance to the acceptance team in their hearts, which they didn't say out loud. Ambience is not great.

Zhang Fan thought about what he should say, did the acceptance team make a mistake? That's right, it's just a little bit out of touch. Zhang Fan didn't want the hospital to be separated from its superiors. Many disharmonious emotions are accumulated by little things, and the leaders of the unit must play a good role in this.

After all, this kind of scientific research is related to the scientific research of the country. If people are strict, they will not go wrong. If it is all about hello, me, and everyone, this will be over.

Just when Zhang Fan was thinking of saying something and trying to ease the atmosphere, the nurses slowly lined up in front of Zhang Fan, with the director of the nursing department taking the lead and standing first among the nurses.

Looking at Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan winked at her.

The woman opened her mouth slightly, her eyes rolled wildly, and suddenly she understood what Zhang Fan meant. Really, it is not very clear whether the cheating rate in Huaguo is high or not, but the rate of doctors and nurses in the hospital is not low anyway.

Especially the surgeon and the surgical nurse, they have such a tacit understanding! Really, the enchanting and familiar director of the nursing department is like being slapped on the ass.

Then all of a sudden, she covered the lips of the whole hospital with lipstick that looked like blood, and said in a loud voice, "Yuan Zhang's face is so dark, why are his arms so white? When he took off his clothes before, Why didn't I find out!"

Then all the doctors, who had a bad complexion, looked over, and the weird seriousness on their faces became slightly cheerful.

"Don't look!" Zhang Fan hurriedly put on his clothes as if in a hurry, and then the nurses in the hall took the lead in laughing, and then the doctors also laughed.

Lu Shuyan from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology looked at Zhang Fan, "There are too many ghosts. At first I thought he was honest, but I was stupid! I can pretend too much, and he is the best at pretending!"

This time, the atmosphere of the originally depressing venue changed, and everyone started talking, "They have gone too far, we have been working day and night to get vaccines,

In the end, he was still distrusted and questioned. Zhang Yuan is also a good person. If it were me, I would smash this vaccine today. "

"This is why Zhang Yuan can be the frontier sanitation leader. You are just a little doctor. But we don't want to be glassy. Someone has to stand up. Isn't that great? Our own things, What are we afraid of!"

As long as you talk about it, as long as everyone is willing to discuss it, nothing will happen.

Zhang Fan was relieved when he heard that everyone started chatting, and then he glanced at the director of the nursing department. The director of the nursing department gave Zhang Fanfei a flirtatious look, as if to say: How is my wife cooperating?

Zhang Fan secretly gave her a thumbs up!

When turning around to leave, Zhang Fan saw Lu Shuyan's cold eyes that saw through everything, and he smiled indifferently with a thick face. Then Lu Shuyan snorted, and turned her head to look aside, but when she turned her face, she was still smiling.

In fact, she knew in her heart that this was the best way.

"Qualified!" The signature list signed by more than a dozen experts was reported to the leader immediately.

Then the major biological preparation factories across the country started production immediately, of course, this also includes tea pharmaceutical factories that are not big factories.

"When are you going to Bird Market?" Ouyang asked Zhang Fan at the door of the operating room.

The annual large-scale distribution of the health system has begun. The country will carry out a health spree in June and July every year, and various equipment will be allocated through finance.

For example, CT in some county-level hospitals, 120 ambulances in hospitals in various places, and various equipment required by large hospitals.

According to the plan, in fact, a lot of equipment in many county hospitals will be distributed for free if you don't worry, just wait a while. But most county-level hospitals can't wait.

why? Many people understand the truth here.

Zhang Fan had to nod for this assignment.

Zhang Fan took the list of equipment that Ouyang handed over, "It seems that our Cha Su Hospital doesn't have any of them."

"Yes!" Ouyang also shouted in disappointment, and he didn't know when the hospital's pursuit of equipment has become so high.

This time, the country allocated two NMR sets to the frontier tertiary A hospital, but Ouyang looked at the NMR data and was not at all tempted. There is no desire to fight for it at all.

If this happened two years ago, Ouyang would have organized a manpower to attack the government, but now, looking at the NMR data, let alone his heartbeat, he didn't even move his eyelids.

