Path of Medicine With a System

One hundred and fortieth Hu Mei (thanks to the leader: Master Qian)

Everyone has never seen how good human nature is, and few people have seen how evil human nature is, but the ancestors said that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others.

In fact, many people and even adults know that there must be no intention of harming others, and they don't pay much attention to the latter sentence. The matter was actually very complicated, so complicated that Zhang Fan was dumbfounded.

Just like doctors, there are good doctors and bad apples, and it is the same in any profession, such as teachers. Only the innocent boy was encouraged by the other party to take the scapegoat bravely after he licked his little tongue that tasted like five-spice melon seeds.

Then he was severely beaten, maybe he will never forget it in his life, and he will never fall in love with a girl who eats spiced melon seeds again.

Maybe he doesn't have an old lady like Yin Susu, maybe even if he does, there is a high probability that he won't remember it, but his school life is considered complete! Not everyone is qualified to be beaten by his girlfriend Lao Tzu!

The surgery is still done.

"So you are a gynecologist!" After the operation, the director of the gynecology department with a round waist and shoulders really wanted to use his female voice to talk to Zhang Fan.

And looking at Zhang Fan's eyes, there is admiration, as if I discovered your little secret.

Zhang Fan had a strange feeling when he heard it, as if he was a strong man and insisted on being a lolita, she might as well let go of her voice and speak normally.

Leaving the county-level hospital was a thrilling experience, but luckily the matter was resolved, especially the leader in charge of health in the group, who had unbuttoned several of his shirts, and his necktie was still missing in the morning.

I guess it was tense too.

But the attitude towards Zhang Fan is even better.

"Zhang Yuan, are there any dietary taboos? Do you eat mutton?"

On Coster, the leader chatted cordially with Zhang Fan.

If they hadn't experienced this wave, the conversation between the two would always have a feeling of being separated by a thin film, but now it's different, as if they knew each other's length and depth, and there seemed to be a tacit understanding between their words.

"Hi, I'm from the Northwest, how can I not eat mutton, just eat whatever you want for lunch."

Zhang Fan replied with a smile, to be honest, he was really hungry.

"Okay, although Zhang Yuan has been in the frontier, but to be honest, the mutton in the frontier is still not good.

In terms of mutton, there is nothing better than our Tan sheep in the world. "

Zhang Fan smiled and nodded.

It wasn't that Zhang Fan thought he was the leader, so he didn't refute, but Zhang Fan would not refute no matter who he was chatting with, and he didn't have the time to raise an argument.

After the convoy entered the outskirts of Yinshi, the driver came to a yard that was not very big. As soon as he got out of the car, Zhang Fan knew that the business in this place was definitely good, because the five or six square meters at the gate of the yard could hardly be seen. The original color of the floor tiles, all black with a layer of grease.

Moreover, before entering the door, the smell of mutton wafted over, which could not be stopped.

"Zhang Yuan, don't think the decoration of this place is upscale, but the taste is really good. The owner has good ingredients and exquisite craftsmanship. He specially uses the Tan sheep that we grew up eating spring grass at the foot of Helan Mountain and drinking Nongfu Spring. .”

A group of people walked into the yard and stepped on the ground of the yard as if they were stepping on a kind of undried asphalt road. Thick fat, no one knows how many sheep were slaughtered in this yard.

The boss wearing a white hat greeted him warmly with a ruddy face, "Hey, honored guest, honored guest, please come inside, please come inside, hello, first bring the washbasin towel and let the guest wash their face When the water is boiling, make the tea.

Sprinkle good wolfberries, put more rock sugar, and put beauty chrysanthemums on these ladies. "

Enthusiastic, just like the uncle came to the door, really, there is no trace of that fake smile.

Zhang Fan thought that the leader came here often and the boss knew him. As a result, they entered the private room, and after another guest came, the boss still shouted like this.

"Hehe, we Ning people are so enthusiastic!" The leader in charge of health probably saw that Zhang Fan was puzzled, and said with a smile.

New Zealand brings another Mongolian and Western provinces, and the way of eating beef and mutton is absolutely different.

The most famous way here in Xi'an is steamed buns, which can no longer reflect the deliciousness of the mutton, and it feels like using mutton soup to fool people.

The frontier, on the other hand, has a Western style of eating. No matter what the sky is falling, everything can be roasted. The taste of eating seasoning in this way is better than the original taste of eating meat.

The beef and mutton in Su Province has the model of Xi Province, such as beef noodles, and a cow can last for 10,000 years.

Seriously, eating mutton is delicious, so it's only Mongolian and Ning provinces.

And Ning Province is even better.

There is no recipe, just a big girl from the Northwest, standing in the box, pouring tea, and asking, "Bosses, what do you want to eat?"

"Here are two catties of mutton neck, five catties of lamb ribs, and four catties of hind legs. Vegetables are your favorites. At the end, each person gets a bowl of lamb rafts and a small bowl of mutton noodles."

"Okay, two catties for the neck, five catties for the ribs..." The big girl reported the menu to the back hall loudly like singing.

In less than two minutes, the meat came up.

Stewed, the meat here is all stewed, there is absolutely no braised mutton or spicy mutton here, because the meat is good.

