Path of Medicine With a System

Chapter 107 She Has Become a Teacher

"What's the matter, you have to queue up to eat noodles and lungs, don't beg for food, I will eat haggis."

Just this summer, the common people in Chasu suddenly found that they had to queue up for everything, even queuing up to make milk on the street in the early morning.

It turned out that the small frontier town with few people was like digging potatoes, and many people popped up.

All kinds of accents from all over the world. Even in previous years, there were not so many people during peak tourist periods, and tourists would not queue up early in the morning for milk.

"That's right, last night I managed to get an appointment with a girl, and I went to hotels in half of the city. Except for the suites in the General Hotel, the others are all full!"

"What did you do in the end, won't you actually open a suite?"

"Nimma, my sister is not happy to go home. She wasted a self-help meal and didn't even touch her hair. Hey, why are there so many people opening rooms! I clearly remember that yesterday was neither Valentine's Day nor March 8th. Why are there so many people!"

Ordinary people feel the most obvious changes in the city.

First of all, because of the effective development of the high-tech zone, it has attracted a lot of enterprises, which in turn has brought a lot of jobs. In the past, young people who were tea vegetarians needed to go out to earn money and work, but now they don’t need it, and many young people can be absorbed at the doorstep.

Moreover, because of the improvement of the medical level of Chasu, many wealthy people in neighboring Stan are also willing to buy real estate in Chasu, especially Chasu specifically trains doctors for countries in Stam.

These people have become a window to promote tea, and let more Stan people know about tea.

In addition, more and more people seek medical treatment around tea.

If the resident population of 2 million people only relies on tea, it is estimated that the tea hospital can be starved to death. But with the fame of Cha Su Hospital, more and more people come here to seek medical treatment.

It has almost become another center for medical treatment in Northwest China.

In the past, seeking medical treatment in Northwest China was like this,

First, look at it in the province. If you don't see it well, people with no money will go home, and then ask around for various folk remedies.

People with a little money go to Roujiamo or Sanchuan. In recent years, fewer people go to Sanchuan, because the consumption of Sanchuan does not know when it has become more expensive.

Wealthier families go to the capital.

But it’s different now, patients in Northwest China have an extra way to go to tea.

In the past few years, the country's development of the west has also taken great effort. When Zhang Fan went to Chasu, his kidneys were free from the bumpy roads, but now there are railways.

Therefore, although Cha Su is far away, there is a railway, and it is cheaper. Not only is it cheap to see a doctor, but it is also cheap to eat and drink. This time, the price/performance ratio comes out.

Moreover, because Chasu is located in the valley plain, which is rich in meat and crops, it could not be sold in the past, and it had to be sold by second-hand dealers once.

But now, after a large number of people enter, they can be consumed on the spot.

Indistinctly, the economy of tea element began to circulate effectively.

Chasu government, looking at the last quarter's report, Chasu boss and Chasu second child can't hide their complacency.

"Look, in the past, everyone wanted to dismantle the Chasu Hospital like a golden lump, and the relationship between the government and the Chasu Hospital was as tense as a rival camp.

But we are different. Do we have to look at the long-term? I don’t want the shares. It’s not that you don’t give them to me, but that I don’t want them. Take a look, how is it now, how is it now, is there still a house that Cha Su can't sell?

We will continue to adhere to the unswerving policy of supporting the tea hospital, and build a western economic center around the tea hospital. "

Many old comrades feel that the Chasu boss is floating. In the past, the slogan was to build the second city in the frontier. Of course, this second is what they shouted.

Because neither the oil city nor the coal city yelled slogans, isn’t it a joke that a city that produces naan and bakes in agriculture should be the second child.

But now, with a little achievement, he no longer looks down on the position of the frontier's second child, and wants to build the western center.


Zhang Fan didn't worry about this matter at all, and it wasn't his turn to worry about urgent issues. There are many doctors in the office these days, for example Xue Fei is one.

Early in the morning, Xue Fei entered Zhang Fan's office with two tea eggs.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Fan glared at Xue Fei. He was very busy in the morning and didn't have time to talk nonsense with him.

"I just got off the night shift, and I feel that you are very busy recently, so I brought you two tea eggs to nourish your body."

"Nimma, you can make it with the eggs from the cafeteria as your favor. Isn't the stuff in the cafeteria not allowed to be packed and taken away? How did you get it?" Zhang Fan suddenly laughed.

Xue Fei was so nervous that he went to find Lao Gao. Lao Gao looked at his apprentice and wanted to help him. Originally, Xue Fei was going to kill a sheep for Zhang Fan and send it home, but Lao Gao scolded him, and then Xue Fei took the eggs from the canteen to bribe Zhang Fan.

Seeing that Zhang Fan smiled, Xue Fei also heaved a sigh of relief. He smiled, sat on the sofa, and gently put down two eggs, "When I ate beef noodles before, I found out that you like this."

Zhang Fan put down the document in his hand and sighed softly.

In terms of relationship, he and Xue Fei are actually quite good, Xue Feisheng is a sincere person, he is different from Zhou Guofu.


"Well, I'm so nervous that I can't sleep, and my hair falls out every day. I feel that I have no way out. I can't go back to the orthopedics department either!"

Xue Fei looked at Zhang Fan pitifully.

Sometimes, every drink and peck has a fixed number. When Xue Fei was promoted to the deputy director of the emergency center, many people in the hospital were not convinced. This thing is a technical unit, and there is a director who keeps improving.

"For the sake of the two eggs, let me tell you something, get all the emergency surgery as soon as possible. If you can't fully master all the emergency surgery within a year or two, you will stop here."

There were many people who came to Zhang Fan with the same purpose as Xue Fei, and Zhang Fan was not very comfortable with this splitting pain.

However, this is the only way to develop. Either it will be ruined, or it will be reborn, there is no other way.

However, Zhang Fan still hoped that those who survived together would work harder and catch up with him.

In the third bone department, Wang Yanan was holding a large canned bottle filled with thick tea. I don't know if it's a habit passed down from that old man.

The master in the department is equipped with such equipment as standard. In the past, Wang Yanan thought it was such a good place. But now, it was her turn, and she even packed a set of such equipment. Watching the enthusiastic little doctor store water for herself, Wang Yanan nodded slightly.

"Master, just take me with you!"

"Okay, follow me for the next operation!" At this time, Wang Yanan was nothing like usual, and he was acting as the Dinghaishenzhen in the department with a blank expression.

She has become a master!

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