This may be a side effect of seeing the world.

"Let them come to tea. I can't leave recently. The influenza A vaccine has been produced at full capacity, and a large number of them will enter the army for injection in early August. I can't leave. I have to stay at home and wait for the information to come back.

Moreover, the graduation season is approaching, and I can't leave. "

Ouyang nodded, and Zhang Fan simply asked Wang Hong to notify the Book Office that all important meetings in the next two months will be held in Chasu.

Sometimes, when I am busy, the chaos is added to the busyness.

As soon as Zhang Fan entered the operating room, Wang Hong hurriedly changed his clothes and followed him.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked in surprise. Wang Hong can be unreliable in everything, but in terms of medical treatment, this woman is still very professional.

"The hospital has been sued!"

"What's the situation?" Although Zhang Fan blurted out, his brain had started to function rapidly. There was nothing special in the emergency center these days, and several surgeons did not hang people on the operating table. There is no problem with the treatment procedures for old patients who have been sick for many years.

No problem!

"It's about the antiemetics!"

Zhang Fan's face darkened, he turned around and came out of the operating room again.

After Zhang Fan listened to the whole story of the matter, a strand of mmp came to his mind.

The thing is like this, a very rich city, of course this city is very strange, the people are super rich, and the government is not an upstart, because the citizens make money all over the country, and then bring a bag of money at the end of each year Package tickets to go home.

When in other places, a small two-story western-style building can still show off, in the rural areas of this place, if a family does not have a five- or six-story luxury villa with double elevators, there is no place to talk in the village.

This has also created a kind of deformed prosperity in this city. One is that men spend their time outside, and the other is that left-behind women take money inappropriately.

Then a young man who failed the college entrance examination was asked by his family to repeat his studies, and he said he wanted to go out to make money. In the end, I didn't know that I entered the clubhouse as a waiter.

He was just an adult with a tender face, and within a few days of going to work, he met three gorgeously dressed women who could hold a good car in a box and called his name.

Then he sang, danced, smoked and drank. At the beginning, the young man was immersed in the joy of taking advantage of women. Although the three women were all in their early thirties and forties, he was a young bud who had just come out of school. This kind.

As a result, something devoid of conscience happened!

The three women put two sildenafil pills and two antiemetic pills in the young man's drink. After the strength of the medicine comes up, Zizhu is the same!

The three of them tossed the child all night.

What's even more frightening is that if you have money and don't treat people as human beings, you can say that you are directly hitting the abnormal level in your heart.

One night, it directly caused the child to go into shock!

At this time, they also realized that something was wrong. The manager of the club hurriedly called 120, and after sending them to the hospital, something terrible happened. Children can't pochi anymore!

And it's permanent!

In the office, Zhang Fan said with a dark face, "This damn!"

The others were also pale.

"Now the child's family has called the police, the club, the three women, our hospital, and the sildenafil agent. Now we..."

"Okay, let's talk about the child's situation first." Zhang Fan interrupted Wang Hong's report. To be honest, the end result of this kind of thing is often to give some money. "Dr. Zhao, can you evaluate the child's condition?"

"According to the current information, although there is no examination data from the local hospital, but according to our current evidence-based medical evidence, there are two possibilities for the patient, one is that the vein is not well controlled, and the other is nerve conduction. Out of order!"

The so-called poor control of veins is actually very simple. Inside the veins, there are layers of fish scales facing the heart. This is the valve.

When engorged, these valves widen and allow blood to stay. This stay is different from the stay of varicose veins. The stay of varicose veins means that the blood vessels are not elastic, just like stretched stockings, the elasticity is gone.

But Pochi's fish scales have changed from sticking to spreading wings like wings, forming a dam of a reservoir, blocking the return of blood.

As for the failure of nerve conduction, the short answer is that the gong was originally hit with a small hammer. The person who hit the hammer was unreasonable and directly hit the big hammer. You can't knock with anything.

"Contact the local hospital, do they have the ability to perform the operation, if they don't have the ability to perform this operation, let the child come to tea!"

"President, should we wait for the court's result..." Wang Hong whispered.

"Wait? It's a human, not a pig. That's it, get in touch now!"

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