The clear stew here is unbelievably simple, just a handful of pepper, a handful of green salt, and no other seasonings.

"Please, please, please!"

Tan sheep, not to mention the southerners, even the authentic Northwesterners have not eaten much. Because the aquatic plants on the edge of the saline-alkali lake are not rich at all, the time period for a sheep to be slaughtered is very long.

To tell the truth, most people from other places eat artificially added feed. At most, the sheep can drink some saline water, but the taste is already good. If you don’t directly pull sheep from other places to pretend to be cheated up.

But this serious Tan sheep tastes absolutely different.

When the steaming hot mutton was served on a large plate, there was no smell of mutton at all, only the taste of fat mixed with protein.

A piece of mutton, lightly dipped in a little sandy onion mud in the wilderness, and then put it in the mouth. When the teeth tear the soft and chewy mutton, the juice mixed with the aroma rushes left and right in the mouth.

The bursting deliciousness exploded from the mouth to the nasal cavity.

The temperature is just right, the meat after chewing does not burn the mouth, but it carries a satisfying warmth from the esophagus to the stomach. Swipe all the way, let every organ of the body get a kiss like a beautiful woman's tongue.

The protein mixed with fat and the slight spiciness of shallots will definitely let the body experience the essence of the food.

Moreover, this kind of mutton is very special, it looks very thin, it seems that there is no fat, but after entering the mouth, the fat in the muscles explodes and the most irresistible Maillard reaction occurs.

Lao Chen likes lamb ribs, because they are the fattest here. When eating, take a sip first. The white fat is trembling, sucked into the mouth like jelly, and it instantly turns into an addictive pleasure.

The neck of sheep is the most delicate, and the muscles here are as tender as the thinnest fish, but more fatty and oily than fish.

There is also a mutton raft, a meatball full of lean meat floating in a bowl of mutton fat, but it will definitely not make people feel greasy when eaten. Mixed with chopped green onion and shredded ginger, the pure lean meat is soft and tender after being soaked in suet.

The last bowl of mutton noodles, with a hint of coriander, is fragrant.

After the intake of fatty protein, the sweetness of starch is fully reflected in this bowl of noodles, just like the finale. It makes people's stomach full to the extreme without feeling full.

To be honest, although Zhang Fan was delicious, he seldom ate meat like this, but today, Zhang Fan estimated that he ate two or three catties of meat.

Yinshi is located on a plain, and the moisture brought by the Yellow River makes it feel different from other places in the Northwest.

There are very few particularly good universities in the cities of the Northwest, but the universities in the medical system are the best in every place. Yinshi's medical school is not ranked well in the country, but here, their status is very important.

When Zhang Fan went to the south, he had very few classmates, almost none, but in New Zealand, there were too many classmates.

When entering the affiliated hospital, the hospital specially organized a group of classmates.

These students came to Yinshi to study as graduate students after graduating from undergraduate courses, and then stayed here.

Most of them are ordinary doctors. After seeing Zhang Fan, they were enthusiastic with a little alienation. However, there is also a classmate who has taken the administrative route. This is very powerful, and he is already the deputy director of the Health Bureau under the Health Court.

This classmate named Xu Xinxin was not very familiar with Zhang Fan back then, because she was so beautiful, and all beautiful people had a kind of seductiveness. Zhang Fan didn't have time to look at how he was when he was older, but he is probably prettier now than he was back then.

Tall figure, wearing a white sleeveless shirt, with the crisp shirt edge tucked into white-washed jeans, a pair of black high-heeled shoes on the instep with blue blood vessels, and crystal clear ankles like a pair of jade handles. I don't know whether to wear stockings or not, but the black high heels make the skin on the insteps look delicate.

The white-washed jeans wrapped the slender legs and plump buttocks as if they were about to burst. Really, they had the plumpness of a young woman without the charm of youth.

Back then, Zhang Fan had never met this classmate of the same grade. Maybe even if he had, he was too concerned about how to buy more goods instead of paying attention to the other person's face.

But now, this classmate is as enthusiastic as if he and Zhang Fan wore a pair of pants back then, and hugged Zhang Fan when he came up.

His level was very high, and it was too late for Zhang Fan to be astonished. As soon as the faint perfume entered Zhang Fan's nasal cavity, he let go of Zhang Fan, "I knew you were coming. Let's say something nice to Silver!"

"Okay, okay, sure, sure!~" Zhang Fan was stunned, if it wasn't for his dark face, he could have seen his face blushing.

Standing behind Zhang Fan, Wang Hong looked at Zhang Fan's Xinxin classmate with vigilance, cursing in her heart: Hu Mei!

-----Off Topic-----

Grandpa say a few words

That's right, the last chapter was blocked, sorry

Lao Zang is not a writer who is particularly good at interacting with gentlemen

But Lao Zang still put his heart into it

I want to write the good ones, and I want to write the bad ones too.

As a result, this won't work

Here, Lao Zang bowed and apologized to all the gentlemen.

One last thing, guys, don't skip booking.

This book will be finished in 800,000 words

Almost booked

In fact, I just want to have a Wanding Lao Zang who can tell anyone that I am a Wanding writer anyway.

Gentlemen, please!


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